Are we better?

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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with our injured back...particularly our franchise QB and 2 best off linemen(Tyron and Zack).
with a new dc who i think will try to normalize our defense.
with some young lions on defense...particularly micah parsons.
with some f/a additions at key spots who seem competent...s damontae kazee,lb keanu neal,dt brent urban.
and with a real off-season with football stuff.
this team is better.
how much better...we'll find out.
but it is better.


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In addition to improving the defense, this team needs to get tougher too- both physically and mentally. An improved defense and a tougher overall team, they can be much better. Being a good football team requires toughness. I haven’t seen a tough Cowboys team in a while.
this team makes Wade Phillips look like major pain.


Captain Catfish
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Are we a better team than a year ago? Will it make any difference? Will we be an 8-9 or 9-8 team? OR a 12-5 team OR a 5-12 team?
This team is better.
Coaching staff is improved, bringing in Quinn seems very apparent now, Jerry must really believe in him to give first year DC draft preference, anyone not aware wasnt paying attention.
Quinn got his picks, maybe Jerry knee jerk reaction from excellent interview, who knows its anyones guess.
I believe Jerry might have actually reached the point in life that allows you to understand that their is a difference between the way a Marinelli and Quinn defense function/operate.
Rod is pre Jurassic era
Quinn is on the trend, not like he is the creator of this scheme but at least he is following the progression, and how you even have a chance trying to defend against these enormous WRs that come out every year now like Claypool and Metcalfs.. just wait till this WR draft class starts becoming relevant really fast, deep WR class this year as well.
Getting ahead of the curve takes risks, not the popular vote, drafting guys like Wright and Muku might have been a shock to those that thank they actually have a clue about the current NFL envirnoment.


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Difficult to be worse. 2020 was pure torture.

I was actually missing Garrett here and there somehow.


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Health alone says we are better and on paper we are better.

But everything remains to be seen. We won't truly know until the games start.


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Just a reminder the Cowboys were 1-3 in the 4 games Dak started and finished, with the only win being the result of a mistake by the Dan Quinn coached team. In that game the Dan Quinn defense allowed the Cowboys to come back from a big deficit at the half.

Are they better this year than that team that started the season so poorly? I'd have to say the offense will be the same, maybe a bit better if Tyron and La'el are sincere about how good they feel. The real problem with the offense in those 4 games was really more about stupid mistakes than lack of talent. Will they clean up the mistakes? IDK. I hope so.

The defense was the bigger problem. People say it was Nolan making things too complicated. Maybe. But it seems to me guys who have played football their entire lives should have an easier time picking up the new defense. It's not like they were learning to speak French. Unless they are stupid players in which case they will be stupid this year too. I think the problem on defense was talent particularly at S and DT and to some degree LB. I do think they have improved at S, and I think they at least have options now at LB. But I do not see much of a talent increase on the DL. Urban, Watkins and Basham are veteran players who have played this game for a few years. We know what they are and they are not going to light up anything. Bohanna and Odighizuwa are rookies and will probably not do much in 2021. Overall, the defense should be a bit better but I do not see a giant leap. Until they prove otherwise, I do not see this defense stopping good offenses, or getting over the field on 3rd down. Maybe they will clean up the broken coverages we saw last year.


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Are we a better team than a year ago? Will it make any difference? Will we be an 8-9 or 9-8 team? OR a 12-5 team OR a 5-12 team?

Having the OL back in tact and our QB, yeah we are better. Cowboys poured a lot of resources into the defense including a new DC I would think it will be better than the disaster of last season. How good can they be? we will have to watch the games and see but yes I feel better about where we are today than I did last year.


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Are we a better team than a year ago? Will it make any difference? Will we be an 8-9 or 9-8 team? OR a 12-5 team OR a 5-12 team?
healthy with oru strters hiow can we not be better..if you can manage 6 wins with that disaaster last season id say its worth 3-4 wins IF Dak and the main players stay healthy 15-17 i expect 10-7 at worse

if we arent better why pay Dak i mean that a disaster if we have 3 years in row at 500 or worse with qb whos ranked 50 in the league but makes 40+ now..Ouch


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12-5. We are better because we have a defense now. Bohanna, the two new DEs, and Parsons. Plus they added a SS and CBs. Parsons could get 17 Sacks.


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Light years better.

Better coaching. Better players. Better health. Full off season.

10-7 or better.
I really believe this to be true. It doesn't take much to remember that the hiring of Nolan was panned at the outset. Lots of us gave him the benefit of the doubt because we needed an overhaul of our coaching. But very few people were happy with the Nolan hire.

I'm WAY happier with our DC coach now...way happier. Further, getting all summer to actually implement a defense can only help.

Then...we absolutely loaded up on defense in the draft in a way that we've never done before. Our first SIX picks went defense. Our first pick in the draft could be the best defensive player in the draft. What looked like our worst pick in the draft, Wright, might actually play and contribute.

The Cowboys need to return to being a team to be feared in the NFL...I'm ready. And I'm just not convinced it takes years and years to build a team any more.