Ambiguity works in business but NOT as an NFL GM


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Well many of us on here are telling him, lol. But he surrounds himself with an entourage of sycophants and suck ups. It’s a job requirement. Jerry would rather lose than not do things the way he wants. So when he says he would “do anything to win a Super Bowl again”, he’s lying.
But you can picture the room ... Jerry says something and all everyone else says is "Yes sir" lol I am sure he's intimidating in person.


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But you can picture the room ... Jerry says something and all everyone else says is "Yes sir" lol I am sure he's intimidating in person.
The best leaders of ANY organization surround themselves with smart people who will tell them the truth as they see it. It keeps a leader honest, informed and with a dose of reality and humility.

If a leader surrounds themselves with people that suck up and tell them what they think you want to hear, they are setting themselves up for failure at some point. Bad leaders only have “yes” people around them.


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But yet he continues to get away with it. And don’t expect it to change.



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The best leaders of ANY organization surround themselves with smart people who will tell them the truth as they see it. It keeps a leader honest, informed and with a dose of reality and humility.

If a leader surrounds themselves with people that suck up and tell them what they think you want to hear, they are setting themselves up for failure at some point. Bad leaders only have “yes” people around them.
Absolutely agree, Jerry doesn't want the truth.

I just hope it stings a little every time he passes every trophy and award Jimmy won for the Cowboys.
He won't admit it but he knows the truth.


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Him using the word ambiguous doesn’t mean he’s operating that way. He’s not.

He is a rich egomaniac and when he’s told to do something, he flexes. The fans and media admonishing him for not getting deals done, along with the public manipulation from Dak, CeeDee and Micah, just makes him remind everyone that he has the power. There’s nothing ambiguous about that and him feeding everyone the bs about being ambiguous is part of his power play.

He’s a sucky GM, but a good public relations clown.


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I am one of the few that still does not see what is wrong by allowing MM coach his final year of his contract.

What are owners supposed to do, extend the HC every time he has one year left on his contract.
what if he gave him a 2 year extension or longer. Then they fail Then fans will be on him for keeping him. Why would an owner throw away money if he were to extend him, then fire him.

Let him play out the contract as he did with Garrett. Then actually he would not be fired. His contract ended. And Jerry decides to go in another direction.
If the owner doesn't want to extend a HC it's a sign that he needs to let that HC move on in my opinion. The issue I see besides the fact that it sends a message that the owner isn't confident in the coach to your players is that you're literally drafting, extending, and developing players for the current coaches system and culture.

Especially with the Cowboys current methods of roster construction they are really dependent upon finding and developing the Daron Bland types. If you're a HC on a 1 year deal do you care about developing the next batch of players who can contribute in 2025/2026? Probably not nearly as much because you're completely locked in on saving your job this year so the development of a Ryan Flournoy or a John Stephens is pretty irrelevant for the HC.

I also look at this past years draft. I'm very happy with landing Kneeland and Liufau, but these are clearly Zimmer type of players. If you wait and cut bait on your coaching staff these are both higher draft picks that could be on the chopping block with a new DC, plus the fact that your young guys are now learning two and three different systems in three years. I really believe that waiting to make these changes can stunt the growth of your players.


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Absolutely agree, Jerry doesn't want the truth.

I just hope it stings a little every time he passes every trophy and award Jimmy won for the Cowboys.
He won't admit it but he knows the truth.
He really doesn’t care enough to make any changes. But yet there are still enough fans who buy in and think he really wants to win even after said it’s not the priority.

Bobhaze is one of the most accurate and prominent fans on this site perfectly describing the issues our owner presents .


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Him using the word ambiguous doesn’t mean he’s operating that way. He’s not.

He is a rich egomaniac and when he’s told to do something, he flexes. The fans and media admonishing him for not getting deals done, along with the public manipulation from Dak, CeeDee and Micah, just makes him remind everyone that he has the power. There’s nothing ambiguous about that and him feeding everyone the bs about being ambiguous is part of his power play.

He’s a sucky GM, but a good public relations clown.
His “skill” in public relations is more of the “train wreck” kind. Most orgs wouldn’t like their GM publicly engaged in lawsuits in public courts regarding his fun baby from the 90s. In fact, most teams would fire a GM who couldn’t make the start of TC because of his legal problems. Not to mention his playoff woes.

Sadly, we’ve become a train wreck. That makes the team interesting but it doesn’t help it win playoff games.


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If the owner doesn't want to extend a HC it's a sign that he needs to let that HC move on in my opinion. The issue I see besides the fact that it sends a message that the owner isn't confident in the coach to your players is that you're literally drafting, extending, and developing players for the current coaches system and culture.

