A little read if you are unfamiliar with Lisfranc related foot injuries:
TLDR - He will probably be out the remainder of the regular season. He will need surgery. 10-14 weeks is an average timeframe of recovery. 8 weeks in the best case scenario. The rest of the year including the post-season in the worst case scenario.
Options include operative or non-operative treatment. One study claims that in athletes, and if the dislocation is less than 2 mm, the fracture can be managed with casting for six weeks. The person's injured limb cannot bear weight during this period. In the majority of cases early anatomical reduction and stable fixation is indicated. A 2005 study suggests that closed reduction and Kirschner wire (K-wire) stabilisation or open reduction and stabilisation - generally using screws to avoid the complication of K-wires and maintain a stable reduction - are the treatments of choice.
According to a 1997 study, for severe Lisfranc injuries, open reduction with internal fixation (ORIF) and temporary screw or Kirschner wire fixation is the treatment of choice. The foot cannot be allowed to bear weight for a minimum of six weeks. Partial weight-bearing may then begin, with full weight bearing after an additional several weeks, depending on the specific injury. K-wires are typically removed after six weeks, before weight bearing, while screws are often removed after 12 weeks