Analysis: Dak vs Bills


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Lol whatever man. I’m old enough not to be paralyzed with anger by words on the internet. I’ll tell you one thing I bet the dude who called OP a name won’t be doing that anymore lmao or maybe he’ll fire some real heat who knows. Regardless it’s still just words on the internet so really doesn’t matter unless
Paralyzed with anger? Dude, knock it off with the nonsense.

The guy did a crappy thing and got called out on it. You defending it just means you're doing a crappy thing too.

The rest of us laugh at walker. Anger? LOL.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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The person who called people names was xwalker. He started with labeling people trolls to start his post.


The fact you are defending this speaks volumes about you as a human being.
Perhaps,yet that everpresent shadowed creeping turmoil of persona dominance from within oneself, reareth it's billboard sized banner emblazoned with the caption:
"Big Hairy Deal, Mr. self crucified Crowbait"o_O


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Paralyzed with anger? Dude, knock it off with the nonsense.

The guy did a crappy thing and got called out on it. You defending it just means you're doing a crappy thing too.

The rest of us laugh at walker. Anger? LOL.

Keep responding bro you’re “killin” it lmao see what I did there?


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I wonder if cowboy coaches spend as much time analyzing games just played as the fans do ???????
I dont think they do, they just move on to the next team.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Cal Poly is known for being dumb and dishonest. Also for only getting Likes from people like Pappydog.

My sincere pleasure to give likes to our fellow Cowboy fans who post logical assessments concerning our team.
Cal Poly is one of them.

P.S. I do not like agenda paid posts here who sell crazy daily.
We have enough of that all these years with Jerry!


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At least our left guard, Williams, played with heart and a major injury.

Good analysis, X...enjoyed your review.

I'm just sorry that Dak isn't given his head or the ability to truly create within in his strengths.


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Keep responding bro you’re “killin” it lmao see what I did there?
Made a terrible attempt to be clever? Yes, I saw it.

Gotta love the "keep responding" line from someone that, get this...keeps responding.


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Wth makes you think x even knows what he is talking about? Just because he bought the all 22 lmao, if his opinion was worth anything he would be a pro scout
Actually, I am going to stand up for him. @xwalker does a great job with his analysis. I respect the man, that can watch a game, and then evaluate what happened at the game. I have the all 22 also, It is a lot different than watching the game with the announcers talking drivel. A lot is said, for sitting down and actually breaking down the film. I like reading his opinion, then having a dialogue with him. We always don’t agree, we can discuss it like men, and Then point out what we saw.

That’s a heck of a lot better, than a knee-jerk reaction from most members.


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I just reviewed all of Dak's plays in the Bills game.

This post is intended for people that want to know what actually happened.

I know many trolls will try to derail the the thread but I did review all plays which I'm certain that they have not done.

My conclusion is that Dak made a heroic effort in an attempt to win the game. He threaded the needle many times with many great throws. He was under constant pressure. Without a running game, the Bills could just focus on pass rushing and pass defense.

I'm going to primarily list the "bad" plays by Dak or plays that appeared to be "bad" on his part.

  • General Observations:
    • Multiple deep throws while under pressure and WRs not really open.
    • Not certain why they kept trying to deep passes to the sidelines.
    • There were multiple tipped passes. The Bills were focused on getting good jumps to tip passes.

  • INT by Star Lotulelei
    • The INT was a freak play.
    • The DT was being blocked by Tyron when Dak released the ball.
    • Dak was being hit as he released the ball.
    • The play design was similar to one in the preseason that also resulted in catastrophic failure.
    • It is a high risk play where the invite pass rushes to come at Dak with Dak looking right but planning all along to throw left to Pollard on a screen pass.
    • The DT made a great play.

  • Ball stripped as Dak was throwing.
    • Su'a-Filo whiffed and the pass rusher hit Dak's hand while he was in the throwing motion.
    • If Su'a-Filo could have delayed the pass rusher by 1 extra millisecond, then the pass was have been out of Dak's hand.

  • INT that was over-turned.
    • There was an INT that was over-turned due to a hands to the face penalty on the Bills DL.
    • The pass was perfect to Gallup but the DB ran through Gallup before the pass arrived.
    • I watched this one several time on slow motion.

  • Zeke bats the ball out of bounds.
    • Dak threw a low pass to Zeke in the flat.
    • The one that Zeke batted out of bounds.
    • It was still catch-able considering that Zeke was standing still when the ball arrived.

