Aquaman sent the whales to help Superman?


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I was reading about marvel and cd news and someone implied that Aquaman was introduced via the whales to help man of steel?
How many scenes with whales in mos? Lol

I can't say I have the movie memorized, but he wasn't Superman at that time. It would be like saying, Superman saved Batman in the BatWing at the end of TDKR, it just doesn't add up to me.
I can't say I have the movie memorized, but he wasn't Superman at that time. It would be like saying, Superman saved Batman in the BatWing at the end of TDKR, it just doesn't add up to me.

Hmmmm.... Good comment.

Could aquaman be monitoring extra terrestrial activity?

Could he just be saving a human, not knowing?
Ignoring the obvious, which is superman didn't need help in that situation, I think if they were doing an aquaman cameo, they would have made it obvious
Ignoring the obvious, which is superman didn't need help in that situation, I think if they were doing an aquaman cameo, they would have made it obvious

Lol true.

Someone posted that if he had sunk too deep he would be too far from the sun? I don't know

The scene did trigger a memory of mine though. Now, I realize it wad when I saw aquaman on the super friends with two whales.

Very similar to the new movie coming out INTERSTELLAR... They show their craft in the water like in the beginning of the planet of the apes original in 1968.

That shot triggered POTA for me.
I've seen that speculation before. I think it was a little far fetched considering the insane amount of Easter eggs they put in the movie that weren't as subtle.

1.) The Oil Rig scene was one giant reference to Aquaman.The name of the drilling company was Merrevale Oil, which is the same company that drills in Atlantean ground in the comics.

2.) When Clark awakens in the water, the whales begin to do a whale call. It is possible the the oil rig was taken down by Aquaman and the whales were signaling that Clark was okay.

3.) Also the mission code name for the invasion is "Trident".

4.) Clark was holding a book about Plato, a Greek philosopher who first wrote about the City of Atlantis (and as we all know Aquaman is the King of Atlantis)

That's a lot. I am sold. Merrevale sold me.

What is this about? I don't remember this scene??

  • Right after Superman destroys the Kryptonian vessel, he falls onto an island and there is a girl on a horse. The island is Themyscira and the girl is Diana.
Yes!!! Wonderwoman has a cameo in Man of Steel!!! Superman crashlands on themyscira and before losing consciousness sees the silhouette of a woman on a horse. Perfect premise for the amazons to send an emissary to Man’s World!!!
Ignoring the obvious, which is superman didn't need help in that situation, I think if they were doing an aquaman cameo, they would have made it obvious

Aquaman wouldn't know that Superman didn't need help. Perhaps Aquaman sent the whales to help the humans on the oil rig and was unaware that Superman was there or even existed. I agree that a cameo would have been made obvious; however, a nod to another comic character can be made in a subtle manner.
Aquaman wouldn't know that Superman didn't need help. Perhaps Aquaman sent the whales to help the humans on the oil rig and was unaware that Superman was there or even existed. I agree that a cameo would have been made obvious; however, a nod to another comic character can be made in a subtle manner.

Yea, but that would be a wasted cameo. Aquaman sends two whales to save someone, who unbeknown to him, doesn't need saving. That would be epically bad writing.
Yea, but that would be a wasted cameo. Aquaman sends two whales to save someone, who unbeknown to him, doesn't need saving. That would be epically bad writing.

I wasn't examining it on whether it was good or bad. I was looking at it purely on whether it was or was not a nod to Aquaman, which I think it was. And again a nod to a character is not the same as a cameo. A cameo has to actually show the character in my opinion.
Aquaman wouldn't know that Superman didn't need help. Perhaps Aquaman sent the whales to help the humans on the oil rig and was unaware that Superman was there or even existed. I agree that a cameo would have been made obvious; however, a nod to another comic character can be made in a subtle manner.


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