I see so many threads here turn into personal pissing matches and become just trash talking. One recently departed poster (I won't mention Phillo Beddoe by name) shot himself ion the foot everytime he posted and then argued when folks pointed that out.
I was wondering if we could have a poster scoring system. Not just so and so has 5000 posts, so he must know what he is talking about (Nors, where are you?), but some kind of system where if the Mods or other posters feel soemone has made a good point, they get a gold star or soemthing.
This would help identify the knowledgeable posters from the, maybe, less informed posters. Several folks are real good about searching for relevant stas and quotes, so they would be IMHo credible. But they do have to put in a lot of work. WoodysGirl comes to mind. She will trash you with facts and quotes. But some on this board still feel compelled to question her.
Anyway, I am starting to opine more than normal so I will quite. Anyone think this os a good idea or am I just TheProfit on this?