Anyone else find this unbelievably hilarious....

Rezz said:
Extremeskins is a joke. If that board truly represents Commanders fans then I feel sorry for you guys. I haven't seen that much crying since I was invited to the Vermeil family reunion last year.

Nothing is ever the Commanders fault. The refs cheated them. Roy Williams is a cheap shot artist. Sean Taylor is better and only hits clean. The Commanders gave us the game....blah blah blah yadda yadda. These are all things your board propagates. It's pathetic.

Also the lack of straight-up football knowledge on your board is frightening. I've never seen a message board more full of morons than Extremeskins. Some of the things people post there make me wonder if they've ever seen a real game or if they get all their football knowledge from their 3 year franchise in Madden '04.

Maybe that's why you guys love Sean Taylor so much, since he also, is as dumb as a bag of rocks. Million dollar skills with a 10 cent head.

So in summary, Dallas owns your team. You're like our little kid brother that we kick the crap out of twice a year just for fun. Go back to your board and cry us all a river, ok?

"Also the lack of straight-up football knowledge on your board is frightening."

I think you meant this board.
I'd say the majority of Skins fans feel they got jobbed by the refs and think the Skins actually won the game.

Then there about 20% of the fans who admit that they lost, sort of taking the high road, only to contradict themselves by the spin job and harping on the calls by the refs. (The only call I thought was downright bad was the missed PI on Newman as the ref was in position to see the play. The Glenn PI call both refs weren't in good position to see what was going on. Arguing about the Ward muff is ridiculous).

I'd say about less than 5% of the fans have completely taken the high road and just congratulated us on the Cowboys winning.

I dunno, I watched the game with my roommate (Bears fan), and 3 other friends (Bucs, Giants, and Skins fans). ALL OF THEM agreed that the officiating was bad on both sides and even my buddy who is the Skins fan didn't think the officiating was the reason why the Skins lost.

I think the typical Commanders fans behavior of talking smack then making excuses when they lose is getting a little old.

Unbelievably Hilarious ? Come now. Only people that were here to troll havent been back and the one that was banned most likely deserved it from a few of the posts that I read.

Unknowledgable Commanders Fans ? Please. I know more than my share of Cowboys Fans that cant even tell you who their back up QB is, yet alone the starting RB.

All teams unfortunately have idiot fans. I have seen a few here from time to time and a few visitors here from other teams as well.

Classless might be a little strong as far as choice of words. Ashamed, Disappointed, Pissed, Disgusted, those words fit a little better right now.

It was a hard fought game and you can call it excuse making if you choose. No one that I have seen is making excuses. just trying to justify what happened from our point of view. Bad Calls, Bad Clock management, and some poor playing on both sides of the ball is what I saw. You can call it what you want. But just like Giants game, as poorly as the Commanders played the game shouldnt have been that close.

And as far as the stadium is concerned the Yellow Seats are the Club level and a lot of those fans go into Hooters or the Cigar bar or even just lounge around and watch the rest on the plasma screens towards the end of games. It is always like that. It isnt because they left the game they just want to enjoy some of the perks of spending that kinda cash for 10 games a year.
BrAinPaiNt said:
I was reading the same thing from SKINS FANS on the extremeskins site yesterday about many people leaving before the game was over.

Many were saying it was people from the box suites or corporate not know the truth about that but the fact remains that even many skins fans were saying that a surprising number of fans were leaving around the time you describe.

The "yellow" seats are the Club Level. They always have the worst attendance and are a constant source of shame for the Commanders. Also, because the yellow seats are so bright, it always shows up when people aren't sitting in them. It's not surprising at all that they would empty out first.

However, I was sitting in the upper deck... what they affectionately call the "Thunder" and that's where I really noticed lots of Skins fans leaving from. They were pouring down the aisles. It really gave all the Cowboys fans an extra boost of enthusiasm and confidence.
OldButDeadly said:
I don't have a problem with Skins fans being upset about the calls....but they are blinded if they think that it didn't go both ways....

And speaking of classless....the only classless-ness I have seen was Joe "Savior" Gibbs....whatever....I lost all respect I had of him...just because of that handshake...I certainly hope that hope that his players call him out on that crap...

The bad calls absolutely went against both teams. However, the worst of the bad calls went against the Skins. The first PI call that should of been on Glenn resulted in a 38 yard penalty that gave the Cowboys the ball on the one. The non-call on Newman prevented Gardner from having a chance to catch a TD. The Portis catch that should not have resulted in a first down was unfortunate for the Cowboys but it only led to a first down around midfield. Your defense had plenty of other opportunities after that to make a stop. The late hit penalty was a little ticky-tack but if there is a defensive player in todays league that doesn't know that any hit to a quarterbacks head is going to be called he must be living in a cave. It was a stupid act. A similar push to the shoulder, instead of the helmet, does not result in a flag being thrown.

