Aikman: Romo going down gave a lot of people excuses

Get another team...CC you shouldnt say this to anyone here.
and this view belongs in another part of this site....... not really it is relevant to this thread.

Because a true fan is not blinded by its team's continuous errors......... there are no true fans, just fans , and as people are different,
so are the fans, why?? well duh they are people !! lol

So one is not a true fan that has a different opinion, regardless of what that opinion is?........... lol that and a bunch of other definitions.

The bottom line is people of all types are going to be cowboy fans, and they are going to see the team
and what goes on differently.

So to come here and expect a bunch of people just like yourself is not very smart, and it is not going to happen.

The Cowboys have failed as a team, and as a organization for all of this century, only winning 2 playoff games.

So it is only natural that many will criticize the team, and the jone's family.

JG has his diehard fans, which is due to the image he projects, not his coaching. These people would be happy with another 6
years like the last 6, and then want another 6 and so on.
Then there are those that dont want JG ever but would accept him if he could win a couple superbowls.
Then there are many that fit between the 2 extremes.
:huh: well, ok then.
:) I'm not a vindictive person. We're alright...(not directed at you), but I won't take part in a misdirected label not based upon fact or ethics.

Our Honor Code at the US Air Force Academy was: I will not lie, steal, or cheat...nor tolerate those that do.

I've lived by that ever since...
Get another team...CC you shouldnt say this to anyone here.
and this view belongs in another part of this site....... not really it is relevant to this thread.

Because a true fan is not blinded by its team's continuous errors......... there are no true fans, just fans , and as people are different,
so are the fans, why?? well duh they are people !! lol

So one is not a true fan that has a different opinion, regardless of what that opinion is?........... lol that and a bunch of other definitions.

The bottom line is people of all types are going to be cowboy fans, and they are going to see the team
and what goes on differently.

So to come here and expect a bunch of people just like yourself is not very smart, and it is not going to happen.

The Cowboys have failed as a team, and as a organization for all of this century, only winning 2 playoff games.

So it is only natural that many will criticize the team, and the jone's family.

JG has his diehard fans, which is due to the image he projects, not his coaching. These people would be happy with another 6
years like the last 6, and then want another 6 and so on.
Then there are those that dont want JG ever but would accept him if he could win a couple superbowls.
Then there are many that fit between the 2 extremes.

You're full of crap, take your yellow conversation and find a mouth wash...

Take sequence of stances, and find a clue...

What you are doing, is akin to saying that if the Pope wasn't Catholic, then he probably would be Protestant. No, a wolf wearing sheep's clothing does NOT get categorized a sheep then.

Good night, John Boy...
Now OT I like what Aikman said, someone needed to say it, so kudo's to Aikman for being the one to do it.
The Jones boys are content to sweep last year under the rug!

I am not a JG fan, I really dont like him, but I cant blame him for 2015.
2015 was mostly the fault of the jones boys.

1.They didnt get Murray resigned at a reasonable price for him and team.
Part of the reason is the new lowball go cheap plan they have.
2. they didnt get Dez resigned early like in march !
The way I see it, (not a big dez fan) is that if your going to keep Dez the smart thing to do is just
give him the contract he wants, The main hold up was in the details, not the money, Dez wanted
to be free of the babysitting stuff etc.

But they tried the franchise tag, and all that did was upset and piss off dez and meant no TC and dez was supposed
to stay in shape etc on his own, while his team tried to not give him what he was wanting, it was a mess.
So then they finally sign him, but mentally Dez was not happy cowboy, like he would have been if they just sign him
back in march, and I dont think he was in shape, and that all led to the dehdration, and the foot injury.

3. they didnt get a replacement for murray in the draft or FA, and it would need to be someone linehan
and JG had confidence in , they knew what they had in murray, and had confidence in him, and there
was no way to replace that. It would take time, for them to believe in another back, and they sort of did with
dmc. but it wasnt the same as having murray.

So basically the jones boys blew up a SB contending team and expected to roll right along.

