Advocates for deaf sue Commanders

Wolfpack said:
A lot of stuff seems silly or odd but the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) pretty much requires equal treatment for all folks...especially in public areas. Most building codes enforce part or some of the act but it is a civil act which means it is really enforcable only by civil suit. Which sounds like what is happening.

I dont see how words explaining the blatantly obvious on a jumbotron some how becomes equal treatment for all folks.
JustSayNotoTO said:
I dont see how words explaining the blatantly obvious on a jumbotron some how becomes equal treatment for all folks.

Not to be blatantly obvious, but what happens if they inadvertently miss a play? What if they'd like an explaination of an official's penalty call?

Or would you just have them read the official's lips from 1,000 feet?
tomson75 said:
Not to be blatantly obvious, but what happens if they inadvertently miss a play? What if they'd like an explaination of an official's penalty call?

Or would you just have them read the official's lips from 1,000 feet?

Its not like the officials have hand signals which signfy what they are calling...oh wait, they do.

This is silly, which other special interest group should everyone have to cater to?

I dont know how often you have ever watched sports with closed captioning on, but it is often atleast 30 seconds behind the play. Small tv monitors are fine, but dont subject the rest of the people to innane out of date words on the jumbotron.
JustSayNotoTO said:
I dont see how words explaining the blatantly obvious on a jumbotron some how becomes equal treatment for all folks.

Well, I would guess that it has to do more with making the call of the game avalible to them. You know the guy who says "carry by jones for 4 yards..."
Why is that guy calling the game if its right in front of you? But, if its there then deaf folks have a right to "hear" (read) what ever it was that you got to here. Again, that a federal law.

Like I said, its hard to justify alot of the issues with this sort of stuff from a common sense standpoint IF you do not have any experience with a disability.
Wolfpack said:
Well, I would guess that it has to do more with making the call of the game avalible to them. You know the guy who says "carry by jones for 4 yards..."
Why is that guy calling the game if its right in front of you? But, if its there then deaf folks have a right to "hear" (read) what ever it was that you got to here. Again, that a federal law.

Like I said, its hard to justify alot of the issues with this sort of stuff from a common sense standpoint IF you do not have any experience with a disability.

Well what about at high school or small time college sporting events? Should they be expecting law suits soon too?
JustSayNotoTO said:
Its not like the officials have hand signals which signfy what they are calling...oh wait, they do.

This is silly, which other special interest group should everyone have to cater to?

I dont know how often you have ever watched sports with closed captioning on, but it is often atleast 30 seconds behind the play. Small tv monitors are fine, but dont subject the rest of the people to innane out of date words on the jumbotron.

Not sure if you've actually watched a football game in the last few years, but half of the penalties called these days require three minutes of deliberation and another two of explaination.

Who cares if its 30 seconds behind? You? Most deaf people are used to such things. Here's an idea, DON'T READ IT! Why would anyone care want you think or want? You clearly don't care about others wants or needs.

If the refs hand signals are so all-encompassing and explaination, then why do you need the jumbotron anyway? YOU clearly never miss plays...therefor you surely wouldn't need a REPLAY...would you.

Why don't you take a second and look at the big picture here. We're talking about putting closed captioning on a jumbotron. At worst, its causing you to disagree with someone on a messegeboard. While the same time it provides another human being a measure of normalcy that they rarely see on a day to day basis. Being deaf is not easy. Its often quite confusing. Why this should bother anyone is beyond me.

Get over yourself.
Just another example of the mis use of the court system. Unintended consequences is usually what happens when good intentions get put into law. Big daddy/momma government will make it all ok. PATHETIC.
burmafrd said:
Just another example of the mis use of the court system. Unintended consequences is usually what happens when good intentions get put into law. Big daddy/momma government will make it all ok. PATHETIC.


Is it really that hard to watch the play and follow the score board for down and distance?

Like I said, will this lead the way to every highschool and small time college program installing a jumbotron they cant afford to make sure everyone will be treated 'fairly'?

My my, what did deaf people ever do at sporting events before these noble warriors came forth in the persuit of money and

This is only mildy amusing because it is happening to the Skins.
tomson75 said:
Not sure if you've actually watched a football game in the last few years, but half of the penalties called these days require three minutes of deliberation and another two of explaination.

Who cares if its 30 seconds behind? You? Most deaf people are used to such things. Here's an idea, DON'T READ IT! Why would anyone care want you think or want? You clearly don't care about others wants or needs.

If the refs hand signals are so all-encompassing and explaination, then why do you need the jumbotron anyway? YOU clearly never miss plays...therefor you surely wouldn't need a REPLAY...would you.

