Ambiguity works in business but NOT as an NFL GM


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If there was one word in the annual non-sensical scrabble word salad from our owner/president/GM/faceofthefranchise yesterday it was “Ambiguity”. Maybe we will maybe we won’t. Who knows what’s going to happen. Etc, etc. We’ve been hearing Jerry brave about his comfort with that word for decades. The same decades we’ve been waiting for something more than a wild card win.

Main point here: Ambiguity works well for business leaders. It does NOT work well for GMs of football teams.
Why ambiguity is bad for a GM:

  • Effective GMs- the ones winning playoff games consistently - do their homework and know EXACTLY what they want to do going into an off-season. You know who you want to sign, for how much, and when the deadline is to get it done. Have a plan and execute it.
  • In the layout of the NFL contractual landscape, waiting is losing. Especially if you want to save money. We already know what Cedee Lamb will cost. Nothing less than $35 mil per. Period. No ambiguity there.
  • If you’re NOT SURE you like your head coach, then you don’t like him enough. Fire him rather than wasting a season with someone you are lukewarm about. Same for your starting QB, and every other key position on the team.
KEY IDEAS: Do your research, know what you want and then do it. If you aren't sure you like your HC or your starting QB, or any other “expensive” or key ingredient to your team, you’ve already made your decision.

Ambiguity is cancerous to a football team that wants to win a championship.
We head into the 2024 season with a GM that isn’t sure he likes the HC, the QB, maybe the team’s best offensive weapon and WR or his uber-talented 25 year old defensive star.

Thats fine if you want to get rid of all of them. It’s just that that decision should have already been made. There is nothing to be ambiguous about. Unless you are comfortable throwing away whole seasons.
The end of the world is coming. The stars in heaven have finally aligned to see the rarest of events, Bob... we agree. o_O