Another Skin Excuse ? LB-Marcus Washington blames "diluted" urine test

Bonecrusher#31;1558947 said:
Secret Struggles From a Lost Season
Commander Nearly Undone by Diluted Sample

The effects on Washington, clearly the most outwardly energetic defensive player, were obvious as the unit, especially its linebackers, struggled. Washington's 1,000-watt smile dimmed to a flicker. The perpetual motor wheezed. The unfailingly optimistic Washington was short in interviews, a physical presence virtually invisible in the locker room he usually illuminated.

But while the injuries were annoying and the losing worse, Washington also was left dark and brooding because of a hard and bitter secret that he believed could threaten a long-crafted reputation as a team ambassador. He is now convinced that it ruined his season.

But people close to Washington say they watched him sink into fits of depression and anger, hurt by the rigidity of a process that treated him as if he were a criminal.

The test result marred a season that was supposed to belong to Marcus Washington.

:lmao: Oooh, the drama... I've never seen such melodramatic tones in all my life.

Does anyone remember articles like this in the Campo years? No, we merely sucked. We didn't have the players and we didn't have the coaching. When the Skins suck, the Post turns the drama meter up to the max. And in such learned tones... Hilarious!

BTW, I wonder why everyone is defending this guy? The article reads as if the Skins training staff said, "Now Marcus, be sure you drink your water so you stay hydrated, okay? " And he got busted for doing what his superiors told him to do. You think every player doesn't drink a lot of water? Why aren't more players put in the program, then?

From what I've read, you have to drink tons of water -- extreme amounts, like gallons -- to get busted for this. Maybe he was covering something up.

"I remember when it happened, when he had to go to New York. He didn't know what it was, whether it was too much water or some painkiller. When it happened to Shawne Merriman, I said, 'Okay, I can see that.'
Okay, now that's funny! Seems lots of people had suspicions about Merriman even before he got busted.
OK. I am going to conduct an experiment.

For breakfast this morning, I had a cinnamon roll. I have gone thru 2 half liters of water this morning. I am going to drink 3 more before noon, and take a piss.

If it comes out watery; Ill let you know.

My guess is it does.

And it wont be anywhere near "gallons of water consumed."
Vintage;1559290 said:
OK. I am going to conduct an experiment.

For breakfast this morning, I had a cinnamon roll. I have gone thru 2 half liters of water this morning. I am going to drink 3 more before noon, and take a piss.

If it comes out watery; Ill let you know.

My guess is it does.

And it wont be anywhere near "gallons of water consumed."

I'm pretty sure the NFL uses something a little more more stringent than "looking watery". :rolleyes:
Chocolate Lab;1559298 said:
I'm pretty sure the NFL uses something a little more more stringent than "looking watery". :rolleyes:


I'd have never known.

If pee is water colored; then I'd be willing to bet just about anything, its dilluted.
Chocolate Lab;1559282 said:
Why aren't more players put in the program, then?

how do you know more players arn't? If you are just put into step one of the program, it isn't realeased to the public. The only reason this topic came up is because Marcus Washington brought it up earlier in the month.
skinsngibbs4life;1559308 said:
how do you know more players arn't? If you are just put into step one of the program, it isn't realeased to the public. The only reason this topic came up is because Marcus Washington brought it up earlier in the month.

Because if players could get put in the program for drinking a little too much water after a workout, half the league would be in, the players association would loudly complain (and rightfully so), and we'd have heard about it by now.
Vintage;1559290 said:
OK. I am going to conduct an experiment.

For breakfast this morning, I had a cinnamon roll. I have gone thru 2 half liters of water this morning. I am going to drink 3 more before noon, and take a piss.

If it comes out watery; Ill let you know.

My guess is it does.

