CFZ Anyone Else Skeptical About Our OC/ Play Caller Next Season?


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So, I'm going to go ahead and admit up front that I'm a Kellen Moore fan and supporter. In fact, I've been a Kellen Moore fan ever since I observed what someone with his [lack of] athleticism could actually do in the NFL if he had it between the ears.

With coordinators, that's what you want: you want someone who understands the flow of the play, and what the intention of the play is behind its design. Or the mechanics. If you know the intention of the design, or the mechanics, that'll help with situational football.

It comes down to flow.

If you've ever dissected what a surgeon actually does day-to-day, or some lawyers, engineers, etcetera, you can see their jobs are similar to a mechanic's .If you need a heart valve replacement, a Dr. changes your heart hose much like a mechanic would change one in a car or air plane. An attorney applies fixes to legal problems with a solution from his legal tool box, and so on, an engineer builds to fix problems.

But there are other aspects of being an OC that aren't technical fixes, these things take more intuition, because what worked one time, might not work the 2nd, due to adjustments or a player playing a better snap on any particular play. When you're in the game, there are all kinds of factors here, and a lot of time someone with keen intuition knows to just go back to certain things that just usually work often enough that you just go to it, because it's a high-percentage play, as they say. And you've deduced the reasons for why the mechanics of your system should work.

My point of saying all this is because I have no doubt that Moore knows the mechanics or flow of the game from a coordinator's standpoint. In fact, I think it's pretty obvious that he's better, maybe even much better, than McCarthy, as far as knowing the X's and O's, and more importantly what those X's and O's mean or could probably mean in any situation you could find yourself in with your group.

If anything is going to save McCarthy, it'll be his intuition. When I look at McCarthy, and I look at Moore, I see Moore being more mechanical, while McCarthy is more intuitive. We saw it when he was proactive about fixing the running game, and going back to a winning formula. Garrett would have simply excused this as part of the process, and done nothing to help make the process better.

Anyway, I will also point out that I'm not saying I'm predicting McCarthy will suck, or that he'll be great. In fact, I have no clue. But I do think that if he's going to be effective he's going to have to really study and cram this off-season to get up to speed to challenge the Eagles, Giants, and Commanders in the NFCE from a mechanical standpoint.

We'll have a good team next year, but so will the Eagles, Giants, and ***s. I just hope McCarthy does his homework on the mechanics, and brushes up on his time-management game, or this could really backfire on everyone involved.

I guess that's how it goes at Jerryland. You can hold yourself accountable, but someone else has to get the blame a little more than you, and then you have to pretend to be the right answer to the problem you share with the guy who might not pay you if you don't do the job well enough to convince him certain enough to hire you next year.

Maybe Jerry and Stephen did promise McCarthy that he'll coach in Dallas for the next 10 years, but I seriously doubt that. So, at least McCarthy apparently wants to take more of his fate into his own hands. Still, even being the HC, and OC, you're still only in charge of about 1/3rd of the team in the grand scheme, if we're talking defense, special teams, and various other aspects to keep a team in business.

On a positive note, I think it will be nice to have Quinn back next year, and likely in the future.

To me, Quinn is just the kind of guy you want because he's the kind of guy who says something and sticks to his word. And I think ultimately, Jerry and Stephen Jones take note of that, if they haven't already, and Quinn will live to reap the rewards of his integrity.

In any case, I may have my reservations about how successful McCarthy will be, but I'm rooting for him.
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this offense will move the ball its been moving for over a decade

i just want situational playcalling to be better


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this offense will move the ball its been moving for over a decade

i just want situational playcalling to be better
I want our #1 back to be better, and our #2 back, WR 2, WR3, and TE1,2,3 to be better. Plus get at little younger and talented along the line in the draft.

It really is about weapons at some point. And scheme. 9ers show that.

Like Timb2 was saying in the draft zone, it's actually not a bad draft for offensive linemen. I would say maybe a tad better than last year even especially for what we could possibly be looking for with losing guys like McGovern. Nobody has to come in and be Jason Peters day 1.
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Outta bounds
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Personally, I liked Moore ok. He is innovative and was good at play design. However, running an offense is more than just having some snazzy plays in your play book. You do have to have a certain feel for the game and understand how one facet of the game (offense) has an impact on the other facet of the game (defense). Or how the passing game effects the running game, and vice-versa.