Why don't you take a second and look at the big picture here. We're talking about putting closed captioning on a jumbotron. At worst, its causing you to disagree with someone on a messegeboard. While the same time it provides another human being a measure of normalcy that they rarely see on a day to day basis. Being deaf is not easy. Its often quite confusing. Why this should bother anyone is beyond me.

Get over yourself.

Well said.. and thank you. Many people have no idea what people with disabilities go through.

Just another example of the mis use of the court system. Unintended consequences is usually what happens when good intentions get put into law. Big daddy/momma government will make it all ok. PATHETIC.

misuse of the court system... umm okay.... God forbid you have a deaf child and want equal access for him or her.

The real problem here is that Skinz fans are not only deaf but they can't read I don't really know what good this will do.

Like I said before... there are MANY deaf people in Washington because of the Deaf University... not all are Skins fans.... regardless this is not remotely funny. Sorry if I took this the wrong way... but you know back in the old days... they used to call deaf people .... deaf and dumb... yeah, I know you have heard the term... and it sucks. They thought all deaf people were dumb... but they are far from dumb, they just couldn't communicate their needs.... and they couldn't learn without.... equal access through an interpreter.

Not to be blatantly obvious, but what happens if they inadvertently miss a play? What if they'd like an explaination of an official's penalty call?

Or would you just have them read the official's lips from 1,000 feet?

Yep, some people would :confused:

My my, what did deaf people ever do at sporting events before these noble warriors came forth in the persuit of money and

Ummm where did you hear anything about money?????????? :banghead: You assume they want money... they don't. They want equal freaking access. All they want is closed captioning??!!??!! How many times have you looked away when the ref was doing the hand sign for a penalty..... oops.... it's okay though.... they have a nifty MICROPHONE so you can HEAR the penalty.... so YOU don't have to miss out.

Oh... and on a side note.... did you know Flo is deaf in one ear? Did you also know... the reason football has hand signals for plays is because of a deaf football team.

Do me a favor.... just for a moment.... imagine you have a deaf child.... would you want them to have equal access?
WoodysGirl said:
GREENBELT, Md. (AP) -- Advocates for the deaf are suing the Washington Commanders to get them to offer closed-captioning during games at FedEx Field.

The National Association of the Deaf filed the class-action lawsuit Aug. 31 in U.S. District Court in Greenbelt on behalf of three Maryland fans who regularly attend home games.

"Providing captioning is not rocket science; it is simple, and it is the right thing to do," Shane Feldman said in a statement. Fedlman was joined in the suit by Paul Singleton and Brian M. Kelly.

They contend the team is violating the Americans With Disabilities Act by failing to provide captioning for the deaf and hearing-impaired. It asks the court to order the Commanders and stadium officials to provide and display captioning on scoreboards and video monitors for all announcements, plays and penalties.

NFL teams are not required by law to do so.

Commanders spokesman Karl Swanson said the team considered a proposal to purchase captioning equipment, but the proposal was rejected by Feldman.

Feldman was concerned about a possible 10-minute delay, said Marc Charmatz, senior attorney with the National Association for the Deaf Law and Advocacy Center.

Swanson said the Commanders are considering providing deaf and hearing-impaired fans with 7-inch TVs that would pick up captioning in the stadium.
He added that all emergency information is posted on the large screens and on TV monitors throughout the stadium.


The johnny bleeding hearts around here crack me up.

If this lawsuit is any where near successful, I am calling my self an advocate for the deaf and hitting every highschool, middle school, elementary school sports team, every minor league baseball, football and hockey team, every pro sports team and every small college in my area demanding closed captioning in the name of 'fairness'. I would stand to make a tidy sum in damages.
28bringinthewood said:
Woooaaahhhh... hold on a second.... this really hits home with me.....

My parents are deaf (Dad was a HUGE Cowboys fan... and still is, but he's watching from the best seats in Heaven... mom is a huge Cowboys fan too). Gallaudet University is located in Washington... Gallaudet is a university for the deaf. With that said, there are MANY deaf people located in Washington. I guarantee you, not all are skins fans. My moms best friend went to Gallaudet and believe me she wore her Cowboys gear there with PRIDE!