As far as the handshake goes- you're still beating that horse? There is enough visual evidence around on this site and others to clearly show that Gibbs looked Parcells in the eye, said something (probably like good game), and shook his hand. What did you want him to do?

The Cowboys won the game by three. Neither team played particularly well. Both have many things to work on before fans of either can seriously begin to consider any playoff possibilities. I am a Cowboy fan two days a year. Beat the Eagles will ya?
Danny White said:
The "yellow" seats are the Club Level. They always have the worst attendance and are a constant source of shame for the Commanders. Also, because the yellow seats are so bright, it always shows up when people aren't sitting in them. It's not surprising at all that they would empty out first.

However, I was sitting in the upper deck... what they affectionately call the "Thunder" and that's where I really noticed lots of Skins fans leaving from. They were pouring down the aisles. It really gave all the Cowboys fans an extra boost of enthusiasm and confidence.

Hey DW,

One thing to consider is that this stadium now holds over 91,000 seats and you still have to wait about 15 years to get season tickets. Many of the ticket holders sell their tickets to anyone with cash (another source of annoyance to Skins fans), or in the case of the club seats hand them out to clients, social page primadonnas, or corporate suck-ups. Even if 20-25% of the attendees(notice I didn't say fans) left early that still leaves approx. 70,000 in place. What does Texas Stadium hold 60-65,000? I have noticed on the official team website that there are tickets available online to every Dallas home game. Is that true? Many posters here have ridiculed Skins fans for leaving early (not you) yet they don't sell out their own stadium. Things that make you go hmmm.

If I recall correctly, Texas Stadium has sold out for over the last 20 years.

Anyway, the club seats are a problem in sports. I live in Atlanta and they are primo seats for Falcons and Thrashers games, but they are always empty. To me, it's one of the worst things I see in sports and if I won the powerball lottery and became and owner, club seats for corporate bigwigs wouldn't exist in my stadium.

Yakuza Rich said:

If I recall correctly, Texas Stadium has sold out for over the last 20 years.

Anyway, the club seats are a problem in sports. I live in Atlanta and they are primo seats for Falcons and Thrashers games, but they are always empty. To me, it's one of the worst things I see in sports and if I won the powerball lottery and became and owner, club seats for corporate bigwigs wouldn't exist in my stadium.


Sorry Rich- The tickets link on shows tickets "available" for all games via Ticketmaster. Apparently that page must not be up-to-date. I thought that was strange.

As far as your take on club seating goes your are right on. These pricey seats with their sometimes 15-20 years licenses are just too profitable for the owners. I am a little surprised that we haven't yet seen a game between the American Express Cowboys and the Coca Cola Commanders. Someday we probably will.
Monte51Coleman said:
Sorry Rich- The tickets link on shows tickets "available" for all games via Ticketmaster. Apparently that page must not be up-to-date. I thought that was strange.

As far as your take on club seating goes your are right on. These pricey seats with their sometimes 15-20 years licenses are just too profitable for the owners. I am a little surprised that we haven't yet seen a game between the American Express Cowboys and the Coca Cola Commanders. Someday we probably will.

Hmm...yet EVERY year the skins have a LARGE number of cowboys fans that come to the cowboys skins game...AT the Commanders field.


Maybe...just maybe... many of these stadiums that claim to be sold out to their own fans that want season tickets are just getting duped by the ownership because they know they can make a killing on certian games.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Hmm...yet EVERY year the skins have a LARGE number of cowboys fans that come to the cowboys skins game...AT the Commanders field.


Maybe...just maybe... many of these stadiums that claim to be sold out to their own fans that want season tickets are just getting duped by the ownership because they know they can make a killing on certian games.

Hey BP- Glad to know that there are no fans of opposing teams in Texas Stadium. That runs contrary to my personal experience but what do I know? I must be blinded by my b&g glasses.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Maybe...just maybe... many of these stadiums that claim to be sold out to their own fans that want season tickets are just getting duped by the ownership because they know they can make a killing on certian games.

I don't think that Danny owns eBay....yet!
Monte51Coleman said:
Hey BP- Glad to know that there are no fans of opposing teams in Texas Stadium. That runs contrary to my personal experience but what do I know? I must be blinded by my b&g glasses.

I think you missed my whole point, and are trying to put words into my mouth...I just used what happened this game as an example to say that even though stadiums will say they are sold out to people wanting season will normally find a large or at least relevant number of opposing fans there...and I am sure that those numbers of fans did not get them off ebay or scalpers.

