Angry Woman vs Bike

Hostile;4481875 said:
I don't know about other places, but in Arizona, when traffic is stopped like that, a motorcycle is allowed to ride between the cars if it can be done safely.

It looks to me like he was trying to do that and she said something to him.

He was wrong to kick her car, but her reaction could have hurt him bad or killed him. If I were the judge and I saw this video, both would spend some time in the iron bar hotel cleaning toilets.

She's lucky she didn't do that to me. WG said it, I would have shot her. Self defense.

wow - really? that would to me start tons of road rage from people waiting in line to get where they're going. it would seem to me everyone should follow the same rules on the road.

if i were stuck in traffic and saw someone doing this i'd get a little upset. big reason why i don't want a gun in my car. >g<
hipfake08;4481688 said:
Watching it with her windown down he turns then kicks the car.

Leads me to believe she said something to provoke the kick.

He is not blazing through traffic just leg walking the bike.

She then used the car as a wepon to run him down.

Then puts him on the hood and crashes the car to get him again....

Yep. I would have emptied a clip in that stupid *bleeps* face, reloaded and shot her again. You try to run me into a car you better me dang sure you don't leave me alive.
iceberg;4481903 said:
wow - really? that would to me start tons of road rage from people waiting in line to get where they're going. it would seem to me everyone should follow the same rules on the road.

if i were stuck in traffic and saw someone doing this i'd get a little upset. big reason why i don't want a gun in my car. >g<

This. If it weren't illegal, I would shoot every single motorist that cuts in line. car, truck, or motorcycle.
Sam I Am;4481919 said:
This. If it weren't illegal, I would shoot every single motorist that cuts in line. car, truck, or motorcycle.

You left out people on bicycles. :laugh2:
iceberg;4481903 said:
wow - really? that would to me start tons of road rage from people waiting in line to get where they're going. it would seem to me everyone should follow the same rules on the road.

if i were stuck in traffic and saw someone doing this i'd get a little upset. big reason why i don't want a gun in my car. >g<
Yes, it is legal. If they didn't allow them to do this it just makes the jam bigger. Every now and then you get some yahoo going 50 in between the cars, but for the most part the bikers are very careful.
Sam I Am;4481935 said:
I thought it was already legal to shoot them? :D

They do wear the funny tour de france garb and the funny helmet. That is a good enough reason I guess. :laugh2:

I have to deal with these guys every day on my way home. I go through a main street next to a park (Memorial Park) and of course they are on the streets doing 5 to 10 mph as traffic is going 35 to 40 miles per hour needless to say they help create traffic problems. I wish the City would not allow bikes on the streets during rush hour traffic
Sam I Am;4481919 said:
This. If it weren't illegal, I would shoot every single motorist that cuts in line. car, truck, or motorcycle.

Really? It doesn't bother me when it's done on a bike. If he can escape the crap, more power to him. It's not his fault I'm stuck in traffic and he's not keeping me there either way.
Doomsday101;4481930 said:
You left out people on bicycles. :laugh2:

OH yeah! Especially those freaking idiot cyclists who think traffic laws don't apply to them. Some IDIOT cyclist very nearly got mowed down in VA yesterday by me when he blatantly ignored a good solid red light (for him, for a long time), didn't even slow down, and cut right in front of me as I was going through a green light that had been green for some time, like 10-15 seconds green. If I mow down an idiot cyclist like that, fine. I'm not slowing down for their stupidity and their thinking they are above traffic laws.
Phoenix;4481991 said:
OH yeah! Especially those freaking idiot cyclists who think traffic laws don't apply to them. Some IDIOT cyclist very nearly got mowed down in VA yesterday by me when he blatantly ignored a good solid red light (for him, for a long time), didn't even slow down, and cut right in front of me as I was going through a green light that had been green for some time, like 10-15 seconds green. If I mow down an idiot cyclist like that, fine. I'm not slowing down for their stupidity and their thinking they are above traffic laws.