JG wanted to keep Murray in a bad way, but the jones boys felt he wasnt needed.
JG wanted dez signed early, so he could be involved in all the activities, but jones felt the could play around
with the deal making part to the last minute and that was A-OK.

on top of all that Romo gets hurt and dez, and I can partly blame JG for those 2 getting hurt and poor bkup play, but mostly the disaster of 2015
is all on the 2 jones boys.
Now OT I like what Aikman said, someone needed to say it, so kudo's to Aikman for being the one to do it.
The Jones boys are content to sweep last year under the rug!

I am not a JG fan, I really dont like him, but I cant blame him for 2015.
2015 was mostly the fault of the jones boys.

1.They didnt get Murray resigned at a reasonable price for him and team.
Part of the reason is the new lowball go cheap plan they have.
2. they didnt get Dez resigned early like in march !
The way I see it, (not a big dez fan) is that if your going to keep Dez the smart thing to do is just
give him the contract he wants, The main hold up was in the details, not the money, Dez wanted
to be free of the babysitting stuff etc.

But they tried the franchise tag, and all that did was upset and piss off dez and meant no TC and dez was supposed
to stay in shape etc on his own, while his team tried to not give him what he was wanting, it was a mess.
So then they finally sign him, but mentally Dez was not happy cowboy, like he would have been if they just sign him
back in march, and I dont think he was in shape, and that all led to the dehdration, and the foot injury.

3. they didnt get a replacement for murray in the draft or FA, and it would need to be someone linehan
and JG had confidence in , they knew what they had in murray, and had confidence in him, and there
was no way to replace that. It would take time, for them to believe in another back, and they sort of did with
dmc. but it wasnt the same as having murray.

So basically the jones boys blew up a SB contending team and expected to roll right along.

JG wanted to keep Murray in a bad way, but the jones boys felt he wasnt needed.
JG wanted dez signed early, so he could be involved in all the activities, but jones felt the could play around
with the deal making part to the last minute and that was A-OK.

on top of all that Romo gets hurt and dez, and I can partly blame JG for those 2 getting hurt and poor bkup play, but mostly the disaster of 2015
is all on the 2 jones boys.
I can agree with your Dez assessment, but I disagree 100% with your Murray assessment. How many more games do you think Dallas would have won with Murray last year? We saw in 2014 what a Murray offense without Romo would look like when they faced Arizona. Opposing defense flooded the middle, and the offense wasn't able to do anything the whole game. It would have been a terrible idea to resign Murray at 8 million a year at his age. He is not Adrain Peterson or Marshawn Lynch, and those were the only type of guys who deserved that kind of money at that age.
Cowboys suck without Romo. They have no chance. Already proven many times.

Cowboys sucked before Romo arrived as the starter.

And they will suck after he finally retires.

So smoke 'em while you got 'em boys.
Cowboys suck without Romo. They have no chance. Already proven many times.

Cowboys sucked before Romo arrived as the starter.

And they will suck after he finally retires.

So smoke 'em while you got 'em boys.

That's...a great post.
Now OT I like what Aikman said, someone needed to say it, so kudo's to Aikman for being the one to do it.
The Jones boys are content to sweep last year under the rug!

I am not a JG fan, I really dont like him, but I cant blame him for 2015.
2015 was mostly the fault of the jones boys.

1.They didnt get Murray resigned at a reasonable price for him and team.
Part of the reason is the new lowball go cheap plan they have.
2. they didnt get Dez resigned early like in march !
The way I see it, (not a big dez fan) is that if your going to keep Dez the smart thing to do is just
give him the contract he wants, The main hold up was in the details, not the money, Dez wanted
to be free of the babysitting stuff etc.

But they tried the franchise tag, and all that did was upset and piss off dez and meant no TC and dez was supposed
to stay in shape etc on his own, while his team tried to not give him what he was wanting, it was a mess.
So then they finally sign him, but mentally Dez was not happy cowboy, like he would have been if they just sign him
back in march, and I dont think he was in shape, and that all led to the dehdration, and the foot injury.

