Advocates for deaf sue Commanders

You bleeding hearts want the government and the courts involved in everything- and then you whine and complain about how screwed up things are.
No one here is advocating the manipulative practices pursued within our legal system. No one has said anything along those lines.

This lawsuit is being filed on the behalf of three fans. If they succeed, that's life, it's not fair. I would love some of that money as well.

What this could do is provide a useful service to the other 1.2 million deaf people in the United States. Perhaps they to could enjoy a new comprehension of a sport that you seem to take for granted.

Justsayno...what ever will you do without that bottom 10% of the jumbotron? Your arguments are vain, hypocritical, and insensitive. If that makes me a "bleeding heart" in your eyes, well, gee...i guess i'll have to live with that.

The simple fact is, that you're ignorant to anyones needs but your own.

tomson75 said:
No one here is advocating the manipulative practices pursued within our legal system. No one has said anything along those lines.

What this could do is provide a useful service to the other 1.2 million deaf people in the United States. Perhaps they to could enjoy a new comprehension of a sport that you seem to take for granted.

Justsayno...what ever will you do without that bottom 10% of the jumbotron? Your arguments are vain, hypocritical, and insensitive. If that makes me a "bleeding heart" in your eyes, well, gee...i guess i'll have to live with that.

The simple fact is, that you're ignorant to anyones needs but your own.


Well said :)

This lawsuit is being filed on the behalf of three fans. If they succeed, that's life, it's not fair. I would love some of that money as well.

I don't see where they want money.... Most deaf people just want equal access. Like I said, if they want money... they probably have several other instances they could sue for to get money.... and deserve to win.
It's not the private sector's compulsory duty, and many times not even the government's duty, to make sure every single thing is served up on a platter to every single person in the public. Sueing to force these actions has become a national past-time and it's wrong IMO. People are saying that "nobody wants any money"... well that's not exactly true. These kinds of lawsuits have proven to be very lucrative,,, for lawyers and advocacy groups!! So they spend their days and nights looking for somebody to sue or extort based on everybody's "right" to everything imaginable.

I realize that many valid needs have been obtained via lawsuit, but most of the time self-interest and common courtesy takes care of minor situations like this with the entities "doing the right thing", but IIRC, the Commander's objection wasn't cost, it was a technological barrier that could cause 10 minute delays in their jumbo-tron footage. 10 minute delays is obviously unacceptable, folks.
I cant imagine going to a game if I were deaf. Part of the excitement is the sounds of the game, that bone jarring hit, or the crowd booing a bad call, etc.

I am all for equal treatment but at the same time, where is the line drawn ? Does a deaf kid in the public school system get a signer in every class he is enrolled in because his parents cant afford to send him to a private school, but all of his friends attend that school ?

I have had a few deaf friends in my life that were very well adjusted and lived quite normal lives.

Who knows what will become of this but if the Commanders are forced to caption games, where is the ceiling ?
...the real answer for many of these types of questions will be technological.

It has been stated that there may be delay problems when converting to closed captioning.

Possibly a technological advance could make this option possible without altering the experience for all fans?
If you can get past the polarization of this issue, it's really an easily solved debate.

There are all kinds of fans that love sports, blind ones, deaf ones, fat kids, skinny kids, even kids with chicken pox.

It is in the Washington Commanders and every other sports orginization's best interests to somewhat cater to this diverse society as it can effect bottom lines, and more importantly, image.

In this technological advanced age, a jumbo tron or monitor is not necessary to inform deaf fans of current happenings. I'm sure a cell phone service would jump at the chance at becoming the 'Official NFL Cellular Supplier' by making available cell phones that would do the tracking via IM or text messaging.

NASCAR does this sort of thing with the in car radio system you can rent, stadiums have been catering to wheel chair access for years, you also see binocular rentals, not to mention a variety of food menus from fat free to kosher items, day care, etc...

While the service, or rentals, wold not be the huge cash cow, the fact that the services are offered as being fan friendly warrents these extras being made available.
This is NOT something that belongs in federal court. THAT is my point. If this is so important to SO many people- then march and protest and do things like that - DO NOT tie up the federal courts.
And, by the way, enough of this GARBAGE about how you cannot know how it feels unless it happens to you. THAT BS means that only those afflicted get to make the decisions- and that is NOT what happens in a democracy. It also gives them a veto over everything concerned- and that is BS as well.
Just another example of the rampant victimhood sponsored by the liberals.
The lead plaintiff:

burmafrd said:
And, by the way, enough of this GARBAGE about how you cannot know how it feels unless it happens to you. THAT BS means that only those afflicted get to make the decisions- and that is NOT what happens in a democracy. It also gives them a veto over everything concerned- and that is BS as well.
Just another example of the rampant victimhood sponsored by the liberals.

A fine example of the 'I've got mine screw you and yours mentality', as opposed to actually discussing viable options, one of which would be using the courts as made available to each and everyone, whether you agree with the issue or not. Its not for ONE person to decide whether it's appropriate or not.

I personally don't agree to see this into a court, but it's not for me to decide, or yours, if it's proper. But I will point out, I have at least offered some ideas for a solution, which is most likely the premise of the suit (to open some eyes and ears), as opposed to your spewing hate reserved for anyone that doesn't agree with you. Go figure.
burmafrd said:
And, by the way, enough of this GARBAGE about how you cannot know how it feels unless it happens to you. THAT BS means that only those afflicted get to make the decisions- and that is NOT what happens in a democracy. It also gives them a veto over everything concerned- and that is BS as well.
Just another example of the rampant victimhood sponsored by the liberals.

Yeah. Screw em. It's their own fault they're deaf. Most likely they're being punished for their sins. Do we really need to cater to people like that? Soulless, godless, hearing-less people? That's not MY America. In my america, everyone deserves a chance to have a voice, unless they disagree with me, or inconvenience me in any way.

In which case, they can go eat dirt.

Dirty rotten deaf people. What's next? Religion wanting to be exempt from taxes?

Please out the political right/left wing slant on these posts.
If you find yourself unable to do so than just ignore this thread

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