As McCarthy said in his press conference, as a head coach he would be more aware of playing complimentary football. Moore was petal-to-the-metal trying to gain yards and score points, as an offensive coordinator should, but in going for it on offense, he would sometimes become somewhat careless with the ball.

Mike will be more likely to err on the side of caution with some things and will be very aware of how good the defense is and what that might mean to which play is called.

So, just like McCarthy said: He will be more likely to play complimentary football than Kellen Moore was. He told us that much and I’m sure he will do that.

How will things be changed though? It can’t be just as simple as being cautious on 3rd and long’s, right?

Well, it isn’t. What they’ll be doing to limit the turnovers and have more ball control will include a few things, at least.

They will limit some of the options on the plays where Dak has to make a read and the WR has to make a read. If one of them makes an incorrect read of the defense on the fly, the ball is going where the WR is not. That has been the culprit on some of Dak’s turnovers.

They also will simplify some of the reads that Dak has to make. Moore’s innovative play design was also somewhat complicated with numerous reads. The new offense will have fewer reads on passing plays where the decisions are simplified. Plays where Dak can look at a couple of read’s and if they’re not open, then run. That is overly simplistic, but that is the idea.

Those two things will be big in keeping turnovers lower.

Also, the team wants to lean more on a more effective running game. In hiring Solari and Schottenheimer, they have brought in two guys that have been very successful in implementing a powerful running game. They like to run an inside zone instead of Moore’s favored outside zone, which will utilize the power of guys like Tyler Smith, Zack Martin better than the outside zone. It is a power running game and the Dallas OL should be very much suited for it. Solari has produced a very good rushing attack everywhere he’s been.

A physical running game that wears on a defense will help with ball control, limit mistakes, and will absolutely help with complimentary football.

And finally, once you have an effective rushing attack, you can utilize play action passing, which is the biggest thing that I’ve been asking for since Moore became the offensive coordinator. A strong run game with play action passing is very difficult to deal with. Having played defense for my whole playing career, I can tell you that it is a nightmare to deal with a great running team who uses play action passing. Every play looks like a run, the LB’s and Safeties have to move towards the line to stop the run, and the the QB doesn’t hand it off and instead drops back to pass, making everyone scramble to get back in coverage.

It doesn’t sound that difficult to deal with but I promise you, defenses hate that more than anything. It disguises everything and IMO, is the biggest weapon an offense can use.

Anyway, this post has gone on too long already so I’ll end it now.

These changes might not seem like that much or that they’ll make a big difference, but it absolutely will change things. Much better running with play action passing, along with limiting some of the option routes and Dak’s reads will do the trick.

That, along with McCarthy being mindful of playing complimentary football should exactly accomplish what Dallas is looking to do.

And Moore had to move on for these things to be done.

Sorry for the length.
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Well-Known Member
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Personally, I liked Moore ok. He is innovative and was good at play design. However, running an offense is more than just having some snazzy plays in your play book. You do have to have a certain feel for the game and understand how one facet of the game (offense) has an impact on the other facet of the game (defense). Or how the passing game effects the running game, and vice-versa.

As McCarthy said in his press conference, as a head coach he would be more aware of playing complimentary football. Moore was petal-to-the-metal trying to gain yards and score points, as an offensive coordinator should, but in going for it on offense, he would sometimes become somewhat careless with the ball.

Mike will be more likely to err on the side of caution with some things and will be very aware of how good the defense is and what that might mean to which play is called.

So, just like McCarthy said: He will be more likely to play complimentary football than Kellen Moore was. He told us that much and I’m sure he will do that.

How will things be changed though? It can’t be just as simple as being cautious on 3rd and long’s, right?

Well, it isn’t. What they’ll be doing to limit the turnovers and have more ball control will include a few things, at least.

They will limit some of the options on the plays where Dak has to make a read and the WR has to make a read. If one of them makes an incorrect read of the defense on the fly, the ball is going where the WR is not. That has been the culprit on some of Dak’s turnovers.

They also will simplify some of the reads that Dak has to make. Moore’s innovative play design was also somewhat complicated with numerous reads. The new offense will have fewer reads on passing plays where the decisions are simplified. Plays where Dak can look at a couple of read’s and if they’re not open, then run. That is overly simplistic, but that is the idea.

Those two things will be big in keeping turnovers lower.

Also, the team wants to lean more on a more effective running game. In hiring Solari and Schottenheimer, they have brought in two guys that have been very successful in implementing a powerful running game. They like to run an inside zone instead of Moore’s favored outside zone, which will utilize the power of guys like Tyler Smith, Zack Martin better than the outside zone. It is a power running game and the Dallas OL should be very much suited for it. Solari has produced a very good rushing attack everywhere he’s been.