3. they didnt get a replacement for murray in the draft or FA, and it would need to be someone linehan
and JG had confidence in , they knew what they had in murray, and had confidence in him, and there
was no way to replace that. It would take time, for them to believe in another back, and they sort of did with
dmc. but it wasnt the same as having murray.

So basically the jones boys blew up a SB contending team and expected to roll right along.

JG wanted to keep Murray in a bad way, but the jones boys felt he wasnt needed.
JG wanted dez signed early, so he could be involved in all the activities, but jones felt the could play around
with the deal making part to the last minute and that was A-OK.

on top of all that Romo gets hurt and dez, and I can partly blame JG for those 2 getting hurt and poor bkup play, but mostly the disaster of 2015
is all on the 2 jones boys.
Keep telling the truth. I kept saying it...but people did not pay attention to the following: Every time Murray had a big game...Jerry Jones would go out of his way in the post game point out the Randle could do the same thing if given the opportunity. Yet...week...after week....Garrett would ride Murray and deny Randle the chance Jones indirectly wanted him to have. The man's ego has no limits. Jerry wanted to be so right about Randle...that he ignored the theft of underwear, throwing Dez under the bus at the courthouse...getting into a fight with Dez at practice etc.... He wanted to prove that ANYBODY could run behind this line...just like 500 coaches could coach the Dallas Cowboys in the 90s. He gave ZERO credence to chemistry. He gave ZERO credence to the bond between Romo, Witten and Murray. He simply has ZERO business having final say on this roster. Since he will never fire would think that after 20 years of being at the controls...he would have learned a LITTLE something. The years of "experience" as the GM should make him the BEST GM in the NFL....yet he is one of the worst!

And for the record...I felt the RB position was mismanaged that year. Murray should have never come close to gaining 2000 yards and become to pricey. Has Murray been used to the tune of 1400 yards...he would have been fresher for the playoffs...and we could have gotten a longer look at Randle. But the Murray vs Randle dynamic was battle of wills between Jones and Garrett...and it was being waged publicly if you played close attention. The sad part about it? The fans are the biggest losers! Murray got his money. Garrett got his extension. Jerry became the owner of the highest valued franchise in the world...and the fans got 4-12!
I can agree with your Dez assessment, but I disagree 100% with your Murray assessment. How many more games do you think Dallas would have won with Murray last year? We saw in 2014 what a Murray offense without Romo would look like when they faced Arizona. Opposing defense flooded the middle, and the offense wasn't able to do anything the whole game. It would have been a terrible idea to resign Murray at 8 million a year at his age. He is not Adrain Peterson or Marshawn Lynch, and those were the only type of guys who deserved that kind of money at that age.
Well if you read what I said, I didnt say sign him at 8 mil, I said a reasonable amount to him and the team.
Jerry could have signed him if he really wanted him and got him for a reasonable amount.
He should have been signed before FA started, so there would be no philly offer.

As I said before, but people dont get it, but if they had signed murray, the play romo was hurt on would never have happened.
So had they signed him and dez early, it would have been a entirely different set of events that played out.
I think we would have seen the 2014 offense again, and would have been in the playoffs, and div winners.

The reason they drafted elliot, is to recreate what they had in 2014, only difference is they will try to use the other backs more
rather than let elliot have as many as murray.
Keep telling the truth. I kept saying it...but people did not pay attention to the following: Every time Murray had a big game...Jerry Jones would go out of his way in the post game point out the Randle could do the same thing if given the opportunity. Yet...week...after week....Garrett would ride Murray and deny Randle the chance Jones indirectly wanted him to have. The man's ego has no limits. Jerry wanted to be so right about Randle...that he ignored the theft of underwear, throwing Dez under the bus at the courthouse...getting into a fight with Dez at practice etc.... He wanted to prove that ANYBODY could run behind this line...just like 500 coaches could coach the Dallas Cowboys in the 90s. He gave ZERO credence to chemistry. He gave ZERO credence to the bond between Romo, Witten and Murray. He simply has ZERO business having final say on this roster. Since he will never fire would think that after 20 years of being at the controls...he would have learned a LITTLE something. The years of "experience" as the GM should make him the BEST GM in the NFL....yet he is one of the worst!

