*** Appreciation for the members in the NFL Playoff Game threads ***

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I got banned for the first time in 16 years on Saturday because I wasn’t paying close enough attention to the rules when I clicked on the thread.

The red font should have clued me in though haha.

My fault.
Only a thread-ban so it does not go on your permanent record :D
Exactly! I had not thought of banning Cowboys posts in those threads (it was a LOT of work) but since several members asked for it we did it and it ended up making those threads a lot of fun.
This is where someone would normally say, "Too bad the Cowboys' front office doesn't listen to fans like you do!"
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I do not usually follow game day threads for non-Cowboys games except to deal with moderation issues, but I had several members request that I help keep the Cowboys comments that are flooding the rest of the site from infecting those threads, so I decided to enforce the no-Cowboys comments rule for those threads.

In doing so, some members of course could not help themselves but post the same thing we have all heard in thousands of other posts in hundreds of other threads (as if one uninfected thread was going to convince the Cowboys to do anything), so several members had to be banned from the threads.

On the bright side though, it looked like a lot of members had a lot of fun and enjoyed those threads a lot, which is something we as Cowboys fans all needed the first week after the Cowboys season ended.

Most importantly, this was one of the best playoffs weekends I can remember for watching great football games played by great teams. It sucks the Cowboys were not a part of it, but this weekend was amazing.

I would like to thank all of the members who followed the rules (even eventually) because you allowed me to spend more time watching the awesome games!

I would also like to thank the staff members who helped keep those threads on-topic and Cowboys-posts free!

This was a great weekend for football fans in general and I hope the teams you were rooting for won. We can only hope next week is half as good as the games played this weekend.

I hope everyone who posted in those threads and avoided Cowboys comments had a great time chatting in them!
I wasn't able to participate in the divisional round playoff threads this past weekend (birthday dinner for best friend Saturday evening; then we got together for the Sunday games at our favorite sports bar-restaurant). But I did comment on those threads post-game when I got hom
I have always been an ardent pro football enthusiast equally with being a passionate Dallas Cowboys Fan since my early childhood. Back in the day, I was fanatical about the upstart AFL as much as a devotee to the NFL.
Since joining COWBOYSZONE a year and a half ago (August 2020) -- I've always enjoyed the opportunities to comment on other games during the NFL regular season and playoffs.
I'm aware many Cowboys Fans cease interest in the NFL postseason when Dallas doesn't qualify or is eliminated along the way ---- but I'm the other camp; I always continue watching and enjoying the playoff matchups until that one team perseveres - performs to eventually become the NFL Champion.
Thank you CZ Moderators for settling up the playoff game threads (sans the Cowboys - HOWEVER - the year will come soon when our team will be front and center with a deep playoff run \ success!).
Cutting out the Cowboys posts was great idea. Eliminated the agenda driven posts when we want to discuss the current game.
I really wish people knew just how bad I hate banning anyone from anything on the site.

It is why I go out of my way to post so many warnings, even giant red bold warnings, over and over because I do not want to have to ban anyone, but for some it just does not matter.

Yep. You did me good when I posted a non op thread in it. I was banned for a minute, I contacted you and told you I didn't see the warning of which I didn't and you put me right back into the discussion. Appreciated. And we have to talk about me stealing your Avatar. As Raccoon said to the Winter Soldier about getting his metal arm in the movie
" Infinity War".
"Oh, I'm gonna get that Avatar"https://encrypted-tbn0.***NOT-ALLOWED***/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRADorXAEMPjnVkij9OxNiXOc77PjQAT_LOGA&usqp=CAU:laugh:
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Let's just say there were CowboysZone records broken this weekend :D

I am pleased and proud to say that my posting in these threads were nothing less than exemplary and that I shall continue to lead by example and if it can affect just one poster, it’s been worth it.
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I did notice many of the usuals did not participate, because they could not do their usual stuff. Or they got booted right away.
That was fantastic and not to see 80% of the posts being derogatory about the Cowboys and the players and Jerry.

Great job!

……we were still being derogatory towards the Cowboys, players and Jerry. We were merely using passive aggressive posts praising the other teams, players and owners so they would serve as an example of how a successful organization is run and appreciated

all within the parameters of the rules of the thread…..
……we were still being derogatory towards the Cowboys, players and Jerry. We were merely using passive aggressive posts praising the other teams, players and owners so they would serve as an example of how a successful organization is run and appreciated

all within the parameters of the rules of the thread…..

So as usual you were being g haters....ok, got ya...
That was one reason I was not posting as much as usual in them.
You haters want to take over and are. Soon all you haters will be hating on each other. :muttley:
So as usual you were being g haters....ok, got ya...
That was one reason I was not posting as much as usual in them.
You haters want to take over and are. Soon all you haters will be hating on each other. :muttley:

……I love everyone here.
So as usual you were being g haters....ok, got ya...
That was one reason I was not posting as much as usual in them.
You haters want to take over and are. Soon all you haters will be hating on each other. :muttley:
This is not specific to any player or member, but I am looking forward to the days when, "No way, there is no way you hate him as much as I hate him" arguments ensue :D
This is not specific to any player or member, but I am looking forward to the days when, "No way, there is no way you hate him as much as I hate him" arguments ensue :D

love trumps hate….
It was such a breath of fresh air to see some decent football being played. Chiefs and Bills game was an all time classic game. It's a shame the Bills can't play the Bengals for the right to play the Chiefs again.
I've never been a Bills fan, but boy did they play hard until the last few seconds. Well done to both teams.
I've never been a Bills fan, but boy did they play hard until the last few seconds. Well done to both teams.
While not possible of course, I would love to see the Bills play the Chiefs again this weekend. :D
I do not usually follow game day threads for non-Cowboys games except to deal with moderation issues, but I had several members request that I help keep the Cowboys comments that are flooding the rest of the site from infecting those threads, so I decided to enforce the no-Cowboys comments rule for those threads.

In doing so, some members of course could not help themselves but post the same thing we have all heard in thousands of other posts in hundreds of other threads (as if one uninfected thread was going to convince the Cowboys to do anything), so several members had to be banned from the threads.

On the bright side though, it looked like a lot of members had a lot of fun and enjoyed those threads a lot, which is something we as Cowboys fans all needed the first week after the Cowboys season ended.

Most importantly, this was one of the best playoffs weekends I can remember for watching great football games played by great teams. It sucks the Cowboys were not a part of it, but this weekend was amazing.

I would like to thank all of the members who followed the rules (even eventually) because you allowed me to spend more time watching the awesome games!

I would also like to thank the staff members who helped keep those threads on-topic and Cowboys-posts free!

This was a great weekend for football fans in general and I hope the teams you were rooting for won. We can only hope next week is half as good as the games played this weekend.

I hope everyone who posted in those threads and avoided Cowboys comments had a great time chatting in them!

Bills and Chiefs score 25 points with 1:51 left in game....crazy
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