Antoine Wright is a grade A piece of . Not only did he throw out allegations for which he has no proof of and will not face any kind of reprocutions from should they be true, but he threw his coach, university, and worst of all, his fellow teammates under the bus. Saying things like "none of them would have made it in had they not been athletes" is not only asinine, but blatantly false.
Chris Walker was a walk-on who played 3 years with no athletic scholorship whatsoever. He graduated with honors.
Acie Law is a Big 12 All-academic athlete who will graduate with honors
Joseph Jones has finished his degree requirements in just 3 years and will graduate with honors next year (if he stays for his senior year, which he claims he will)
Josh Carter was a member of the national honor society in high school and graduated in the top 5% of his class
And that's just the start. All these guys could have easily gotton into A&M, UT, Tech, etc. without being stellar athletes.
Just because Wright was too lazy to actually apply and better himself in an enviroment that most kids only dream of, an enviroment in which he was given a free ride through, doesnt mean he has the right to insult the education of every Aggie athlete to ever come through here. Sounds to me like he just has an axe to grind over something.