Anyone else noticing how Switzer is fast gaining crediblity???

TheProphet;1339689 said:
Who here has followed what Switz has been saying lately? The Prophet notices the man is getting more and more air time as well as quotes and interviews. He also the ear of both Jer and Bob Stoops (he more than likely advised Stoops to pass on the offer). The Prophet doesn't know about you guys, but whenever I hear Switz speak, I make it a point to stop and listen. The guy misses nothing and was one helluva coach.

I miss Bary like i miss Bowmanbody:bang2: Then again i like my fingernails pulled out for fun.
philo beddoe;1339720 said:
Yeah right, same old party line. You don't win 3 nat'l championships and a Super Bowl by being a stooge. Keep believing what the haters in the press told you. This is what you want to believe. So be it, doesn't make it true.

I give him his props for what he did in college but he was crap as an NFL coach.
Kilyin;1339722 said:
Hey. The voices in your head aren't real.

I think they are real...I just think they are lying to him. :p:
TheProphet;1339707 said:
Get one thing straight bub, The Prophet is a Switz guy as well as a die hard Cowboy guy. Period. All Switz has ever done is win. Period. The Prophet suggests you quit letting is OU connection distort the excellent track record of Switz. JJ likes him for good reason...he was and remains a winner.

Hey, superpunk loves Oklahoma as much as the next guy. Oklahoma is notably near Texas, which is a state superpunk came to love on a layover in DFW. superpunk notes that the bartender near gate F makes some nice rum and coke's (for the remainder of this discussion, we will refer to that as CRum.)

Crum + Near Texas + limited firearms restrictions = Football savvy.

superpunk has spoken.
VA Cowboy;1339724 said:
Exactly....he was just one of 500 who could've won with the team Jimmy and his staff built.

Oh really???? Jimmy built a great team with great players. Switz won 3 national championships and a super bowl. Not bad for someone who was "just along for the ride". LOL. Don't be so quick to stereotype Switz. Might The Prophet suggest you take the time to read his autobiography? It's a great read, even for those of you who despise him only for his OU connection. The book provides a very good understaning of the man. Read it and then get back to me.
Only thing that bothered me about Barry was his lack of discipline as a HC both at OU and with the Cowboys. I'm not blaming Barry solely for what took place with the Cowboys after all these are grown men he was dealing with and should be responsible for their own actions but I think Barry should have come off down on players and that never seemed to happen. This is something Aikman even talked about when he was still with the Cowboys how the team was lacking discipline and that has to come from the top.
CliffHarris;1339711 said:
ummmm.... with Jimmy's team, you mean, right?
Two years after Jimmy left. At least he WON with "Jimmy's team". Switzer fared well in a no win situation, he should be applauded.
BrAinPaiNt;1339719 said:
Brainpaint finds the Prophet's third person routine...unoriginal and boring.

The OU homerism is just an added bonus towards boredom.

The Prophet could give a rip about what the likes of Brainpants thinks. LOL. Please cease from the personal attacks. El comprehende?
TheProphet;1339738 said:
Oh really???? Jimmy built a great team with great players. Switz won 3 national championships and a super bowl. Not bad for someone who was "just along for the ride". LOL. Don't be so quick to stereotype Switz. Might The Prophet suggest you take the time to read his autobiography? It's a great read, even for those of you who despise him only for his OU connection. The book provides a very good understaning of the man. Read it and then get back to me.

you really think bs wrote that?.... few connected to u of o rarely, if ever, acquire such skills - writing, that is... :p:
Put the shotgun rack on the pickup truck, Barry is comin' home.
CliffHarris;1339745 said:
you really think bs wrote that?.... few connected to u of o rarely, if ever, acquire such skills - writing, that is... :p:

Why don't you cease commenting until you read the book and have your facts straight? Otherwise, you will look rather foolish. Never good to criticize a book you never even read.

BTW, Cliff Harris was a great Cowboy player, please remember his great legacy when using his name to post. LOL
The Prophet notices the man is getting more and more air time as well as quotes and interviews. He also the ear of both Jer and Bob Stoops (he more than likely advised Stoops to pass on the offer). The Prophet doesn't know about you guys, but whenever I hear Switz speak, I make it a point to stop and listen. The guy misses nothing and was one helluva coach.
SteamedSoup thinks it's safe to say, at this point, that SteamedSoup agrees with you.

As many trust issues as SteamedSoup knows he ought to have with people who try to take a handgun onto an airplane, he just can't help but feel like Switzer seems much more worthy of listening to now that he isn't in a position of authority where his opinions/actions pose an actual threat to the success or legacy of a team SteamedSoup cares about.
TheProphet;1339758 said:
Why don't you cease commenting until you read the book and have your facts straight? Otherwise, you will look rather foolish. Never good to criticize a book you never even read.

BTW, Cliff Harris was a great Cowboy player, please remember his great legacy when using his name to post. LOL

did read it - somewhat humorous - nothing of true value - fluff, really.... though, i'm quite sure it could find its way into the ou doctoral program :laugh2:
superpunk;1339748 said:
This is the language of SpOklahoma. SpOklahomish.

I am el nino.

Whatever guy. It beats the pig Latin The Prophet hears around here from time to time. LOL.
Make it a great day my friend.
superpunk;1339748 said:
This is the language of SpOklahoma. SpOklahomish.

I am el nino.

I am El Salchicha Grande.

The prophet is El unoriginal y taladro uno
TheProphet;1339743 said:
The Prophet could give a rip about what the likes of Brainpants thinks. LOL. Please cease from the personal attacks. El comprehende?

Please cease being a troll.

Do you understand?
CliffHarris;1339773 said:
did read it - somewhat humorous - nothing of true value - fluff, really.... though, i'm quite sure it could find its way into the ou doctoral program :laugh2:
Fluff? Great sports book. Maybe you had trouble understanding it. LOL

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