Bored with a random question.
Are we the fans to blame for some of our recent playoff misses.
Some of those years where we missed the playoffs by 1 game do you think having a homefield advantage could have changed the outcomes of those seasons and at least made us 1 game better?
Are we failing our team by how bad of a home field advantage we give the Cowboys to play in to the point that it has cost us Division Titles and Playoff appearances?
When I've been to a game at Jerry World, the fans were putting effort into cheering.
The issues, IMO, are:
1. The sound system is so loud between plays that the fans lose the feel of the game. I've been to college games where you could close you eyes an know what is happening based on the crowd; however, at Jerry World, the fans can't compete with the sound system. The sound system has to be turned off when the offense is in the huddle and during the play. The noise goes from what feels like 200 decibels with the sound system on, to 100 decibels when it is off and it is crowd noise only. When you are cheering and the sound is turned on after the play, you lose the incentive to cheer because you literally can't hear yourself or other fans over the sound system. The natural ebb and tide of the cheering is ruined by the sound system. A 747 could crash in the parking lot and you would not be able to hear it when Jerry's sound system is on.
2. How many opponent fans are in attendance affects the crowd noise issue. Opponent fans want to go to Jerry World for the experience. It's like going to Disney World. I don't know how it could happen, but I would like to sit in a section without any opponent fans, kind of like at High School games.
3. The size and acoustics of the building may limit the fan noise even if other issues were resolved. I think some stadiums have a natural amplification of the crown noise like an amphitheater; however, I think Jerry world may have the opposite effect.
4. Emotionally, by the end of games I'm so drained by Jerry's sound system that the only thing I want is some peace and quiet. It's hard to give max cheering effort because of it. Going to the loudest stadium in terms of fan noise would be like peace and quiet compared to Jerry's sound system. By the end of the game I'm begging for the 120 dB of Seattle home games over Jerry's 200 dB sound system.
5. Crown noise might be overrated in terms of Home Field advantage. Texas Stadium didn't have the greatest crowd noise in the early nineties, but the Cowboys still won 3 Super Bowls in that time frame. Seattle reportedly has the best home field advantage, but they didn't win until they had a good team.
6. I think the Cowboys fans actually appear to be cheering more now than they did in the Landry era at Texas stadium in the days of fur coats and all of that, but the above mentioned issues prevent it from being effective.
Conclusion: It's Jerry's fault, not the fan's fault.