Aggies hoops... cheaters, and not very bright

I can tell this is a touchy subject for you HH, any student loyal to his university would probably take the same defensive stance you have.

But...did/do you play basketball at A&M(or any other college)? I'm not talking about ballboy or manager or even coach. Unless you are a player, odds are you don't know the entire story either.

Wright was told the interview would be about college athletics in general, not have A&M singled out. I can't see why in the world he, being a former student, would throw his university, teammates, or anyone else under the bus for personal gain. A&M has some of the most fervantly loyal students and alumni in the country. This doesn't sound like something someone would make up for no good reason, does it? Does he have a bone to pick? What does he have to gain by making up lies? I would think he would want his alma mater to succeed, not get in trouble, don't you?

I tend to believe that this is more common than you or I would like to admit, but just because he says that many did these things doesn't mean he said all do...not at A&M nor any where else. When I heard about this interview, I expected to see some thuggish type of person, but he was well-spoken and articulate. He did not appear to show any animosity or hold a grudge. He simply was telling the truth as best he knew it. And being there, on the team, in the locker room, every day...I'm sure he has a much greater knowledge of what was really going on than either you or I do.

Instead of coming to the defense of the university(which might be expected after the little emote posted with the original post), this is an opportunity to correct a situation, not only at A&M, but other universities as well...not throw players of other teams to the wolves.
Taps-n-1;1423762 said:
Really, I always assumed at a&m, that was a pre-marriage counseling course?




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