Analysis: Dak vs Bills


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I just reviewed all of Dak's plays in the Bills game.

This post is intended for people that want to know what actually happened.

I know many trolls will try to derail the the thread but I did review all plays which I'm certain that they have not done.

My conclusion is that Dak made a heroic effort in an attempt to win the game. He threaded the needle many times with many great throws. He was under constant pressure. Without a running game, the Bills could just focus on pass rushing and pass defense.

I'm going to primarily list the "bad" plays by Dak or plays that appeared to be "bad" on his part.

  • General Observations:
    • Multiple deep throws while under pressure and WRs not really open.
    • Not certain why they kept trying to deep passes to the sidelines.
    • There were multiple tipped passes. The Bills were focused on getting good jumps to tip passes.

  • INT by Star Lotulelei
    • The INT was a freak play.
    • The DT was being blocked by Tyron when Dak released the ball.
    • Dak was being hit as he released the ball.
    • The play design was similar to one in the preseason that also resulted in catastrophic failure.
    • It is a high risk play where the invite pass rushes to come at Dak with Dak looking right but planning all along to throw left to Pollard on a screen pass.
    • The DT made a great play.

  • Ball stripped as Dak was throwing.
    • Su'a-Filo whiffed and the pass rusher hit Dak's hand while he was in the throwing motion.
    • If Su'a-Filo could have delayed the pass rusher by 1 extra millisecond, then the pass was have been out of Dak's hand.

  • INT that was over-turned.
    • There was an INT that was over-turned due to a hands to the face penalty on the Bills DL.
    • The pass was perfect to Gallup but the DB ran through Gallup before the pass arrived.
    • I watched this one several time on slow motion.

  • Zeke bats the ball out of bounds.
    • Dak threw a low pass to Zeke in the flat.
    • The one that Zeke batted out of bounds.
    • It was still catch-able considering that Zeke was standing still when the ball arrived.

  • Final Drive of 1st Half.
    • They were moving he ball.
    • There were 3 plays in the middle of the field on the drive.
    • They attempted a field goal on 1st down because they were out of time.
    • Is that on the QB or Coaching to throw 3 times in the middle of the field when time if running out?

  • 2nd Half
  • Dak sacked on a play design that Romo said was a common Cowboys play.
    • That seems to indicate a Garrett play...

  • Side Note:
    • Connor Williams Return from Injury.
    • CW had been out much of the 1st half with and injury issue.
    • He returned for the 2nd half but departed after a false start due to the injury issue.
    • Why was he back on the field if he was not healthy enough to play that snap?

  • Dak's 2nd run to get a 1st down.
    • Dak made an incredible effort to run for a 1st down.
    • This was the 2nd incredible effort to get a 1st down.
    • The 1st time was prior to the 4th down when Garrett went for it at the Dallas 20 yard line.

  • 4th down play in the redzone (3rd quarter)
    • The pass to Zeke looked terrible and way short.
    • After reviewing multiple times and in slow-motion it looks a bit different.
    • Looking at Zeke's location when Dak threw the ball is interesting.
    • If Zeke had moved more towards the endzone instead of the sideline, the pass would have been on target.

  • Zeke drop of sideline pass.
    • Great pass by Dak in the 4th quarter with a defender in his face to Zeke.
    • Zeke has the ball in his hands and has his feet in bounds but can't complete the catch.

  • Pass to the left in the 4th quarter that was almost intercepted.
    • Gallup was out near the sideline and ran an in-route.
    • He stopped just to the outside of the DB which is the opposite of what a WR would should do.
    • The WR needs to cross the DBs face and then stop.
    • Maybe Gallup thought that Dak would have time and allow Gallup to move back outside on an in & out type route which could have resulted in a big gain but in this type of game with the QB under constant pressure, I can't imagine why he might think that was possible.

  • Dak has the ball knocked out of his hands on the 4th down play at about 5:48 in the 4th.
    • La'el failed in a big way.
    • The Bills originally had 11 defenders within 5 yards of the line but some dropped back just before the snap.
    • On that drive, Witten had dropped a ball that hit his hands an there was not a defender near him.
    • The ball might have been tipped but it still hit his hands.

  • Last Scoring Drive
    • On the drive late in the 4th when they scored a TD, Dak threaded the needle multiple times including the TD pass and the 2-point conversion pass.

Why was there no running game?


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And remind me where 33 year old "All-NFL" RT Parnell is playing now. Waiting on team #6 to call I guess

Is Doug Free still playing? Most of the posts on this forum were that Parnell sucked and he got a FA contract three times bigger than Doug Free when both hit the market. He is out of the league because of injuries, not because he was anywhere close to being as bad as the majority of this Forum argued he was.

And Sua-Filo is terrible in pass protection, which is why the Texans let him walk and the Titans cut him. If you don't like what @xwalker writes you can read Bob Sturm at The Athletic. He reviewed every sack from last season and graded Sua-Filo as giving up 8 sacks in 8 games.


