Anti Vaxxers are stupid

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I never specified an illness
I was just wondering about his general attitude towards medicine.

If you're not talking about immunization, then for some other disease, I would get all the facts and make a choice. I would not let a kid go without treatment. Treatment saved my life when I was a kid and had pneumonia. Depends what the disease is and what the treatment is. Pneumonia is more serious than warts, for example. I would not rely on herbal teas.
Will you watch this video RC and everyone else who thinks vaccines are good, safe and properly tested? If you want to understand why there are Dr's, and people who do not trust vaccines, you will.

The first part a Pediatrician is interviewed.
Hey, we've all wondered at some point what it would be like for polio to make a comeback.
Take a look at this excellent speach showing just how "science" is used to support vaccines. And those of us who see this crap are called crazy. Wake up people.

It's simple: Do disease reappearance rates go up, stay the same, or go down when less people are vaccinated. The answer so for seems to be they reappear more, which clearly shows that vaccines do help.
I believe autism will be linked to the chemical cocktail most people intake daily that causes mutations at the genetic level. In this day and age of advanced medicine plus the supplements, GMOs, chemicals in the air, food, and water, over prescription of medication with little in the way of how this drug interacts with this other drug or supplement or energy drink.

As for anti-vaxxers, let natural selection take over. Society spends way too much time, money, and effort to protect the "stupid" people from themselves. Let them go and the genepool will benefit from it.

I do not believe a perfectly healthy person should be get flu vaccines. I do believe really young children, elderly and immune system compromised people should.
Nice. The increase of autism is more likely related to chemicals, as you've said. Nutrasweet could easily be the culprit.
The CDC chooses our proposed flu vaccine each year based on a guess— which usually is based on what flu strand proliferated the most in the Southern Hemisphere the year before. It may be a strand that was 27% vs 24% in another part if the globe. So, so ething to help prevent that strand, and maybe a combo to help an anticipated variation.
A total crap shoot.
And even if the dominant strand in the US ends up being something entirely different (so flu shot has no affect for that strand)...they shamelessly push for people to get the shot anyway.
Even if they get the guess right, the flu shot only covers a certain strand (or minor variation) , so maybe 25-30%.

I get it though.
Some mass protection better than none by their view.

Personally. I had a flu shot in 1987 and got the flu that year.
I have never had a flu shot in 30 years since, and have never had the flu.
Just me though..
I would never tell anyone not to get one, but my personal story: I got a flu shot one time and got the flu 7-8 times in one year. Was it due to the shot? Man, I have no earthly idea, but that's the only time in my life I've gotten sick that much.
You are so wrong on this one, girl.

We’ve cured many things, and have been working non-stop on all the difficult ones for decades.

And people don’t die from the flu vaccine - that’s just BS.
Yeah, those are old wives tales or conspiracy theories.
The other thing I found interesting is the rise of hand sanitizer and other "cleanliness" things has cut down on most things but the things that get you are much more robust. My next comment is going to maybe offend people. I think society as a whole has become too "clean" and the human immune system is not under the constant barrage it used to be say 30 years ago. I am not saying live like pigs but trying to live a "sterile" life does you no favors in the long run. 30 years ago hand sanitizer and ant-bacterial this or that was very rare and nature and human biology worked together. Now I think especially among children their immune systems are not as robust and they will effect the immuno-deficient demographic in the years to come.
Yes, we are breeding the human race to be weaker.
Oh, and to add, I've spoken to several doctors about why I had the flu so many times in one year after taking the flu shot. I was informed that there are some very rare cases that people have a negative reaction to the flu shot, and that I may simply be one of those people. As someone else said, I believe people should get the flu shot.
Nice. The increase of autism is more likely related to chemicals, as you've said. Nutrasweet could easily be the culprit.

It is also becoming an increasingly hip diagnosis and a catch basin diagnosis that gets landed on when it doesn't exactly fit but they can't decide on anything else.

Also consider that some other diagnoses got collapsed into Autism Spectrum Disorder when the field moved from the DSM IV to the DSM V.
I think eventually autism will be linked to the chemical slurry people take in for their "health" that alters the human body or reproductive cells at the genetic level. Or it will be another side effect of global climate change.
Although I do think big pharma takes advantage of some things, including pricing....I hate the anti-vaccination movement. I would also say that if any of the children develop

any of the diseases or conditions that the vaccines could have prevented I would not be opposed to the parents getting into legal trouble over it.

Most in the medical field will tell you that preventative medicine is the best, and often cheapest, way to help people in the long run.

What if it's the other way around? I mean, I think that if you are going to send parents to jail for not allowing vaccinations to their children, then you should also do the same for these people who are making money off of big Pharma when they introduce something that harms children and lets face it, it's not as if that has not happened in the past. Right now, that doesn't happen. Big Pharma pays a fine, settles and it's a drop in the bucket on the prophet line. Not only the President of whatever company but the board, anybody who is making profit on those drugs should see time. In for a little, in for a lot, so to speak. I'm OK with making parents responsible but not until the people who are really making money off of this stuff get the same type of justice. I'm also not in favor of schools just arbitrarily giving children treatments without the knowledge or consent of parents and that has also happened in the past. That's not right, to me. I am for vaccinations but I am not for taking the choice away from there parents. Parents are ultimately responsible for their children. I know that if anything happened to mine, no sentence would be worse then the pain of having to live with the fact that I allowed something terrible to happen to my kid.
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