I think the front offices hold many back just to make a better profit for the big games, the rivalries, like the skins/cowboys game.

I was reading or saw somewhere how one team made anyone that wanted to see a certain game in the regular season to buy a ticket to a pre-season game.

It's all about the money.
BrAinPaiNt said:
I was reading or saw somewhere how one team made anyone that wanted to see a certain game in the regular season to buy a ticket to a pre-season game.
During the Colts/Packers game it was mentioned that the Pack fams had to buy a ticket to the preseason game as well to get a ticket for that game.
BrAinPaiNt said:
I think you missed my whole point, and are trying to put words into my mouth...I just used what happened this game as an example to say that even though stadiums will say they are sold out to people wanting season will normally find a large or at least relevant number of opposing fans there...and I am sure that those numbers of fans did not get them off ebay or scalpers.

I think the front offices hold many back just to make a better profit for the big games, the rivalries, like the skins/cowboys game.

I was reading or saw somewhere how one team made anyone that wanted to see a certain game in the regular season to buy a ticket to a pre-season game.

It's all about the money.

How do they carry out this conspiricy? I am a season ticket holder and live in Florida. I usually attend two games per year and sell the others, two exhibition and six regular season, to the guys who sit next to me. I have had many offers from fans of opposing teams, including friends and associates, to buy my tickets. However, I steadfastly refuse to sell them to anyone but Commanders fans not matter the lost $$. Apparently many others are not as discriminating.
Smith22 said:
During the Colts/Packers game it was mentioned that the Pack fams had to buy a ticket to the preseason game as well to get a ticket for that game.

That shows that Indy does not sell out all of their seats through season tickets. Tickets for the pre-season games are an unavoidable purchase for season ticket holders.
Monte51Coleman said:
How do they carry out this conspiricy? I am a season ticket holder and live in Florida. I usually attend two games per year and sell the others, two exhibition and six regular season, to the guys who sit next to me. I have had many offers from fans of opposing teams, including friends and associates, to buy my tickets. However, I steadfastly refuse to sell them to anyone but Commanders fans not matter the lost $$. Apparently many others are not as discriminating.

Would not take a brainiac to carry it out IMO.

If an owner (for examples) says he can give season tickets for 15 games for a total of $15 which breaks down to $1 a game.....yet if he can make $5 a game for a few games because they are big you not think they would just set a few back...give the rest of the tickets as promotions tickets to companies or other groups?

I mean come on look at how many times some of these cowboys fans go to see the has to be more then just coincidence that they always seem to find tickets don't ya think?

Either way I just think any time a team claims to have sold out for years I think much of that is BS.
BP, you know the reason so many Packers Fans are on the road is because they cant get regular season tickets. So they travel. Commanders tickets are sold out except for those damn luxury boxes. Which I have sat in and are very "luxurious" but take away from the games sometimes and the average fan.

There are tons of ticket brokering agencies across the country. I can get tickets to any game that I want in the country. And have. Red Sox / Yankees in NY and Boston, NCAA Final Fours, ACC Tourneys, NBA Finals, you name it I have been able to get them. And honestly I have gotten the very best seats from scalpers at the best prices.

Yankees / Orioles 2nd row behind the dugout 30 bucks for 2 seats.
NBA Finals Nets/ Lakers near midcourt about 15 rows back game 4, 200 bucks for 2 tickets.
And before I got my Commanders Tickets this year I would scalp them all the time and never had a seat that wasnt on the first level or between the 20's.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Would not take a brainiac to carry it out IMO.

If an owner (for examples) says he can give season tickets for 15 games for a total of $15 which breaks down to $1 a game.....yet if he can make $5 a game for a few games because they are big you not think they would just set a few back...give the rest of the tickets as promotions tickets to companies or other groups?

I mean come on look at how many times some of these cowboys fans go to see the has to be more then just coincidence that they always seem to find tickets don't ya think?

Either way I just think any time a team claims to have sold out for years I think much of that is BS.

BP- I am far from a brainiac, and I am learning to respect your views, but I think that you are flat out wrong here. At least as the Commanders are concerned. Find me one, only one, Cowboy fan who can prove that he/she bought single game tickets directly from the Commanders and I will be your personal slave for a year. I waited 26 years to get my tickets and only then because of the move to a larger stadium. Dannyboy gets all of our money in full in February and paying for the exhibition games is mandatory. He has use of the money for many months before the games begin X 91,000. Do you really think that a secret plot by the team to scalp its own tickets at the expense of its own fans and putting opposing fans in the stadium at a modest upcharge for a couple of games a year really makes any sense?

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