After 10 years, inmate, warden's wife found alive


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This story is wild...

Associated Press

OKLAHOMA CITY — The wife of a deputy prison warden who disappeared 10 years ago along with a convicted killer has been found unharmed in East Texas but doesn't appear to be in any hurry to return to her old life, authorities said.

A tip generated by the TV show "America's Most Wanted" led law enforcement to a mobile home in Campti, Texas, where escaped convict Randolph Dial was arrested Monday, said Salvador Hernandez, special agent in charge of the FBI in Oklahoma.

The assistant warden's wife, Bobbi Parker, was found a short time later working at a chicken ranch elsewhere in the county, agents said. Once described by the FBI as an endangered missing person, Parker was not arrested.

"As far as I know, she has no intention of leaving," Shelby County Sheriff Newton Johnson told The Oklahoman late Monday. "She said she wants to stay on the farm and raise chickens."

Dial, 60, was taken into custody without incident. A loaded pistol was found on top of a nearby table, the FBI said.

Investigators initially thought Parker, 42, was kidnapped and held against her will by Dial, who escaped Aug. 30, 1994, from the Oklahoma State Reformatory in Granite in southwestern Oklahoma.

Two days later Dial, who was convicted of the 1981 murder of a karate instructor, was charged with unlawful flight to avoid confinement, the FBI said. Parker's husband, Randy Parker, was a deputy warden at the prison but has since transferred. The couple have two daughters.

After being found, Bobbi Parker did ask an FBI agent about her daughters and husband, Johnson said. She appeared healthy and unharmed, the sheriff said.

It wasn't clear if Bobbi Parker and Dial remained together in the past 10 years. The pair managed five large chicken houses in a rural area less than 15 miles from the Louisiana border, The Oklahoman reported.

"It's the kind of place where, if a guy just wanted to blend in and not be found, he could do it here," Johnson said.

Dial, a renown sculptor and painter with a master's degree in art, obtained trusty status in prison, meaning he could stay in minimum security housing outside the prison walls.

Dial ran an inmate pottery program with Bobbi Parker. He used a kiln in the Parkers' garage and had full access to their home during the day. The morning of Bobbi Parker's disappearance, her husband saw Dial working in his garage as he left.

When he returned for lunch, he found a note from his wife saying she went grocery shopping. When his wife had not returned home that evening, Randy Parker called the prison and discovered Dial also was missing.

Bobbi Parker's mother received a phone call from her later that night traced to Hurst, Texas. "I can't talk now," she said, crying. "I'm OK. Tell the kids I'll see them soon."

A day later, she made a second call, this time from Fort Worth to a friend. It was the last message her family got from her. "I've got 30 seconds to talk," she said. "I want you to call my home. Tell the kids I love them and I'll be home soon."

Randy Parker, who is now warden at the William S. Key Correctional Center at Fort Supply in northwestern Oklahoma, couldn't immediately be reached for comment late Monday by The Associated Press.

In 2000, Randy Parker said his wife was not afraid of Dial, but was not "overly friendly" toward him. Dial is "personable," yet conniving, he said then. "I always saw him as a coward, just an absolute coward," Parker said. "He always tried to run a con on people."
Wow...sounds like the wife and this convict had a little fling going on and took off together.

Too bad she put her own hormones/lust in higher importance then her children, but I guess at the same time maybe the children were better off without her if that was her decision.

It's a mad mad mad mad world.
Think of the ribbing the wardens gonna take from the rest of the inmates. Ouch. and on a serious note though, that is a shame about the kids, hate to see kids get messed up because of this sort of thing. God they must have assumed their mom was dead all this time.
Well... they say fugitive sex is the best... well at least they did on Seinfeld... :D
trickblue said:
Well... they say fugitive sex is the best... well at least they did on Seinfeld... :D

And in all the romance novels I read too. It's amazing how many people have time to have sex and not get caught by whoever's chasing them. You're in fear for your life, but you gotta get rid of this "woody" real quick or you really will die...:p:
Woody'sGirl said:
And in all the romance novels I read too. It's amazing how many people have time to have sex and not get caught by whoever's chasing them. You're in fear for your life, but you gotta get rid of this "woody" real quick or you really will die...:p:

All of the sudden your member name just took on a WHOLE different meaning for me... :D
trickblue said:
All of the sudden your member name just took on a WHOLE different meaning for me... :D


Should've known better, but noooo I was trying to stay within forum
I think I'm gonna have to come up with another member name.:cool:
Woody'sGirl said:

Should've known better, but noooo I was trying to stay within forum
I think I'm gonna have to come up with another member name.:cool:

Well... given the current situation... may I suggest you don't use the member name: WoodyLover... :D
trickblue said:
Well... given the current situation... may I suggest you don't use the member name: WoodyLover... :D

:lmao2: Aagh, I hate you... I'm trying so hard not to laugh out loud right now.

