CowboyBlog;1645622 said:
That was about two current polls ago. I just changed it to screw with the guy that started the thread to skew my poll.
Apparently, football talk is only a secondary agenda for you and your blog...
It was never scientific, but became less scientific when I got 15 votes from this thread in a row.
And why should those votes be discounted?? Are you saying our opinion is less worthy that others'??
Besides, that is one of the good things about owning it, I can write whatever I want.
If you don't mind making your blog worthless for a knowledgeable fan... guess you don't want traffic over there...
It says a lot, that you got publicity for your blog by this thread, leading to an influx of new readers, and when they show up, you decide to eliminate their opinions... why should anybody read your tripe, if you're just gonna edit out any viewpoint that disagrees with your own??
It's easy to see why you started a blog, rather than deciding to become an active participant in a message board dialogue-- you can't defend your ludicrous opinions in a debate...
You still shouldn't look for me over there, got enough to do without wasting my time on it...