Are Cowboys fans going to sell their tickets again to Colts fans?

If it wasn't for Cowboys fans selling me their tickets my daughter and I would not have been able to go to home games in the past. I also wouldn't have been able to see the Cowboys on the road if home team fans didn't sell me their tickets. I see no issue with people selling their tickets. What is upsetting is there aren't more Cowboys fans willing to snatch up the tickets instead of the visiting fans getting them.
My wife's from Indy. Her whole family lives there and my impression is they don't travel well.

Yep, I don't think many of them will be traveling to Dallas. Of course, there are some local Colt fans just like there are for every team in every city, but I don't think there will be enough Colt fans in the stands for anyone to even notice.
Which is odd to me. We seem to do so well on the road with clearly no home field advantage. So why not at home with no home field advantage?

That is a great question. Years ago Jerry said he made a deal with the devil:(
For whatever it's worth, I was at the Saints vs Colts SB and despite king Payton, Colts fans were VASTLY out numbered by Saints fans to the point where the group of Saints fans I was with would shout out "Waldo" (as in Wheres Waldo) when a Colts fan(s) was spotted
Did people buy season tickets who weren't Cowboys fans with the intention to sell those tickets?

Did their investments payoff?

Along with my seats I buy a couple of party pass season tickets each year and usually make a couple hundred bucks off of them. This year I've made closer to 500 off of a set of two.
I've always said, give the fans something to cheer about and they will. The home games have been stinkers, and the fans have not been the reason the team loses. The team has been the reason the fans are not loud.

The Eagles fans were loud until they crapped the bed, then they left. I'm betting that Cowboy fans will take over Fed Ex next week.
SF-have a national following and when they come to Dallas it's the local (Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma) fans that show up to see the their team.
Pitts- see above
GB- see above
The Cowboys fans have filled opposing teams stadiums for the above reason for years.

Houston-four hour drive to see their team play in Jerry World, a place where they have never playe before and will play in once every 8 years.
NO-close proximity and the lure of the stadium makes this a must see event.

Indy is neither local nor national so I dont see many Colts fans in Cowboys Stadium Sunday.
That's exactly the same question I've been asking for the last couple of years. Maybe we need fewer Cowboys fans going to home games to trigger the "road" version of the Cowboys :D

lol.. good angle.
it is not DALLAS fans selling tickets.
it is ticket services and brokers largely.

the resell market is a very real part of the deal now.
it's why we have a smaller showing at home but great crowds on the road.

only a few places are immune to it.

as the cowboys win the value of going becomes greater for local folks.
that helps offset guys who would have a chance to see their team only once every few seasons.

the teams who come in yearly aren't filling he stadium.
it is the guys who come once every blue moon.

IF you are a colts fan of course you are willing to pay a good deal to go watch the game.
the alternative is a plane ticket to indy, plus hotel, plus ticket cost.....
If there is one thing that has always put me off as fan of Cowboys its the home crowd in Dallas. Here is hoping they embrace concept of 12th man. I still remember my father describing the local cowboy fan sitting at game eating grey poupon and leaving by half time.
I boght tickets from the exchange twice now, and they were Cowboys fans selling the ones they had. If I hadn't I wouldn't have been able to goto to my first home game last year, and another this year. But I do agree it's sad that more Cowboys fans aren't buying them over the visiting teams

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