In that case, I think I'll stick Woody'sGirl or WG
Hmmm...She couldn't have reunited sooner is my thought.
Long-lost wife's reunion with prison warden erases doubts

Associated Press

NACOGDOCHES — When they finally found her this week, tending chickens on a secluded East Texas ranch and sharing a trailer with the escaped convict who kidnapped her a decade ago, Bobbi Parker wasn't sure if her husband would want her back, she told acquaintances.

It had been so long since she'd seen his face, held his hand and she wondered if he'd remarried and moved on with his life.

But Donna Clayton, a justice of the peace who counseled Parker in recent days, said Wednesday that those doubts vanished when Parker was reunited with her husband, Oklahoma prison warden Randy Parker.

"They just looked at each other, and both of them took a deep breath, and the next thing I knew, both of them were hugging and crying," Clayton said. "I think on both their parts it was, 'Are you really there?'

"I don't think either one of them wanted to let the other out of their sight."

Since that embrace, the couple has been inseparable, and a bit giddy, spending their first evening together at a Nacogdoches motel before finally journeying home Wednesday to try and rebuild their lives, said Clayton and Parker's boss, Martha Rash.

"He was just tickled to death," said Rash, who opened her home to the couple Tuesday. "You could just see it on his face. He said he never gave up hope that he'd find her."

Parker, 42, was found Monday after authorities arrested her alleged captor, 60-year-old convicted murderer Randolph Dial. The FBI used a tip to track down the pair in Campti, a tiny community deep in the southeast Texas Piney Woods, near the Louisiana border.

Dial told reporters he abducted Parker at knifepoint in 1994 and brainwashed her into staying with him as they moved from Houston to Crockett to Nacogdoches, and then the chicken farm five years ago.

Rash said Parker had a truck, a highway nearby and plenty of chances to escape, but that Dial had convinced her that if she ran, he would use his alleged mafia ties to have her husband, two children and parents killed.

"She sacrificed her life for her family's safety," said Rash.

Even after Dial's arrest, as her husband reassured her the family was safe, Rash said Parker still feared Dial.

"She still, I think, was in that kind of state," Rash said. "Even now, she fears for her children."

Some locals have been skeptical of Parker's account, saying she often drove alone and had plenty of chances to flee. Clayton said that, at first, she too doubted that Parker had remained a hostage for so long.

"Like anybody else, I was thinking 'How could anyone stay there for that amount of time?' but in my opinion, she is the victim.

"I don't think any of us can understand what she's feeling, what she's been through, her fears, her dreads," Clayton said.

Parker and her husband spent much of their time together Tuesday talking about their daughters, who have remained 8 and 10 in Parker's mind and in her dreams, where she saw them often, Clayton said.

Dial, a sculptor and painter, was convicted of the 1981 murder of a karate instructor. He had obtained trusty status at the Oklahoma State Reformatory in Granite, and he ran an inmate pottery program with Parker.

He had access to the Parkers' home and staff housing on prison grounds during the day. The access aided his escape in August 1994, when he took Parker in the family's minivan.

Dial waived extradition and arrived at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary in McAlester early Wednesday and was placed in the top-security unit, Corrections Department spokesman Jerry Massie said.

Oklahoma City FBI spokesman Gary Johnson said Wednesday that there are no plans to charge Parker because it appears she was held against her will.
Ahh...the hussy is just playing him so she can get close to more inmates. :p:
BrAinPaiNt said:
Ahh...the hussy is just playing him so she can get close to more inmates. :p:

Well... once you taste the fruits of fugitive sex... nothing else satisfies...
trickblue said:
Well... once you taste the fruits of fugitive sex... nothing else satisfies...

Taken of personal experience or is it second hand info????????????
‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› said:
Taken of personal experience or is it second hand info????????????
Experience from his time in The Ozwald Correctional Facility
‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› said:
Taken of personal experience or is it second hand info????????????

Secondhand from Yeag...
Yeagermeister said:
I have never seen the inside of a jail so don't pull me in to this

Never said you did... but that hitch-hiker you picked up and had a tryst with was actually an excaped convict... or so you sed...


Remember now?
trickblue said:
Never said you did... but that hitch-hiker you picked up and had a tryst with was actually an excaped convict... or so you sed...


Remember now?
No I'd remember you if you were that ugly

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