A physical running game that wears on a defense will help with ball control, limit mistakes, and will absolutely help with complimentary football.

And finally, once you have an effective rushing attack, you can utilize play action passes which is the biggest thing that I’ve been asking for since Moore became the offensive coordinator. A strong run game with play action passing is very difficult to deal with. Having played defense for my whole playing career, I can tell you that it is a nightmare to deal with a great running team who uses play action passing. Every play looks like a run, the LB’s and Safeties have to move towards the line to stop the run, and the the QB doesn’t hand it off and instead drops back to pass, making everyone scramble to get back in coverage.

It doesn’t sound that difficult to deal with but I promise you, defenses hate that more than anything. It disguises everything and IMO, is the biggest weapon an offense can use.

Anyway, this post has gone on too long already so I’ll end it now.

These changes might not seem like that much or that they’ll make a big difference, but it absolutely will change things. Much better running with play action passing, along with limiting some of the option routes and Dak’s reads will do the trick.

That, along with McCarthy being mindful of playing complimentary football should exactly accomplish what Dallas is looking to do.

And Moore had to move on for these things to be done.

Sorry for the length.
That's right. You have to smell the pace of the game, and play it to weigh certain risks over time along the way.

Back in college, we wrote "Time" into an original play for the kids that come in to the English Department for the UT explore tour. Because if there was one thing I could go back and tell myself as a kid, it would be how to better utilize my time.

This off-season matters. If Zeke comes back 12 pounds lighter, that will be a start, assuming he's on the team.

Dude is fat, and needs to slow his roll on the partying during the season. You just can't do that after you're past 22-23 years old. Your body will feel those binges enough where it translates to NFL sports, somehow.

He was a much much better runner when he was thin. Go look back.

Much of his problem is what people joke about: he's too fat. Needs to be lean and start running endurance sprints.
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Outta bounds
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That's right. You have to smell the pace of the game, and play it to weigh certain risks over time along the way.

Back in college, we wrote "Time" into an original play for the kids that come in to the English Department for the UT explore tour. Because if there was one thing I could go back and tell myself as a kid, it would be how to better utilize my time.

This off-season matters. If Zeke comes back 12 pounds lighter, that will be a start, assuming he's on the team.

Dude is fat, and needs to slow his roll on the partying during the season. You just can't do that after you're past 22-23 years old. Your body will feel those binges enough where it translates to NFL sports, somehow.

He was a much much better runner when he was thin. Go look back.

Much of his problem is what people joke about: he's too fat. Needs to be lean and start running endurance sprints.
Frankly, I’m just about ready to thank Elliott for his time in Dallas and send him on his way. Just draft a rookie to go with Pollard.

That’s what I want, but I’m not going to freak if they bring him back on the cheap. Now, I will freak if they bring him back and don’t lower his pay significantly.


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Personally, I liked Moore ok.
I cut most of the last post out, because I wanted to reply to the rest of what I was saying as I'm dozing off. lol

He was a much much better runner when he was thin. I'm talking Zeke here. If you think that's an exaggeration, take a peak at his rookie and sophomore years.

Much of his problem is what people joke about: he's too fat. Needs to be lean and start running endurance sprints. He's wearing down, from a stamina standpoint, especially down the stretch. He'll always be a good character guy. And truth be told, I will always have love for Zeke because of his class as a Cowboy so far in the midst of sharing a role with another back at this point in his career. In that sense, Emmitt had Jerral by the ole bollocks. Never would have happened to the extent of Pollard, and before you say Sherman Williams, c'mon. Ever thought as good as ES?

Anyway, so I get what everyone is saying even with Jerry and all the issues that incites nagging amongst our fans. I just see no sense in moaning about it. Still my team.

As far as Zeke, we like our guy. I'm OK with it on some levels.

You can say I don't care about winning; I still disagree. It just all depends. You really have to think about it, collectively, I would say. I hope McCarthy can do that, and handle the detail of the offense. I'm wondering about his capacity, even though, like you said, he will be delegating duties.

I'm just saying that in Dallas, literally, while you're on the field, you literally have your owner coming down on the field and giving your kicker a "pep talk" just a few minutes before we kicked off to San Fran. AKA a distraction. It's no wonder he was afraid to make the kick. Jerry just came out and put the Jethro mind trick on him.

