Any Canadian fans?

Canadian BoyzFan;2302026 said:
Through my cable company (Roger's Cable) they have a package where I get the NFL Sunday ticket/NHL Centre Ice and the baseball for $29.95 a month. It's quite sweet.

I've never been to Alberta but can tell you three things:
1) In the winter it's ******** cold.
2) No taxes
3) Very scenic with the mountains

Alberta has tax, just no provincial sales tax

Alberta is cold in the winter, particularly in Edmonton and further north.

Alberta has Shaw Cable like I have in BC. If you get digital cable, you can have Sunday Ticket or buy each Cowboy game a la carte. Given all the HD stations you can get (or even just the digital ones), you might not need Ticket.

I pay 35.00 a month for Ticket and they have some HD ticket games now. That was early bird, I think it's 40-45 a month otherwise.
LeonDixson;2302180 said:
Another question to our fans in Canada. Aren't the "black boxes" or "pirated smart cards" that can decode all satellite transmissions legal in Canada? A Canadian I was conversing with on-line told me that.

They were all the rage about 4-5 years ago. I haven't heard too much about them anymore. I think the you still get the signal, but the Satelite companies change the signal so frequently it becomes more of a hassle to keep re-programming your card.

I'm not 100% sure though.
fiveandcounting;2301982 said:
Im considering some contract work in Alberta for a few months, maybe longer. I have directtv and the nfl ticket and am addicted. Im trying to find ways to not miss a live Cowboy game if I go there. Directtv doesnt go there.
Yahoo's streaming live nfl games doesnt work in Canada. I suppose I can bittorrent games but sometimes those things arent up for two days.
Going to a bar is an option I guess but not a preference. My ideal preference is to have my pick of any games possible (ensuring all Cowboy games and a few more), live, not at a bar. I have a feeling that may be asking too much.

Does anyone post here who may have insight on such matters?


I live in Calgary and you can get Sunday Ticket.

Even better, you can buy individual games from Shaw Cable for $10. So in weeks when the Cowboys aren't televised nationally or when the Seahwaks are shown, you can buy the game.

Last year, I only had to buy 2 games and I haven't had to buy one yet this year. For me, this is the best way to go.
Canadian BoyzFan;2301991 said:
I get the ticket for $29/month. Cheaper then in the States.

***??? I pay like $50 a month in six installments. I'm moving to Canada right now, I've heard Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal are beautiful.
I subscribe to Sunday Ticket, so I never miss a game. Fortunately for those without S.T , every Cowboy game has been broadcast on regular cable, though I am in Toronto which is far east of Alberta.
BTW, regarding the weather in Southern Alberta, it can be pretty harsh a week or 2 at a time. But here we get chinook winds from the mountain that can warm us up 20 deg C (70 deg F) in a matter of 4 hours or so.

This is unlike Saskatchewan or Manitoba where you are frozen solid from November to March. I have golfed here in January. It's rare but it does happens from time to time.

As for the job market, it's crazy hot. If you have any kind of education, you will get a job here in hours with just a bit of effort. Salaries are top notch, but the cost of living is up there as well.
1. Local in house cable provider. Shaw will get you the ticket. You have to purchase the basic package first, then add to your base package. Look to pay with all the taxes $60.00 per month. You can't just get NFL Sunday Ticket.

2. Dish provider. Two to choose from Bell Express Vu or Star Choice. Same deal. Basic package, then additional pgks. They finally made NFLN a separate package here in Western Canada. At one time you have to get the premium level pkg before signing on. Same difference you are looking at about $60-70.00 bucks a month.

3. Farmer Vision. Using the old aerial if you can get City TV, they air as many Cowboy games as they can get rights to. The Albertans are Cowboys crazy.

4. Pirate Cards. There's a whole slew of them, but it's irritating always downloading patches when they zap the cards.

There's no reason to miss Cowboys games if you are prepared to pay.

PM me if you are looking for an alternative way.

BTW, the boom in Alberta has tailed off. Housing prices have fallen, there is too much housing product available, vendors are laying people off in construction, but oil is still pumping out.
cowboys2233;2302237 said:
***??? I pay like $50 a month in six installments. I'm moving to Canada right now, I've heard Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal are beautiful.
Not sure I'd describe Toronto as beautiful. Montreal is awesome, but haven't made it out to Vancouver yet.

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