Anyone else in the Tampa area for the hurricane?


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Got hit pretty hard but never lost power. For those that did the temp behind the storm was cool and dry. Many areas are still without power today. Hundreds of Power trucks are in area and working to clear roadways and restore power. The lines at fast food places are insane and highway traffic is bumper to bumper. Lights that are out should be treated like a 4 way stop but then there are those that don't know how to drive when conditions are perfect much less when they are not. Moronic drivers

Crazed Liotta Eyes

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I'm in North Port and my power just came back on. Internet is still down but I'm on my hotspot. Man, what a brutal storm with a lot of devastation around here. We were lucky because we were not in the area that got flooded. Ended up with some substantial roof damage, pool screen is gone and damage / removal of pretty much anything that was growing the yard.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan

Chemistry in action…..

Batteries are chemically reactive with water and salt water expedites that process. This poses new challenges for firefighters to extinguish those fires, cleanup and storage. Not to mention what kind of harmful fumes that are put out. There was one car that was still burning after 1500 gallons of water……which, again, reacts with water. This now toxic water enters the ground supply.

This is not about gas vs electric during a storm, neither will work when flooded. This is a glimpse of what could happen with a large number of EV’s nationwide. The logistics and power grid need a serious discussion before this haste to eliminate gas engines. That isn’t even including what do do with all these batteries when they die. Put them back in the ground that was torn apart digging for rare earth minerals?


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Lol. Gas vehicles submerged do better?
well at least they do not catch fire.

I notice all the idiots screaming for all to drive EV right now are very quiet about things like this.
Of course they are also very quiet about the idiocy of California saying all IC vehicles have to go and at the same time doing NOTHING to fix an already STAGGERING electric grid.