Brown got absolutely worked by Brown in the season opener. Good for a 6th round pick? Yes. Trust to start 17 games a season? No.
umm no it lies somewhere in between Star=no elite =no but very solid and fulltime starter umm YES
show me all the cbs who shut down brown especially 6th rounder LOL that like saying all CBs who couldnt cover Hopkins, TO, Rice, Moss, adams, Fitzgerald, Hill and many other HOF type WRs suck..right umm those dudes are elite special for reason as is ABrown as wr nearly uncoverable even by a #1. you need to try and double these guys and then have your #2 and 3 corners take the other guys..isue are when teams have 2-3 great wrs lie TB did..its pick your poison. The Bucs corners sure were struggling against our 3 Wrs weren't lit up just as badly.
again OP said other then the Raiders game Brown had his best season so get over it..hes good as solid starter opposite of Diggs but hopefully KJ and other young bucs eventually take over for him..his demise and accusation of being terrible are wrong. Go show me all the teams that are 4 deep at corner, so after say their best CB how many others they have better then brown as a 2 or 3 lmao.. not many, most likely NONE, this is how teams are set up you have one great one pay them then fill out the roster with solid starters,,
I mean Larry brown and Smith never excited me neither were elite and both were much like Abrown,. thats a fact.