Akin Ayodele passing the torch


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Akin has not played well and seems to also be regressing.....he has not played well enough to hold off Bobby Carpenter....not saying Carpenter will be any better...but that is how the politics of the NFL work. Carpenter cost us a 1st round pick and the Cowboys should find out what they have in him. Especially since it's not like Akin is Mike Singletary


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I could see us doing that maybe next year, but there's really no reason to go messing with things just when our defense is starting to gel.

Akin is solid. That's all he is. He's like Singleton was. He'll make the plays he's supposed to make, but you'll never notice it because he never makes a play that catches your eye. However, again, I'm happy with solid for this season. No reason to change it.


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Ozzu;1748447 said:
I could see us doing that maybe next year, but there's really no reason to go messing with things just when our defense is starting to gel.

Akin is solid. That's all he is. He's like Singleton was. He'll make the plays he's supposed to make, but you'll never notice it because he never makes a play that catches your eye. However, again, I'm happy with solid for this season. No reason to change it.
I agree...I did not mean this year...I just hope Carpenter understands that he will be given every opportunity this off-season. So that means he better be studying film like crazy RIGHT NOW...playing special teams with passion RIGHT NOW...working out and eating healthy RIGHT NOW...because that is the kind of dedication it takes to play at this level...in the spotlight that is Dallas....and on a team that is about to go on a run. Either he wants in or he will forever be labled a bust. I hope he takes the right approach


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bbailey423;1748445 said:
Akin has not played well and seems to also be regressing.....he has not played well enough to hold off Bobby Carpenter....not saying Carpenter will be any better...but that is how the politics of the NFL work. Carpenter cost us a 1st round pick and the Cowboys should find out what they have in him. Especially since it's not like Akin is Mike Singletary

What has BC done that would make it necessary for Akin to hold him off?

BC is a ST ace and a cheerleader. Prolly not worth his current play scale.


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dooomsday;1748454 said:
What has BC done that would make it necessary for Akin to hold him off?

BC is a ST ace and a cheerleader. Prolly not worth his current play scale.
but don't hope this will change? It's not like this kid was 4th round? 1st round linebacker....we HAVE to see if he can play


I've got moxie
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Burnett backs up Akin, so if there is a challenge, it will come from there first.

I was a big advocate of drafting Carpenter because I thought he was a perfect fit for the defense. He's looked tentative and nothing like he did at Ohio State. I really don't think he's done anything to warrant additional playing time at this point.


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bbailey423;1748460 said:
but don't hope this will change? It's not like this kid was 4th round? 1st round linebacker....we HAVE to see if he can play

Of course I want BC to succeed. Thats a given. I dont want the lesser talent on the field just because he was a 1st. He had a chance to challenge this off season year and played liked a chump in pre. Don't you wonder why he rarely plays in game action? I think the team knows his skill level.

I like him on ST. But he is prolly over paid and will never live down his draft status.


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bbailey423;1748460 said:
but don't hope this will change? It's not like this kid was 4th round? 1st round linebacker....we HAVE to see if he can play

I'd say his butt indentations on bench show that he really can't. At least not to the level the coaches would like.


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bbailey423;1748460 said:
but don't hope this will change? It's not like this kid was 4th round? 1st round linebacker....we HAVE to see if he can play

They have seen if he can play. If he can't do it in practice what makes you think he can do it in a game? 1st rounder or not you have to produce if you want to play.


Pixel Pusher
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dooomsday;1748454 said:
What has BC done that would make it necessary for Akin to hold him off?

BC is a ST ace and a cheerleader. Prolly not worth his current play scale.

How can you possibly know if BC can play or not? He's never gotten the chance. The only time he's had extended time was against Seattle, and he seemed to play pretty well to me.

sacase;1748629 said:
They have seen if he can play. If he can't do it in practice what makes you think he can do it in a game? 1st rounder or not you have to produce if you want to play.

How, exactly, does one produce in practice?