I challenge you all to watch a game with NO VOLUME. Believe me, you will not like it... I know what comes next... the snickers because many of the commentators are so dang annoying.... but seriously.... no volume... one game.... you still will have no clue what deaf people go through. They deserve closed captioning... yes even on the score board (why should they pay to go to a game and watch it on a "portable t.v." yep, that makes sense:rolleyes: )

I want you to know, I am not by any means trying to be rude, but like I said... my parents are deaf, I have an aunt and uncle that are deaf (yep COWBOYS fans too) and I have spent 14 of my 34 years working with deaf children. Believe me, the deaf NEED to be fighting for their rights. You would not believe how their rights are stomped on.
This was a really cool post.
JustSayNotoTO said:
The johnny bleeding hearts around here crack me up.

If this lawsuit is any where near successful, I am calling my self an advocate for the deaf and hitting every highschool, middle school, elementary school sports team, every minor league baseball, football and hockey team, every pro sports team and every small college in my area demanding closed captioning in the name of 'fairness'. I would stand to make a tidy sum in damages.


Ummm... they don't want money... they want to hear the games too... and to them hearing the game is closed captioning.
no guarranties in life, and the world isn't fair. Don't see me suing anyone because I'm disabled due to lack of monetary funds in the BANK!
28bringinthewood said:

Ummm... they don't want money... they want to hear the games too... and to them hearing the game is closed captioning.

Right, no money involved. Ill believe that when I see that.

What ever will deaf people do at sporting events without a jumbo tron?

This lawsuit is so silly, and so rediculously frivilous. Who the hell actually needs to hear or read something that is happening in front of their face? They are deaf, not blind or ********.
Hostile said:
This was a really cool post.

Thanks :)

Right, no money involved. Ill believe that when I see that.

What ever will deaf people do at sporting events without a jumbo tron?

This lawsuit is so silly, and so rediculously frivilous. Who the hell actually needs to hear or read something that is happening in front of their face? They are deaf, not blind or ********.

If they wanted money.... they would have much better reasons to sue....It's not like I am pulling this out of thin air.... I live it... with my parents and the people I work with. I have many examples I could list for you.
Whats next? Height challenged people suing for booster chairs so they can see over the normal sized person that is sitting in front of them?
NAD Files Complaint against Washington Commanders and FedEx Field
Posted August 31, 2006

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The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) and Joseph B. Espo, an attorney with Brown, Goldstein & Levy, LLP in Baltimore, Maryland, filed a class action lawsuit against the Washington Commanders and FedEx Field football stadium. The complaint, filed with the United States District Court for the District of Maryland, claims that the Washington Commanders and FedEx Field failed to provide captioning for announcements made over the public address system before, during, and after Washington Commanders home games, as required under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

The class action lawsuit was brought on behalf of all individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, who attend or in the future will attend Washington Commanders home games at FedEx Field. Representing the class are Shane Feldman, Brian Kelly, and Paul Singleton, who are deaf or hard of hearing and who regularly attend Washington Commanders home games at FedEx Field. Feldman says, "I am a life-long, die-hard Commanders fan and I love watching the Washington Commanders play at FedEx Field, but I miss out on the total game experience because I cannot hear the information announced over the public address system. Providing captioning is not rocket science; it is simple, and it is the right thing to do." <---- bad example :)
Marc Charmatz, Senior Attorney with the NAD Law and Advocacy Center said, "People who are deaf or hard of hearing have been excluded from large public events for decades. Providing captioning in stadiums will ensure effective communication, equal access, and an equal opportunity for people who are deaf or hard of hearing."

The complaint asks the court to order the Washington Commanders and FedEx Field to provide and display captioning on the scoreboards and video monitors for all announcements made over the public address system, including plays and penalties called, safety and emergency information, and any other announcements.
According to Espo, "The failure to provide and display captioning for the announcements made over the public address system discriminates against deaf and hard of hearing Washington Commanders fans.The Washington Commanders have known about this for years and did nothing. Deaf and hard of hearing fans are tired of being left out of the game."
Frankly, life is not fair and its not up the government or the courts to make it so. Everyone has problems- some more then others. What did they do before? They managed- and its NOT THE GOVERNMENTS DUTY to get involved in frankly what is a FRIVOLOUS area. THis is NOT about getting or keeping a job, or a home, or getting an education. ITS NOT that important- and this IS A WASTE of the courts time.
burmafrd said:
Frankly, life is not fair and its not up the government or the courts to make it so. Everyone has problems- some more then others. What did they do before? They managed- and its NOT THE GOVERNMENTS DUTY to get involved in frankly what is a FRIVOLOUS area. THis is NOT about getting or keeping a job, or a home, or getting an education. ITS NOT that important- and this IS A WASTE of the courts time.

Life is not fair, you are correct. Deaf people have managed for a long time.... Sure would have been nice for the deaf people present at the Triplets induction into the Ring to have been able to hear what was being said. They love their Cowboys too.

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