Al Davis / Marcus Allen & Jerry Jones / Marion Barber


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Many of you already know this but orc Al Davis got into some tiff with Marcus Allen and even refused to play Marcus for a long stretch - right in the middle of Allen's prime.

We are talking about burying a HALL-OF-FAME BACK - over a contract. Humans engage in contentious contract negotiations-and forgive. Al Davis has a contract dispute and is henceforth never human to the player.

Not only did Davis penalize his own team and fans by depriving them of their best back but Davis pulled tons of petty crap on Allen. Marcus was pure class handling it and still won't talk much of it today, but reports by teammates and coaches tell it all. As powerful as Davis was--he remains the smallest man in Cali.

Well we know that Jerry has picked up strange pets in his day, and defended them irrationally. I'm just wondering if this is the beginning of a case where the irrationality is punitive and Barber gets some raw treatment.

In this case over absolutely no issue at all, merely one Jerry contrived in his own head.

Don't confuse any of this with my feelings about Tashard Choice. I think he's a great player, as is Felix. I'm glad the Cowboys have all of them. But Marion is the workhorse and he brings a special dimension.
Many long time Cowboy fans have said that Jerry Jones is the Al Davis of the NFC maybe worse. They said at least Al Davis never roamed the side lines like Jerry does.

As long as Jerry owns this team, there will always be some kind of drama that causes distractions. I am hoping and praying that Stephen Jones will very soon take over the ownership and have Jerry declared mentally unfit. I really believe once Stephen takes over, there is a real good chance the Dallas Cowboys will have a football guy for GM, because Stephen will hire one.

I think Stephen is in for a real challenge, but I believe he will be up to it, and he will get this team to being a real team again when his time comes. The one good thing about Jerry is, Stephen has clearly seen how NOT to run a football team and I think he will be an excellent owner when his time comes.
Jerry is too loyal to his players to pull an Al Davis. He said some things he shouldn't have said about Barber, then he basically backtracked when he saw the outcry. I don't believe there is a rift between Jerry and Barber. And Jerry would never deprive the team and the fans of one of the best Cowboys helping the team win. Never.
Let's hope the parallel doesn't fully materialize.

As Jerry is getting older he slips more and more with his facade, and we increasingly see the dark side.

Cowboy fans who have honor and believe in respect don't like what they see.

I imagine Cowboys who above all value their hemp and guns, like our friend Vintage here, are right at home with Pacboy, TC and company.
Oldschool7;2488275 said:
Let's hope the parallel doesn't fully materialize.

As Jerry is getting older he slips more and more with his facade, and we increasingly see the dark side.

Cowboy fans who have honor and believe in respect don't like what they see.

I imagine Cowboys who above all value their hemp and guns, like our friend Vintage here, are right at home with Pacboy, TC and company.

The irony of my quote is I have never smoked weed. And the only time I actually fired a gun, has been when I was wasted at a friend's house.

I just love me some Bone Thugs.
Many long time Cowboy fans have said that Jerry Jones is the Al Davis of the NFC maybe worse.

The only person on Earth that "said" this is you!

No, Vintage I have zero street cred.

I like some rap and have complete respect for some rap far as the art and music goes.

But I don't swing gangsta nor have anytime for it.

I have black friends but I'm not some guy who tries to be black or go out of my way to placate anyone.

And where I appreciate your link and maybe I'll check it out, I prolly won't.
Well Vantage it sounds like the two of us have used guns about the same.

I'd like to get licensed sometime but more just to go out and blow stuff up in the dessert or something.
Oldschool7;2488306 said:
No, Vintage I have zero street cred.

I like some rap and have complete respect for some rap far as the art and music goes.

But I don't swing gangsta nor have anytime for it.

I have black friends
but I'm not some guy who tries to be black or go out of my way to placate anyone.

And where I appreciate your link and maybe I'll check it out, I prolly won't.

l'm not even sure how to respond to this.

But I'm sure "epic fail" is in here somewhere.

Special congrats on what I bolded. You probably deserve a medal or something.
Hostile;2488334 said:
No kidding. Describes his whole day.


I especially like the "I have black friends" line.

I think I am going to steal that line and use it tomorrow.

Justifies my gangsta image..... since I am so gangtsa.

Oldschool7;2488221 said:
Many of you already know this but orc Al Davis got into some tiff with Marcus Allen and even refused to play Marcus for a long stretch - right in the middle of Allen's prime.

We are talking about burying a HALL-OF-FAME BACK - over a contract. Humans engage in contentious contract negotiations-and forgive. Al Davis has a contract dispute and is henceforth never human to the player.

Not only did Davis penalize his own team and fans by depriving them of their best back but Davis pulled tons of petty crap on Allen. Marcus was pure class handling it and still won't talk much of it today, but reports by teammates and coaches tell it all. As powerful as Davis was--he remains the smallest man in Cali.

Well we know that Jerry has picked up strange pets in his day, and defended them irrationally. I'm just wondering if this is the beginning of a case where the irrationality is punitive and Barber gets some raw treatment.

In this case over absolutely no issue at all, merely one Jerry contrived in his own head.

Don't confuse any of this with my feelings about Tashard Choice. I think he's a great player, as is Felix. I'm glad the Cowboys have all of them. But Marion is the workhorse and he brings a special dimension.

Nors has a new screen name.
The Panch;2488446 said:
"Im not racist. I have black friends"

I love that line.:rolleyes:

I swear to god, if you ruin my line for tomorrow....

Hey, vintage, how are you doing?

I've got black friends.

Hey Vintage, what do you think about the cowboys-giants game?

I've got black friends.

Hey Vintage, are you getting drunk tomorrow?

I've got black friends.

I've got big plans for such commentary. Please don;'t ruin it.

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