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And so you know, while I can respect what you are saying, as far as what McCarthy and team could bring to Dallas, specifically, because I think you're right, it's really about fitting the system to the types of guys you have, and so you know i'm not talking out of my arse.

So, anyway, this is Jerral Wayne coming on to the field before the San Fran game to "pep talk" Maher.

That, should never have happened.



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By the way, this is actually the video I meant to place in the previous post. But I'm unable to edit in 20 minutes like the old one, and it cut me off before I caught the mistake.

If there were a poll on that, I'd probably vote for 20 minutes. :) Have no idea about others, however. Still, I'm not complaining... Place does a great job overall.



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I like big Mike calling plays. His fate and the fate of the QB is in his hands as it should be


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
So, I'm going to go ahead and admit up front that I'm a Kellen Moore fan and supporter. In fact, I've been a Kellen Moore fan ever since I observed what someone with his [lack of] athleticism could actually do in the NFL if he had it between the ears.

With coordinators, that's what you want: you want someone who understands the flow of the play, and what the intention of the play is behind its design. Or the mechanics. If you know the intention of the design, or the mechanics, that'll help with situational football.

It comes down to flow.

If you've ever dissected what a surgeon actually does day-to-day, or some lawyers, engineers, etcetera, you can see their jobs are similar to a mechanic's .If you need a heart valve replacement, a Dr. changes your heart hose much like a mechanic would change one in a car or air plane. An attorney applies fixes to legal problems with a solution from his legal tool box, and so on, an engineer builds to fix problems.

But there are other aspects of being an OC that aren't technical fixes, these things take more intuition, because what worked one time, might not work the 2nd, due to adjustments or a player playing a better snap on any particular play. When you're in the game, there are all kinds of factors here, and a lot of time someone with keen intuition knows to just go back to certain things that just usually work often enough that you just go to it, because it's a high-percentage play, as they say. And you've deduced the reasons for why the mechanics of your system should work.

My point of saying all this is because I have no doubt that Moore knows the mechanics or flow of the game from a coordinator's standpoint. In fact, I think it's pretty obvious that he's better, maybe even much better, than McCarthy, as far as knowing the X's and O's, and more importantly what those X's and O's mean or could probably mean in any situation you could find yourself in with your group.

If anything is going to save McCarthy, it'll be his intuition. When I look at McCarthy, and I look at Moore, I see Moore being more mechanical, while McCarthy is more intuitive. We saw it when he was proactive about fixing the running game, and going back to a winning formula. Garrett would have simply excused this as part of the process, and done nothing to help make the process better.

Anyway, I will also point out that I'm not saying I'm predicting McCarthy will suck, or that he'll be great. In fact, I have no clue. But I do think that if he's going to be effective he's going to have to really study and cram this off-season to get up to speed to challenge the Eagles, Giants, and Commanders in the NFCE from a mechanical standpoint.

We'll have a good team next year, but so will the Eagles, Giants, and ***s. I just hope McCarthy does his homework on the mechanics, and brushes up on his time-management game, or this could really backfire on everyone involved.

I guess that's how it goes at Jerryland. You can hold yourself accountable, but someone else has to get the blame a little more than you, and then you have to pretend to be the right answer to the problem you share with the guy who might not pay you if you don't do the job well enough to convince him certain enough to hire you next year.

Maybe Jerry and Stephen did promise McCarthy that he'll coach in Dallas for the next 10 years, but I seriously doubt that. So, at least McCarthy apparently wants to take more of his fate into his own hands. Still, even being the HC, and OC, you're still only in charge of about 1/3rd of the team in the grand scheme, if we're talking defense, special teams, and various other aspects to keep a team in business.

On a positive note, I think it will be nice to have Quinn back next year, and likely in the future.

To me, Quinn is just the kind of guy you want because he's the kind of guy who says something and sticks to his word. And I think ultimately, Jerry and Stephen Jones take note of that, if they haven't already, and Quinn will live to reap the rewards of his integrity.

In any case, I may have my reservations about how successful McCarthy will be, but I'm rooting for him.
Moore being better than a Superbowl winning coach, with years of experience, remains to be seen. Moore was too passive.

Rodgers has not won since he left, and I believe that Dallas, will have a more balanced offense with McCarthy calling the plays.

Of course, it will take putting his foot in Dak's behind, every now and then. He cannot give the ball to the other team like he did last year.