Another from the "To the victor goes the spoils" file

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This SO makes me smile!!!
Chachie said:
I apologize ahead of time for the negativity that's coming but that's what this thread is for. VENTING......

I swear I'm sick to my stomach today. Honestly, physically sick. My gut is turning and my chest feels like there are 10 gallons of wet cement in it. My throat is tight and my head hurts.
It's not the first time. It's about the 9th or 10th time in the last 4-5 years. I mean it. I'm physically effected by this sh**.

I fully understand and even predicted that it would be too early in our team's development to beat a Bill Parcells-coached team. I fully understand that we showed improvement in both the run game and passing game last night. I fully understand that Joe Gibbs is still getting used to the league and that our players are still getting used him and eachother. I fully understand that last night's game was very poorly officiated and it was that way for both teams and that Dallas was the beneficiary of 1 or 2 more bad calls of more importance than we were.

I'm absolutely SICK just the same. I sat up until 3:30am last night just staring at the ceiling. What was I thinking about? I was thinking about how I, I PRAY that our players and coaches feel JUST like I do right now. I already know how Lavar Arrington, Chris Samuels, Fred Smoot, Patrick Ramsey, Ladell Betts, Lav Coles and Rod Gardner feel. At least they BETTER feel JUST like I do and they haven't been with this team 1/10th of the time I've lived and died with it. I'm actually talking about Brunell, Portis, Taylor, Washington, Cooley, Springs, etc. I hope the new guys feel this STING and NEVER forget it.

I know there are alot of "Don't sweat it" posts coming my way, (IF anyone chooses at all to join this pity party), but c'mon. This is getting RIDICULOUS. The Cowboy fans can say whatever they want and not one of you can honestly say it doesn't stab you right in the chest when they take their earned shots. Fans like us (members of this forum) don't deserve this kind of repeated performance by guys who get paid way too much to win. No matter how much someone tells me our players are trying, I can't accept that until they beat our most reveared foe. I'm angry and hurt and SICK and TIRED.

There is only ONE bottom line here and that's that there TRULY are NO excuses. We can't beat 'em. Until we do, I'm predicting EVERY meeting a victory for the Cowboys, just like I have the last 3. When the Commanders prove me to be a non-supporter and a "bad" fan, I'll accept anyone's ridicule with shame. Until then, all I am is RIGHT. Joe Gibbs or not, new team or not-- they have to take responsibility for this shame and change it.

jbooma, you're being a champion for us by showing up here today with multiple positive posts, but they don't do justice to the pain and humiliation we all deserve to feel. Thank you though for being a cheerleader.

Mods, I don't care how "fair" we are supposed to be, I wouldn't be one bit suspect of any of you guys for banning all 'Boys fans for a week. Just because our team CANNOT earn us any respect from them, doesn't mean we the faithful should have to deal with this on this day. F them all.

The Dallas Cowboys have OWNED OUR team, the Washington Commanders for EIGHT YEARS.

I'll stick up for you when you change that, Commanders. For now, I've had enough.

Let the Pity Party begin!!!


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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Sounds like he is ready to don the dress blues and load up that nickel-plated .45...

He won't be missed...


Giddy Up
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