Android Mini-Tablet recommendations

If you want a windows 8.1 tablet, the samsung encore 2 isn't bad.....
I usually buy mac (as of recent), but I wanted full lightroom on a tablet... so far so good.
mini sd, and mini hdmi.... I paid 170.00
iPads blow for what you most Apple products. I don't get why people think they are so good.

My mom has a Kindle and I actually really like that.

Mac/apple is a good investment... ( mac laptops, pc desktops, etc...)
very easy interface, intuitive...... I like both Mac and PC....
Mac/apple is a good investment... ( mac laptops, pc desktops, etc...)
very easy interface, intuitive...... I like both Mac and PC....

How is a Mac a good investment? Please, tell us. It doesn't belong nor work well in a corporate environment. It's easily 20-30% more expensive. And it does NOTHING that a PC or Android can't do. In fact, there are many things a PC/Android can do that are better.

But people are sheep. And Mac is promoted as the Cool guys gadget. Whatever, pay more for the same thing. Bahhhahaah.
How is a Mac a good investment? Please, tell us. It doesn't belong nor work well in a corporate environment. It's easily 20-30% more expensive. And it does NOTHING that a PC or Android can't do. In fact, there are many things a PC/Android can do that are better.

But people are sheep. And Mac is promoted as the Cool guys gadget. Whatever, pay more for the same thing. Bahhhahaah.

Well, being that I'm not an advocate of one over the other..... I like PC and Mac, and own both. I see the positives in both.
I work in Devincci Resolve, Adobe (premiere & the photo programs), along with some of the mac standards on their platform aperture (RIP), & Final Cut...
I find them both functional, PC allowing for expansion, Mac allowing for a more intuitive experience, and a solid customer service because they sell all of the parts that makes their CPU's.... What I don't understand is, why can't I like both?... its not a war, its a computer...
whats with the laughing, sheep, calling, and arguing?...
Its just a computer, relax... I have an opinion too...

sometimes the CZ cats just wild out for no reason..... want to argue everything
gray areas I tell ya... it don't exist for some...... just black or white.....
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quit being cheap and get the good stuff
I guess you missed this part

Apple stuff is not better just more expensive. I never quite understood all the Apple groupies. It is not that Apple stuff is better or worse than Android just that Android is just as good if not better and more less expensive. Personally, I like Android 1000X better than Apple prodcuts and I have used both.
Well, being that I'm not an advocate of one over the other..... I like PC and Mac, and own both. I see the positives in both.
I work in Devincci Resolve, Adobe (premiere & the photo programs), along with some of the mac standards on their platform aperture (RIP), & Final Cut...
I find them both functional, PC allowing for expansion, Mac allowing for a more intuitive experience, and a solid customer service because they sell all of the parts that makes their CPU's.... What I don't understand is, why can't I like both?... its not a war, its a computer...
whats with the laughing, sheep, calling, and arguing?...
Its just a computer, relax... I have an opinion too...

sometimes the CZ cats just wild out for no reason..... want to argue everything
gray areas I tell ya... it don't exist for some...... just black or white.....

I just can't see how Apple is a good investment. It's all marketing hype. Why pay so much more when you can get something similar for much less? My daughter wants an MacBook Air just because her friends have one. But why pay $900 bucks when you can get something like a Lenovo ThinkPad 10 for $689? Or even an Acer Aspire Switch 10 for $430. But I can't tell my daughter that. She's been iBrain washed.
I just can't see how Apple is a good investment. It's all marketing hype. Why pay so much more when you can get something similar for much less? My daughter wants an MacBook Air just because her friends have one. But why pay $900 bucks when you can get something like a Lenovo ThinkPad 10 for $689? Or even an Acer Aspire Switch 10 for $430. But I can't tell my daughter that. She's been iBrain washed.

I have a Samsung Galaxy SIII, sometime later this month or next I will upgrade to a Samsung Note 4. I also have Samsung tab 2 101 tablet.

The wife has an Iphone 5, got an iphone 6 plus but has to send it back]See here why[/url]. She also has the Ipad.

She likes hers...I like mine.

Chances are if she were to sell her tablet and iphone 5 she would get more money than I would for selling my SIII and Tab 2 tablet...whether you or I like it or does tend to do better when selling used products.

On a side note...calling all apple people sheep, Ifans, Ibrain washed and the like is just is silly as calling android fans Fandroids (or much worse).

Just because someone likes another product better does not mean anything. It is good that we have both because of the competition. Just like some people like one style of music over the other. To each their own.
How is a Mac a good investment? Please, tell us. It doesn't belong nor work well in a corporate environment. It's easily 20-30% more expensive. And it does NOTHING that a PC or Android can't do. In fact, there are many things a PC/Android can do that are better.

But people are sheep. And Mac is promoted as the Cool guys gadget. Whatever, pay more for the same thing. Bahhhahaah.

mac is hardly the cools guys gadget. they've not done anything ground breaking for awhile but no one cares. the one thing a vast majority of apple fans care about is it's NOT microsoft. then again, many just like what they like and the OS isn't a religion to them as it is to others who choose one side against all comers.

tablets keep in mind are a consumer device. you play games, you get the weather, you keep in touch instantly, you upload your photo of lunch no one gives a damn about but what you don't do on a tablet is get work done for the most part.

i can't see anyone writing War and Peace no a tablet or even a chromebook. you're not going to pick up your tablet and load up that db and get some heavy numbers crunching while crushing candy. the apple tablets are far behind in technology and apple fans really don't care and people who don't know any better spend twice as much as necessary for an OS that won't even allow video card updates to their computers (or any update for that matter) and their tablets are void of logic when it comes to it's overall usability in the interface.