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Is Doug Free still playing? Most of the posts on this forum were that Parnell sucked and he got a FA contract three times bigger than Doug Free when both hit the market. He is out of the league because of injuries, not because he was anywhere close to being as bad as the majority of this Forum argued he was.

And Sua-Filo is terrible in pass protection, which is why the Texans let him walk and the Titans cut him. If you don't like what @xwalker writes you can read Bob Sturm at The Athletic. He reviewed every sack from last season and graded Sua-Filo as giving up 8 sacks in 8 games.

Yep. Filo is a liability in pass protection.


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this is asinine. Effort does not equal quality or completely unbiased. Bolding "For people who want to know what really happened" and then chuck out "semantics" an suppositions as unchallengeable facts to not be questioned is a bit much.

about 70% of his stuff is interesting, but the Parnell, Doug Free, Dez, confirmation bias stuff typically comes out and it should be challenged if there is a different view

xwalker and kaiser are known as two of the dumbest posters on the forum. You can see their handiwork in some of their recently created threads. I’d guesstimate half of each others “likes” are from one another in solidarity of their stupidity.


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Differential between Dak's passer rating against the team listed and that team's defensive passer rating for the season. For example, opposing QB have a 50.5 rating vs the Patriots this season, and Dak posted a 64.2 against them, so it's +13.7.

1 NYG +58.8
2 WAS +25.6
3 MIA -15.4
4 NO -13.3
5 GB -7.8
6 NYJ -1.8
7 PHI +11.8
8 NYG +1.8
9 MIN +10.5
10 DET +16.9
11 NE +13.7
12 BUF +12.7

Would like to do this with QBR, but there is no such thing as defensive QBR.


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Lol if you wanna name call and play kid games then you can’t get mad when the other person does the same thing. Either you fight football with football or you fight curses with curses.

If you call someone a name and they call you a worse one then why would I crucify the second guy? Have a football discussion or name call but be prepared to deal with the appropriate response


Well-Known Member
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xwalker and kaiser are known as two of the dumbest posters on the forum. You can see their handiwork in some of their recently created threads. I’d guesstimate half of each others “likes” are from one another in solidarity of their stupidity.

Cal Poly is known for being dumb and dishonest. Also for only getting Likes from people like Pappydog.


Well-Known Member
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Lol if you wanna name call and play kid games then you can’t get mad when the other person does the same thing. Either you fight football with football or you fight curses with curses.

If you call someone a name and they call you a worse one then why would I crucify the second guy? Have a football discussion or name call but be prepared to deal with the appropriate response
The person who called people names was xwalker. He started with labeling people trolls to start his post.


The fact you are defending this speaks volumes about you as a human being.


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The person who called people names was xwalker. He started with labeling people trolls to start his post.


The fact you are defending this speaks volumes about you as a human being.
Lmao dude check the thread it’s like my 3rd time telling you that. KYS was his response to being name called by eagle fan guy forget his name rn. Just look at the thread before responding to me PLEASE. I’ve already told you fire was fought with fire. Don’t waste your time typing anything out to me lol I’m not a NFL ref I don’t punish the guy who reacted, I look at the guy who started it. Sorry not sorry bud


Well-Known Member
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Lmao dude check the thread it’s like my 3rd time telling you that. KYS was his response to being name called by eagle fan guy forget his name rn. Just look at the thread before responding to me PLEASE. I’ve already told you fire was fought with fire. Don’t waste your time typing anything out to me lol I’m not a NFL ref I don’t punish the guy who reacted, I look at the guy who started it. Sorry not sorry bud
It. Does. Not. Matter. What. He. Was. Responding. To. (Which I saw). It's disgusting behavior. And apparently, you are a fan of that.

AND...walker did it first with his opening comment.

This shouldn't be hard, but it's cowboyszone, so here we are.


Well-Known Member
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It. Does. Not. Matter. What. He. Was. Responding. To. (Which I saw). It's disgusting behavior. And apparently, you are a fan of that.

AND...walker did it first with his opening comment.

This shouldn't be hard, but it's cowboyszone, so here we are.
Lol whatever man. I’m old enough not to be paralyzed with anger by words on the internet. I’ll tell you one thing I bet the dude who called OP a name won’t be doing that anymore lmao or maybe he’ll fire some real heat who knows. Regardless it’s still just words on the internet so really doesn’t matter unless


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
Reaction score
Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed yer'
"after action account report" immensely my XWalker bro,,, my only self-perceived dig/gripe overall concerning as to it's Astutely studious review of the overall games analysis is,,, Why don't the #4 display his "heroic Q.B. effort card" on each& every snap/ of every series he's granted opportunity to field command over, thusly steadily advancing ( albeit incrementally) into that rarified pay rating altitude he's deemed hisself worthy of,,,?,,, Ya know,bro? Rather than having been forced into revving up the ol' corn-binder of killer mindset, once the dawning realization of " oh-snap" games worming outta our grasp,,,damnner' 3 game clock quarters to late? o_O

*( Now, you know,Walker? I'd took artistic licence, in the structural phraseology, during the construction of my posted rantful inquiry unto you, but that's only because yer' deemed worthy in the effort, my friend:))
