Anti Vaxxers are stupid

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If it goes both ways, then yeah, maybe that would be fair but it's too one sided to me. Besides, there something called the 1st amendment that protects anybody who has religious convictions that prevent vaccination. That's not going to get changed any time soon.

Aside from that, most States have laws already in place that force common vaccinations for common diseases. You don't get into school with out immunizations etc.
Well, here in Florida, we have the ability to opt out of it for religious reasons. They require kids to get shots before entering the 7th grade here. We opted both of our daughters out of those shots.
I'm curious about the wave of people in the scientific community now hinting that over-vaccination is responsible for the hyper allergic world we live in today.
Not making any statement here, just saying it's an interesting topic.

Oops, I got in this thread again.
Better leave now. This topic is a non winner from either side, imo.
Nobody will concede either way, so its almost a pointless topic to discuss.
I'm curious about the wave of people in the scientific community now hinting that over-vaccination is responsible for the hyper allergic world we live in today.
Not making any statement here, just saying it's an interesting topic.

Oops, I got in this thread again.
Better leave now. This topic is a non winner from either side, imo.
Nobody will concede either way, so its almost a pointless topic to discuss.

IMO it makes sense to research that hypothesis to see if it's true and, if so, what we can do about it.
Well, here in Florida, we have the ability to opt out of it for religious reasons. They require kids to get shots before entering the 7th grade here. We opted both of our daughters out of those shots.

Yeah, this is mostly a States Rights Issue, which is why I kinda don't get why a lot of folks want Federal Action taken. Each State deals with their own local issue, as they see fit.

I'm actually in favor of common vaccination but the Law is clear on this issue. Parents have the final say, in most cases and I am hesitant to try and change that. It's the law of unintended consequences. Particularly with this issue, is a major concern for me. If you make it Federally mandated for State entities to mandate things, where does it end? Most people view this as treatments in life threatening situations or vaccinations for things like Polio etc. but implications are far greater. This could be exploited in a lot of different directions and once it's law, who can say if it can be corrected going forward? This is why I support a Parents right to maintain control and this is also why I believe that a stiff counter balance should be in place if these types of measures were ever adopted. The penalties for taking advantage of the situation have to be stark. They need to be sever in the extreme and not just based on the threat of suit and what amounts to a few dollars in the grand scheme because you know that if that kind of law were ever passed, there are elements that would certainly take full advantage of it and the results would not be good IMO.
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Keep religion and politics out of this thread...If you cannot do so..leave this thread, if you will not do so don't complain when I help you.


I post that and people respond talking about government and politics.

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