all that said, you can do a lot of great things on an ipad. you just have to know what they are, how they fit, what else you need, and like any investment, make sure it gets the job done you're after. if you wanna play games and talk on facebook but going to the computer in the other room is a waste of time, get a $120 8" droid tablet but even then, stick with name brands, be familiar with OS names and upgrade paths, and wa-la cheap entertainment in your hands. macs are very music industry focused and for a long time, graphics based as well but can you run adobe premier on an ipad?

you can a surface 3 machine. if you want a laptop replacement this is your only read way to go but even then, 11" screen, roll up keyboard, and room to move / work out the window, but it's a step in whatever is going to happen next. guiding step or misstep, to be determined. how come a major graphics co like adobe works far better on a PC than mac? whatever your reason, it's apparent it's by design by adobe so you'd just be guessing like me.

if you don't know why you need an apple computer or pad, likely you don't. that said, if you need a tablet, don't buy the $50 specials. it will work for a bit but i've gone through more tablets than any man should have a right to. sooner or later they all screw up something and within a year you're buying another one. but the no name big lots sale, waste of your time.

if you just want a solid tablet, get a samsung galaxy note 8" tablet. under $160 give or take likely, plenty of ram / space, and works about as good a any. but again, a tablet is a consumer device. don't go thinking you'll get more than some base work done it it. it wants your time, it wants you to buy diamonds to spend in the games, and it wants you to buy more eggs so you can grow jurassic park even bigger. they're designed to be like a strip club. it may just be $5 to get in, but you're spending $500 before you leave.

i don't have a google+ account w/credit card tied to it so i never buy a thing. pisses off google but their constant watching of what i surf for than showing me ads months after i've already bought it piss me off so we get even.
I just can't see how Apple is a good investment. It's all marketing hype. Why pay so much more when you can get something similar for much less? My daughter wants an MacBook Air just because her friends have one. But why pay $900 bucks when you can get something like a Lenovo ThinkPad 10 for $689? Or even an Acer Aspire Switch 10 for $430. But I can't tell my daughter that. She's been iBrain washed.

then don't say yes/no, ask her what she can get from the airbook she can't get from another laptop? ask her to compare and look under the hood. have her do some of her own research with questions designed for her to come to her own answers, not to pick a side. but if i had to deal with someone that wanted something cause it was a fad, i'd just make them ask a lot of questions about what they'd use it for and will both options do it? one better than the other? if so, why?

let them do their own homework vs tell them your experiences.
I've been eyeballing the Nexus 7. Do you have to get service through Verizon to get 4G service? I'm with ATT and would rather stay with them.

i'm an asus fan for many good reasons. i hate their tablet for just as many. i got the nexus 7 when it first came out and i went out of town for a few days and left it at home. ok, it died. 0% left in battery. it never recovered and would never allow itself to be recharged. there are very few tablets i've owned i would say were solid tablets but the one i go back to:

Dell and get used to some annoyances.

don't get me wrong. i put together my new custom machine and a tactical asus motherboard is the heart of the system. but i'd never buy their tablets cause even when i gave a bad review for the nexus, they just said if i send it back they'll fix it - for more than it cost for a new one. i never put in warranty stuff so that one fell on me but i also never buy them again.
read the hardware in a mac and then read a 4 year old pc specs.

look similar don't they?

PC's are just garbage specs or not. I've had to junk so many PC's, Ive had this same mac for years and its still running like the day I purchased it.
Then you will be wasting your money if you by an Android or Windows tablet.

She would be wasting her money if she pays more than she wants for a product she does not want in the first place.

She can get a perfectly fine andorid tablet for her daughter at a reasonable price that will do just as much, and in some cases more, as an Ipad and cost her much less. Especially if she gets an android tablet that lets her use an micro SD card...hmmm pay a WAAAAAAY overpriced upgrade charge for a larger storage capacity on an Ipad or by the base model android tablet and a removable micro sd card for 1/2 to 1/4 the price...and that card can be used in multiple products like tablets, PCs, Laptops and Phones.

That is one of my main things why I like samsung and some other android devices....micro SD card.

Iphone 6 Plus STARTS with a base model of 16 GBs (not really even enough to do a basic IOS upgrade without deleteing stuff off the phone or hooking it up to a computer). If you want to go to the next upgrade you go to the 64 GB version and they charge you $100 for that upgrade and another $100 up to the 128 GB version. So you pay $200 for 128 total GBs

Samsung Note 4 STARTS with the base model of 32 GBs and with a 32 GB card (paid $22 for a good one) you have 64 GBs for 22 Dollars. Want to add a 128 GB card to the 32 GB and you have 160 GB of storage for just over $100 on amazon for a good 128 GB SD card. So you wind up paying Just over $100 for 160 GBs.

Another thing to note....I can watch TV shows and movies from some sites on my tablet...Tried to set up the wife's ipad to watch the same shows...NO GO, would not play the same shows because Apple Ipad would not support the software.

But at the end of the day the examples I gave really do not matter. She said she wanted a specific type of tablet and not apple due to pricing and no matter if you agree with it or not she would not be wasting her money just because she did not buy what you think is better.
cause no one has EVER wasted money buying an apple product...

I havent. Now I have flushed money with PC's and Windows. Never been dumb enough to even attempt to use an Android toy.
PC's are just garbage specs or not. I've had to junk so many PC's, Ive had this same mac for years and its still running like the day I purchased it.

I have a PC I bought years ago and it is still running just as good as when I bought it. I just countered your argument.
I havent. Now I have flushed money with PC's and Windows. Never been dumb enough to even attempt to use an Android toy.

Judging a whole line of products as dumb and as toys without ever using them to know in itself...dumb.

I can I have used multiple different Apple Products and Android products. I can find pros and cons of each...because I have used them and actually know what I am talking about through exp vs just throwing out some "dumb" comment without ever using another product.

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