Especially with the Cowboys current methods of roster construction they are really dependent upon finding and developing the Daron Bland types. If you're a HC on a 1 year deal do you care about developing the next batch of players who can contribute in 2025/2026? Probably not nearly as much because you're completely locked in on saving your job this year so the development of a Ryan Flournoy or a John Stephens is pretty irrelevant for the HC.

I also look at this past years draft. I'm very happy with landing Kneeland and Liufau, but these are clearly Zimmer type of players. If you wait and cut bait on your coaching staff these are both higher draft picks that could be on the chopping block with a new DC, plus the fact that your young guys are now learning two and three different systems in three years. I really believe that waiting to make these changes can stunt the growth of your players.
Great points!


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His “skill” in public relations is more of the “train wreck” kind. Most orgs wouldn’t like their GM publicly engaged in lawsuits in public courts regarding his fun baby from the 90s. In fact, most teams would fire a GM who couldn’t make the start of TC because of his legal problems. Not to mention his playoff woes.

Sadly, we’ve become a train wreck. That makes the team interesting but it doesn’t help it win playoff games.
Trainwreck, no substance PR skills can get you all the way to the very top.

When you can’t win, and lost some of your faculties, you just PR harder.

john van brocklin

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If there was one word in the annual non-sensical scrabble word salad from our owner/president/GM/faceofthefranchise yesterday it was “Ambiguity”. Maybe we will maybe we won’t. Who knows what’s going to happen. Etc, etc. We’ve been hearing Jerry brave about his comfort with that word for decades. The same decades we’ve been waiting for something more than a wild card win.

Main point here: Ambiguity works well for business leaders. It does NOT work well for GMs of football teams.
Why ambiguity is bad for a GM:

  • Effective GMs- the ones winning playoff games consistently - do their homework and know EXACTLY what they want to do going into an off-season. You know who you want to sign, for how much, and when the deadline is to get it done. Have a plan and execute it.
  • In the layout of the NFL contractual landscape, waiting is losing. Especially if you want to save money. We already know what Cedee Lamb will cost. Nothing less than $35 mil per. Period. No ambiguity there.
  • If you’re NOT SURE you like your head coach, then you don’t like him enough. Fire him rather than wasting a season with someone you are lukewarm about. Same for your starting QB, and every other key position on the team.
KEY IDEAS: Do your research, know what you want and then do it. If you aren't sure you like your HC or your starting QB, or any other “expensive” or key ingredient to your team, you’ve already made your decision.

Ambiguity is cancerous to a football team that wants to win a championship.
We head into the 2024 season with a GM that isn’t sure he likes the HC, the QB, maybe the team’s best offensive weapon and WR or his uber-talented 25 year old defensive star.

Thats fine if you want to get rid of all of them. It’s just that that decision should have already been made. There is nothing to be ambiguous about. Unless you are comfortable throwing away whole seasons.
This front office , poor to start with, is really giving us no chance for success...............


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Trainwreck, no substance PR skills can get you all the way to the very top.

When you can’t win, and lost some of your faculties, you just PR harder.
And Mr. PR himself said this week that he “stirs it up…always have”. He believes his version of “being relevant” is as good as winning a championship. If he creates a train wreck, he thinks it’s great because people will watch.

And that guy is our GM.


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And Mr. PR himself said this week that he “stirs it up…always have”. He believes his version of “being relevant” is as good as winning a championship. If he creates a train wreck, he thinks it’s great because people will watch.

And that guy is our GM.
Unfortunately I’d argue he’s right. At least so far he’s been right.

He must think Cowboy fans are complete idiots , suckers or greatest football junkies.

Who else would continue supporting except maybe a mislead and misinformed cult following .


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His “skill” in public relations is more of the “train wreck” kind. Most orgs wouldn’t like their GM publicly engaged in lawsuits in public courts regarding his fun baby from the 90s. In fact, most teams would fire a GM who couldn’t make the start of TC because of his legal problems. Not to mention his playoff woes.

Sadly, we’ve become a train wreck. That makes the team interesting but it doesn’t help it win playoff games.
He’s all about public perception. And he plays it well just like some of our country’s elected officials.


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This front office , poor to start with, is really giving us no chance for success...............
Depends on the level of success we’re talking about. Winning Super Bowls no. But remaining relevant and in the spotlight driving revenue, yes.

And if you’re not good enough to be #1 on the field if you’re an owner, what’s a great consolation… being #1 in Revenue.

john van brocklin

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Depends on the level of success we’re talking about. Winning Super Bowls no. But remaining relevant and in the spotlight driving revenue, yes.

And if you’re not good enough to be #1 on the field if you’re an owner, what’s a great consolation… being #1 in Revenue.
Us fans want playoff success.......


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Too busy with business empire and too proud/stubborn to turn the team over to a real GM. Nutshell


I'm not dead yet......
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Somebody needs to write his obituary in advance so he can see how silly he's looked upon by the pro football world and his epic failure post Jimmy.