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TheCount;1748630 said:
How can you possibly know if BC can play or not? He's never gotten the chance. The only time he's had extended time was against Seattle, and he seemed to play pretty well to me.

How, exactly, does one produce in practice?

Get off ther soap box would ya. Where did I say he cant play? I said he hasnt beaten out Akin. I didnt say anything about practice. I said he failed to win the battle in pre season. Those are games vs. real opponents.

Ok, he is really very good. We are grooming our 1st round LB as if he were a QB. Maybe next year? LOL.


Pixel Pusher
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dooomsday;1748656 said:
Get off ther soap box would ya. Where did I say he cant play? I said he hasnt beaten out Akin. I didnt say anything about practice. I said he failed to win the battle in pre season. Those are games vs. real opponents.

Ok, he is really very good. We are grooming our 1st round LB as if he were a QB. Maybe next year? LOL.

Since when is disagreeing with someone considered preaching? As far as I remember, Akin wasn't exactly blowing people away in pre-season either.


Zone Scribe
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How can you possibly know if BC can play or not? He's never gotten the chance.

He gets the chance every single day in practice. Wade does a good job of getting players on the field if he thinks you have the ability to contribute in some sort of role. There were times in San Diego where he would have 3 OLB pass rushers in the same package with Shaun Phillips, Shawne Merriman, and Steve Foley all on the field at the same time. The fact that Carpenter is not even working his way into the defense in any way, shape or form pretty much tells you all you need to know about how he's performing.


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bbailey423;1748460 said:
but don't hope this will change? It's not like this kid was 4th round? 1st round linebacker....we HAVE to see if he can play

It's called sunk cost... Why do we have to play somebody if he is a first rounder, but another lower draft spot is performing better?


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TheCount;1748630 said:
How can you possibly know if BC can play or not? He's never gotten the chance. The only time he's had extended time was against Seattle, and he seemed to play pretty well to me.

How, exactly, does one produce in practice?

Easy, make plays in practice. Make plays in Training camp, make plays in preseason games. If you make mistakes in practice and you do not practice better than the guy in front ofyou what makes you think you should be able to play in a game ahead of that guy. You earn you stripes in practice. If you can't get it done there then you can't get it done in a game.


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I was thinking the same thing about giving Carp some time in Akin's position. I don't think it can hurt and am certainly up for it.


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Fans continue to amaze me. If Carp were good and showed it during the practice week....he would start. Its that simple. Do you really think Wade is keeping the better player on the bench? Again...this is not crystal ball stuff...coaches have weeks of practice, film and get to see the guy behave almost every day of the week.....dont you think Wade would know by now if Carp deserved to start or earned more playing time. Carp is were he belongs...special teams. He does make too much money for that job though.


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Wood;1748885 said:
Fans continue to amaze me. If Carp were good and showed it during the practice week....he would start. Its that simple. Do you really think Wade is keeping the better player on the bench? Again...this is not crystal ball stuff...coaches have weeks of practice, film and get to see the guy behave almost every day of the week.....dont you think Wade would know by now if Carp deserved to start or earned more playing time. Carp is were he belongs...special teams. He does make too much money for that job though.
I don't really think it's that simple. I think it takes quite a lot to unseat a starter. Unless the starter is absolutely sucking it up it usually isn't going to happen, even if they think the backup might be better.

Look at Wade's comments about Ratliff in yesterday's press conference. He said during training camp he was trying to get Ratliff a starting position on the line, because he deserved to be starting. He probably thought Ratliff was better than Spears or Canty, but he wouldn't pull them. He's too "loyal" in that way.

The thought has crossed my mind about Carpenter replacing Ayodele (next season). Though Akin's been okay this season, he gets lost in traffic quite a bit. The contrast is stark when you compare him to Bradie, who's magnificent at finding the ball carrier in traffic. I'm not sure Carpenter would do any better, though, and I really don't like Burnett in on running downs.