And for the record...I felt the RB position was mismanaged that year. Murray should have never come close to gaining 2000 yards and become to pricey. Has Murray been used to the tune of 1400 yards...he would have been fresher for the playoffs...and we could have gotten a longer look at Randle. But the Murray vs Randle dynamic was battle of wills between Jones and Garrett...and it was being waged publicly if you played close attention. The sad part about it? The fans are the biggest losers! Murray got his money. Garrett got his extension. Jerry became the owner of the highest valued franchise in the world...and the fans got 4-12!
Great post lol , I agree. and the randle thing makes sense, since he was the starter in 2015, over dmc who proved to be the better runner.
My thought was the jones boys didnt like the murray fumbles, and felt any RB could do as good behind this line, and they want to go as cheap
as possible on many positions.
I dont think they really tried to resign murray, and were hoping he would leave.
There was a chemistry and bond between murray and romo, and JG, witten etc, that people just dont get.
And that left with murray.

Hopefully that can be recreated with elliot.

And I have to say Murray kinda screwed up leaving, so far it hasnt worked out too well for him either.
I Am curious to see how it goes with tenn this year, and also my pick for dallas was initially henry, so curious to see how
he does too.
Well if you read what I said, I didnt say sign him at 8 mil, I said a reasonable amount to him and the team.
Jerry could have signed him if he really wanted him and got him for a reasonable amount.
He should have been signed before FA started, so there would be no philly offer.

As I said before, but people dont get it, but if they had signed murray, the play romo was hurt on would never have happened.
So had they signed him and dez early, it would have been a entirely different set of events that played out.
I think we would have seen the 2014 offense again, and would have been in the playoffs, and div winners.

The reason they drafted elliot, is to recreate what they had in 2014, only difference is they will try to use the other backs more
rather than let elliot have as many as murray.
What a ridiculous statement to say Romo doesn't get hurt if Murray is still on the team. Romo got hurt in 2014 against Washington on a blitz that Murray didn't pick up. Who knows if Murray would have even been healthy for that game in 2015 against Philly. You can be angry at the front office for not resigning Murray if you think his fit for the offense was too good to pass up, but to blame the Romo injury on that makes no sense.

And as far as signing Murray to a reasonable contract, what qualifies as that for you? Dallas offered him 6 million a year, and Murray decided to take more money with a team he thought would be a contender. Obviously Murray didn't expect the wheels to fall off in Philly, but he also didn't realize how much he relied on the elite interior Oline play he had in Dallas. He's not worth what he is getting paid right now.
No coach would've taken this team to the playoffs last year with all of its injuries. That is the only reason Garrett is still here. However, even the most ardent Garrett supporter would concede we have reached put-up-or-shut-up time.
1.What a ridiculous statement to say Romo doesn't get hurt if Murray is still on the team. Romo got hurt in 2014 against Washington on a blitz that Murray didn't pick up. Who knows if Murray would have even been healthy for that game in 2015 against Philly. You can be angry at the front office for not resigning Murray if you think his fit for the offense was too good to pass up, but to blame the Romo injury on that makes no sense.

2.And as far as signing Murray to a reasonable contract, what qualifies as that for you? Dallas offered him 6 million a year, and Murray decided to take more money with a team he thought would be a contender. Obviously Murray didn't expect the wheels to fall off in Philly, but he also didn't realize how much he relied on the elite interior Oline play he had in Dallas. He's not worth what he is getting paid right now. would have been a entirely different set of events that played out, that play would not have happened, it isnt about murray
would have prevented it.
2.truth is we dont know what they offered him or when, but I do know jerry usually gets a player if he wants them,
so I have to assume he didnt really want Murray.
I think they felt they could do just as good with randle who was much cheaper.

It also isnt about the pay per year, players look at the guaranteed money, and as far as I know, dallas offered only 12 mil G and eagles offered 20.
Had dallas offered more G money before FA murray might have signed.

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