  • Final Drive of 1st Half.
    • They were moving he ball.
    • There were 3 plays in the middle of the field on the drive.
    • They attempted a field goal on 1st down because they were out of time.
    • Is that on the QB or Coaching to throw 3 times in the middle of the field when time if running out?

  • 2nd Half
  • Dak sacked on a play design that Romo said was a common Cowboys play.
    • That seems to indicate a Garrett play...

  • Side Note:
    • Connor Williams Return from Injury.
    • CW had been out much of the 1st half with and injury issue.
    • He returned for the 2nd half but departed after a false start due to the injury issue.
    • Why was he back on the field if he was not healthy enough to play that snap?

  • Dak's 2nd run to get a 1st down.
    • Dak made an incredible effort to run for a 1st down.
    • This was the 2nd incredible effort to get a 1st down.
    • The 1st time was prior to the 4th down when Garrett went for it at the Dallas 20 yard line.

  • 4th down play in the redzone (3rd quarter)
    • The pass to Zeke looked terrible and way short.
    • After reviewing multiple times and in slow-motion it looks a bit different.
    • Looking at Zeke's location when Dak threw the ball is interesting.
    • If Zeke had moved more towards the endzone instead of the sideline, the pass would have been on target.

  • Zeke drop of sideline pass.
    • Great pass by Dak in the 4th quarter with a defender in his face to Zeke.
    • Zeke has the ball in his hands and has his feet in bounds but can't complete the catch.

  • Pass to the left in the 4th quarter that was almost intercepted.
    • Gallup was out near the sideline and ran an in-route.
    • He stopped just to the outside of the DB which is the opposite of what a WR would should do.
    • The WR needs to cross the DBs face and then stop.
    • Maybe Gallup thought that Dak would have time and allow Gallup to move back outside on an in & out type route which could have resulted in a big gain but in this type of game with the QB under constant pressure, I can't imagine why he might think that was possible.

  • Dak has the ball knocked out of his hands on the 4th down play at about 5:48 in the 4th.
    • La'el failed in a big way.
    • The Bills originally had 11 defenders within 5 yards of the line but some dropped back just before the snap.
    • On that drive, Witten had dropped a ball that hit his hands an there was not a defender near him.
    • The ball might have been tipped but it still hit his hands.

  • Last Scoring Drive
    • On the drive late in the 4th when they scored a TD, Dak threaded the needle multiple times including the TD pass and the 2-point conversion pass.

Can't stop laughing, too funny, bottom line is Dak got out played Garrett got out coached and Dallas lost again to a winning team, your slant and twisted view is just a waste of space.


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John Owning reviews the tape to come up with his three biggest takeaways from Thursday’s game.

Prescott had one of his worst performances of the season

As far as timing goes, Prescott picked a pretty bad time to have a poor performance. Prescott’s box score didn’t look too bad, finishing 32 of 49 for 355 yards, two touchdowns and an interception. But that ignores his two fumbles, one of which was recovered by the Bills, and the interceptions that were voided by Buffalo penalties.

For what it’s worth, Prescott never hung his head and continued to try to attack the Buffalo defense throughout, showing the type of toughness, leadership and resolve that gives you confidence in his future as the Cowboys’ QB, even with this poor performance. Part of Prescott’s struggles came from an erosion in his footwork and base, which caused him to miss easy throws and put poor placement on others, thus limiting yards-after-catch opportunities for his weapons.

This is others take after reviewing the game

Mr Cowboy

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Dak owned that poor pass in his press conference. Not sure why you're seemingly shifting blame to Zeke here.
There were several people on Twitter that said Zeke drifted towards the sideline instead of staying on course towards the end zone. There were even more questioning running a pass play where Zeke was the primary read late in the game, again!

black label

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You said "phone", right?


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Actually, I am going to stand up for him. @xwalker does a great job with his analysis. I respect the man, that can watch a game, and then evaluate what happened at the game. I have the all 22 also, It is a lot different than watching the game with the announcers talking drivel. A lot is said, for sitting down and actually breaking down the film. I like reading his opinion, then having a dialogue with him. We always don’t agree, we can discuss it like men, and Then point out what we saw.

That’s a heck of a lot better, than a knee-jerk reaction from most members.
It is better than a knee jerk reaction, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's 100% correct.