Anyone else noticing how Switzer is fast gaining crediblity???

BrAinPaiNt;1339840 said:
Are you saying we should step back and smell what the prophet is cooking...or wait till he tells us what the prophet 3:16 says?

:laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1:
Not to hijack this Phrophet love going on....But my favorite memory of Switzer was him having that gun going through airport

Can you imagine if he did that nowadays? hehe

Referring to yourself in third person automatically makes you gay, not that there's anything wrong with that.
Who was that other guy who talked in the 3rd person?, I think he got banned, could the Propet be him?.
TheProphet;1339689 said:
Who here has followed what Switz has been saying lately? The Prophet notices the man is getting more and more air time as well as quotes and interviews.

The media likes funny guys, and ol' Barry is always good for a giggle...

I'm startin' to think the Prophet sleeps under OU sheets, wearin' his OU jammies...
zrinkill;1339842 said:
So is the Prophet and Bob Dole the same person?

Wasnt there another guy who did that as well?

A guy named Diego. I wouldn't doubt if the Prophet, Dole, Diego and sbk are all one in the same.
BrAinPaiNt;1339804 said:
Quit using the third person routine...I will quit calling you a troll.

Got it.

flex your muscle BP........:bow: :D
BrAinPaiNt;1339719 said:
Brainpaint finds the Prophet's third person routine...unoriginal and boring.

The OU homerism is just an added bonus towards boredom.

I'm startin' to get the feeling The Prophet and Philo sleep in the same bed, and I'm not talkin' about homosexuality here, if you catch my drift...
this board is curse if this guy starts showing up on a regular basis. Him and his alter-ego are VERY trollish.
BrAinPaiNt;1339834 said:
Why would I do something for pete's sake...if I don't like Pete?

If the prophet likes pete so much...maybe the prophet quit being a troll for pete's sake.

poor appears nobody really cares for him.

who's pete.... I ask my wife that all the time!:laugh2:
Big Dakota;1339727 said:
I miss Bary like i miss Bowmanbody:bang2: Then again i like my fingernails pulled out for fun.

IOW, you're on the Gibbs bandwagon too, BD??

<ducking for cover>
the "third person shtick" is tolerable for a post or two. beyond that it's quite annoying.

it's no crime to be an OU shill. but 3rd-person posters generally don't fare well around here. you're about the 157th to pass thru.

the previous 156 are buried out back in a shallow grave known in whispers as "the third-person zone".
superpunk;1339736 said:
Crum + Near Texas + limited firearms restrictions = Football savvy.

Oh man, that's just WICKED funny... I think I'll have it inscribed on my headstone...
TheProphet;1339738 said:
Oh really???? Jimmy built a great team with great players. Switz won 3 national championships and a super bowl. Not bad for someone who was "just along for the ride". LOL. Don't be so quick to stereotype Switz. Might The Prophet suggest you take the time to read his autobiography? It's a great read, even for those of you who despise him only for his OU connection. The book provides a very good understaning of the man. Read it and then get back to me.

If Jimmy won with great players, then what do you call it when Switzer won with Jimmy players?

Also, I don't despise Switzer or OU. He was a great college coach but he only coasted through four years in Dallas. I do credit him with not screwing things up sooner, no pun intended.
1fisher;1339754 said:
it's Plantars wart...................:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

Ooooops... and Philo learns a bitter lesson about playing Mr. Spelling...

TheProphet;1339776 said:
Whatever guy. It beats the pig Latin The Prophet hears around here from time to time. LOL.

Stop hangin' out with pigs, and that problem might go away...

OTOH, that will leave you in a dire situation when it comes a date on Saturday night, won't it?? I hear there ain't too many sheep up there in Oklahoma...
TheProphet;1339801 said:
Excuse me??? If you don't agree with a post, it must be trollish? LOL. Sorry guy, just callin' like I see em.

You're stirring the fecal matter, nothing more...

Doing it in the third person is the ultimate in trollish behavior...

Please cease the name calling. Do you understand? Thanks.

Given that BP's one of the mods around here, I'm pretty sure he's not worried about your veiled threats... he's got all the juice, you don't have any...
TheProphet;1339814 said:
Sorry, no can do. The Prophet has been using this unique


Hardly... you're probably the forty-leventh "unique" individual I've seen employ that tired ol' ploy...

Unique is overusing the ellipsis dreadfully... unique is a reasonably articulate man deliberately dumbing down his rhetoric by droppin' a few g's off of the ends of words, and throwing out words like "kinda" and "gonna"...

At least, I've never seen anybody else attempt that utterly idiosyncratic style...
silverbear;1339941 said:
Ooooops... and Philo learns a bitter lesson about playing Mr. Spelling...


I couldn't resist SB....... Planters...:lmao:

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