I have actually hit one by my house. He came out of nowhere lucky he hit the front fender of my car and went over the hood. Freaked me out big time. Thankfully the kid was alright and lucky the people behind me stayed around to tell the police that the kid was in the wrong.
It is legal here also to move up between cars like that...don't like it find it dangerous because you can't always see them coming....probably not right but some days if I see them behind me and know a traffic light is coming I try to get real close to the car beside me so they don't fit through... I am mean like that... Of course so many people around here drive like freaking maniacs when they are on a they ain't got a brain in their head. They have less protection than when they are in a car so they should be more careful not less.... idiots. but it is also legal here to drive a bicycle on the street that makes me even more crazy you got some little old lady doing 1/2 a mile an hour taking the whole friggin road and worse yet there are bicycle trails all over and gets you to almost everywhere you are going maybe not quite as directly but you get there but the bicycle drivers complain that too many pedestrains are using the trails also and it slows them duh imagine that and here I am in a 100 mph zone or faster and can only go 1/2 a mile per hour for 30 friggin minutes and at the price of gas now I might be better off running them over and paying a small fine.
Zaxor;4482081 said:
It is legal here also to move up between cars like that...don't like it find it dangerous because you can't always see them coming....probably not right but some days if I see them behind me and know a traffic light is coming I try to get real close to the car beside me so they don't fit through... I am mean like that... Of course so many people around here drive like freaking maniacs when they are on a they ain't got a brain in their head. They have less protection than when they are in a car so they should be more careful not less.... idiots. but it is also legal here to drive a bicycle on the street that makes me even more crazy you got some little old lady doing 1/2 a mile an hour taking the whole friggin road and worse yet there are bicycle trails all over and gets you to almost everywhere you are going maybe not quite as directly but you get there but the bicycle drivers complain that too many pedestrains are using the trails also and it slows them duh imagine that and here I am in a 100 mph zone or faster and can only go 1/2 a mile per hour for 30 friggin minutes and at the price of gas now I might be better off running them over and paying a small fine.

That is what gets me, we pay tax money to build these bike paths yet they still go down the road.
Doomsday101;4482087 said:
That is what gets me, we pay tax money to build these bike paths yet they still go down the road.

got me dooms I don't understand it either not one little bit.
Cyclists are out of control. They scream that they want to be in traffic and slow everyone down and they have a right to be there, we have to watch for them constantly. They then break every law in the books while participating in traffic. It's rediculous. I am supposed to feel bad for the guy on the bike who blasts the light and ends up being killed? That's my fault?

How you can they be allowed in traffic and not have the same safety features I have to have wrapped around me in order to survive in an accident, still makes me scratch my head.
Zaxor;4482096 said:
got me dooms I don't understand it either not one little bit.

As I said I am about ready to petition the city to at least limit the access to the roads during rush hour between (3pm to 6pm). It is ridicules that a single bike rider can create major traffic problems.
vta;4481989 said:
Really? It doesn't bother me when it's done on a bike. If he can escape the crap, more power to him. It's not his fault I'm stuck in traffic and he's not keeping me there either way.

I just like to shoot people. It even says so in my CZ Profile. :D
Sam I Am;4482120 said:
I just like to shoot people. It even says so in my CZ Profile. :D

I know someone you should go dove hunting with. :laugh2:
You should try the delivery cyclists in Manhattan. If you've heard that some of the Taxi drivers are crazy, some of cyclists are freaking nuts. They whip in and out of the way of the crazy Taxi drivers. :laugh2:
Doomsday101;4482115 said:
As I said I am about ready to petition the city to at least limit the access to the roads during rush hour between (3pm to 6pm). It is ridicules that a single bike rider can create major traffic problems.

Any slow moving vehicle is usually required to pull off the road when traffic builds up behind them (around here it is 5 vehicles). If a cyclist is not doing this then they are breaking the law. It is sad that there are so many bad cyclists out there giving those of us who follow rules a bad name. Luckily my town is extremely friendly to cyclists and most major streets have a bike lane.
Sam I Am;4482127 said:
You should try the delivery cyclists in Manhattan. If you've heard that some of the Taxi drivers are crazy, some of cyclists are freaking nuts. They whip in and out of the way of the crazy Taxi drivers. :laugh2:

Stupid hipsters and their bike-messenger jobs. Just set up these around New York and catch them like rats. LMAO.

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