And it wont be anywhere near "gallons of water consumed."
Isn't pee supposed to be watery? If it was something else, it wouldn't be pee, right?
Thats the point. Just because your pee doesn't have much color doesn't mean a test would call it diluted. To get a diluted sample you have to drink much more that what could be considered normal under any circumstances. That is the reason they flag it. No matter how much strenous activity one is involved in, you don't drink several gallons of water for a few days in a row and thats what it takes to get a diluted sample. Drinking a few liters a day will not do it. I'm not saying the guy is an abuser or was on steriods. The guys seems to have been a classy guy his whole carrer, but where theres smoke, theres fire. I believe the most likely scenario is that he took a banned substance to try and help him through an injury or he did some type a recreation drug and was doing everything he could to flush it out of his system. His "I didn't do anything wrong" defense just doesn't fly with me. Theres a reason he drank a massive amount of water leading up to a drug test! I assume the experience probably scared the crap out of him and he is most likely clean and won't do whatever he did again. At this point I don't think its a big deal but I have a hard time seeing how many people think nothing happened here.
WoodysGirl;1559314 said:
Isn't pee supposed to be watery? If it was something else, it wouldn't be pee, right?

You got me.

I meant water colored.

Like where it looks like you literally just pissed water.
Vintage;1559322 said:
You got me.

I meant water colored.

Like where it looks like you literally just pissed water.

Actually if you are properly hydrated your pee should be "water colored" other than your morning pee.
L-O-Jete;1559337 said:
Actually if you are properly hydrated your pee should be "water colored" other than your morning pee.

This is about right...

From the MayoClinic website:
" is generally the case that if you drink enough fluid so that you rarely feel thirsty and produce between one and two liters of colorless or slightly yellow urine a day, your fluid intake is probably adequate."

What they are counting, and I am sure someone will correct me... Is the amount of electrolytes in the urine, to low means too much water, too high not enough water or dehydration...
When they say "Diluted" I don't think they mean "Watery". I might be wrong but I don't believe drinking a lot of water is going to cause you to fail a drug test.

When you drink a lot of water before taking a drug test it is to lower the urine/metabolite ratio in your bladder, that way when you urinate hopefully
your metabolites(that are in the urine) are below the allowable threshold.

When they say a sample was diluted they're probably meaning the sample was diluted with another substance, for example bleach. you can pour a tiny bit of bleach into your urine sample and it'll kill the THC in it, and it only takes a tiny amount. However sometimes bleach will raise the pH level of your urine outside the body’s normal range setting the test off as possibly tampered with.

Since this was his first offense and technically the test was only "suspicious" then I'm more inclined to believe that it was just a random test that went wrong.
Gibby!;1559492 said:
Yeah water can dilute it to the point where it is rejected, however, as some people seem to think, this doesn't necessarily mean they are guilty...

Oh and you're right about the metabolites, my bad.

I see, I stand corrected. I wonder how much water it'd take to get an urine sample clear enough to be rejected. From everything I've read it sounds like it'd take a purposeful effort to try and get your urine that diluted with water. It just seems that if it was so easy to drink a lot of water and fail a drug test that you'd see a lot more people failing drug tests. Still there's no evidence except for this one test that suggests Washington is doing some kinda drug so I'm still leaning towards believing it was just a random incident.
skinsngibbs4life;1559175 said:

he tests negative for every other test he has had, had one test where he tested as having "diluted" urine, and suddenly he is on 'roids?

You'll do anything to bash a player, regardless of how classy the guy actually is.

he gets on the watchlist at 1st, but doesn't test positive after

it's really simple, a low amount of steroids was found in his body, he decides to give it up to pass further tests, w/o the steroids, his body doesn't recuperate like before, and he gets hurt
Vintage;1559204 said:
Diluted urine sounds suspicious.....

Of drinking too much water. Who hasn't had dilluted urine in their life? I bet I do it a once or twice a month; drink too much water, and piss what looks like water colored urine....

Washington has no history of it. I am not suspicious in the least.

Charles Rogers had diluted urine days before the draft, they said he just drank too much water, look at him now...

I'm just saying, it's suspicious as all hell

and the fact that his body breaks down towards the end of the season when he's testing clean
DanTanna;1559741 said:
The PEE PEE don't LIE !!!

LOL, then he's guilty of nothing, because there was so much water there weren't enough metabolites to test for anything :)

At least he wasnt caught with a whizinator, or a pregnant womans urine ;)
DanTanna;1559741 said:
The PEE PEE don't LIE !!!


If the pee is diluted it must be polluted?

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