Find the price of the mac airbook. Find the price of a GOOD comparable notebook. if the Airbook air is $1200.00 (just for an example here) and you can find a GOOD pc notebook that is comparable (cpu, ram, hard drive capacity and other specs) for $900.00....tell her you will pay $900.00 towards it if she will get a part time job to cover the rest.
Now that would be best served for future things as it is too close to the holidays for her to save up the money most likely but something to consider for the future.
If you can find the a decent priced one on Amazon and it is being sold from amazon and not through a third party can take that price to a best buy and in most cases they will match it. So you could get a better deal than you expect.
Also something you can look into.
Find the price of the mac airbook. Find the price of a GOOD comparable notebook. if the Airbook air is $1200.00 (just for an example here) and you can find a GOOD pc notebook that is comparable (cpu, ram, hard drive capacity and other specs) for $900.00....tell her you will pay $900.00 towards it if she will get a part time job to cover the rest.
Now that would be best served for future things as it is too close to the holidays for her to save up the money most likely but something to consider for the future.
Chances are you are screwed no matter what you either over pay and get what she wants or you get the stink eye and attitude if you get something else.
In the end you are the parent though and like most kids...they might be mad for awhile but they will get over it if they don't have any other laptop to work with.