Are you Snyder? Sounds like it with all the cap room you think the Boys have. Don't forget. If you trade up that high, you will pay BIG time. This isn't including paying Samuel his BIG money as well.
Forget about Adams. What about Barber? Canty? Newman? Ware?
What are you suggesting Samuel play? Starting CB? Where does Henry go? THere is no way you pay that much for your cb trio.
Snyder's thinking would be... who cares about the future, it's all about now and the "wow" factor.
And I didn't even go into the McFadden factor of... whose yo daddy... and what bar will he get into a fight in this time? THis is one time I will agree with Kiper in saying that you can get a quality rb outside the first round and in later rounds this year. No need to give up the Ranch for something that ain't broke in regards to the running game.
Get a compliment back - not one for Felix Jones, but there are many other options. And keep the core in tact instead of trying to buy the most expensive groceries only to have the ones you stored in the panty go bad before they are suppose to.