Aren't you guys excited to have JJ back? *video*


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JJ looked tentative to me this year as well. It could be early signs of wear and tear on his body, but he's got something to prove now. RB's have to be in better shape than anyone else on the field IMO. The position just demands it and Parcells has said this many times. JJ just needs to hit the weights and get into an aggressive training routine just like Emmitt had and he'll be fine.


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JJ hit the weights and bulked up- and that may have cost him some flexibilty and quickness. Sometimes you can muscle up TOO much.


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JDSmith said:
I think he was trying to be patient, which is something Parcells seems to preach. I personally prefer the RB to hit the line a bit harder, but Julius was waiting for holes to develop. When they did he took off and did well. But too many times there really wasn't any place to run. I think he'll do fine, and I fully expect it to be obvious that he's our best RB. The line has definitely been better at opening holes since the first Eagles game. There have been some running lanes, which were really lacking in the first 4 games or so. I think our line needed some time to gel, especially on the right side. If Flozell had stayed healthy I think they'd really be hitting their stride right now, but even with the loss of Flo I think the improvement on the right side has opened up the running game a lot.

Sorry, but no he didn't (for the most part).

A RB is supposed to be patient for the hole to develop, but when it does THEN you explode through it. JuJo wasn't doing that before he got hurt. I've pointed out several instances where he had a hole and either didn't take it or didn't explode through it. I wouldn't blame parcells for it since every talented RB he's ever had has flourished with him. JuJo has the talent, but he wasn't running well early in the season. Part of it was his fault, part of it the OL's fault.

It's also no coincidence that Bledsoe's performance has slowed ever since JJ has been out of the lineup.

It has? He had one bad game in JuJo's absence. That's it.

Barber has run well against 7 man fronts

JuJo was also facing mainly 7 man fronts. Defense change it up, but for the most part our RBs (all of them) have faced 7 man fronts.

I'm always wary of backup RB's coming in and putting up a good YPC filling in for the starter.

I'm wary of that too... when they're only getting about 5 carries a game. When a RB is starting and putting up those numbers they're usually legit.

Or somewhere in the middle.

I don't see anything in common between Barber and Hambrick. Barber has pretty good moves, very good power and pretty good speed - Hambrick had no moves, no power and poor speed. Barber also has vision, which THam seemed to totally lack. Barber is also a much better receiver. I can't think of anything that THam did better than Barber, or even as well.

I agree. Barber is better then Hambrick in EVERY way, except picking up the blitz.

Barber is faster, quicker, more instinctive, AND MORE POWERFUL then Hambrick.

Hambrick was big, but NOT powerful. He'd go down on the first hit almost every time.

I just wish JJ would run like he did last year. He ran with more confidence and authority. This year there is a noticable difference. JMO but none of that has anything to do with the O-line.

Agree 100%. But a lot of people here don't want to face that fact. They've already named him the "next great RB" so if he plays poorly it will always be the OL's fault or cuz he faced too many 8 man fronts. :rolleyes:

In THam's defense, he was hell on LB's in blitz pickup. He didn't just block them, he actually punished them.

Yep. He was a offensive lineman in an almost RBs body.


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if he runs like he did after he came back last year, I'm more than happy to have him!! If not, put Barber in!!


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I just hope that Julius will get better at receiving. Once he does, he will be an even more dangerous back. That's really the only concern I have with Julius coming back and Barber backing him up.


Cowboy for Life
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...The eagles for sure have some concern now not only for JJ , but for MBIII alsO! thats a good way to put things. Its hard to ''stop'' two good backs. Atleast Barber has shown hes a decent back. Julius, can be a Pro Bowl back' easily if he stays healthy....


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Rack said:
Just wondering, if JuJo comes in and continues to put up pedestrian numbers does that mean the OL started "blocking crappy" again, or will he actually get some of the blame.

Again, just wondering.
Just wondering why so many non cowboys fans post here?


Arch Defender
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Rack said:
Just wondering, if JuJo comes in and continues to put up pedestrian numbers does that mean the OL started "blocking crappy" again, or will he actually get some of the blame.

Again, just wondering.

the OL was run blocking crappy the early part of the yr Rack



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ITs not so much non-cowboy fans as those that have their bias's against certain players- no matter how much they deny it. IF you look at those that constantly criticise JJ they are the ones that never wanted him in the first place. Its called self fulfilling - if they keep tearing him down then they never have to admit they were wrong in the first place.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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I'd like to see a couple of plays with split backs, JJ and MB III out there at the same time. Fake pitch to one, then opposite side pitch to the other...More options for the "D" to key one.


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burmafrd said:
ITs not so much non-cowboy fans as those that have their bias's against certain players- no matter how much they deny it. IF you look at those that constantly criticise JJ they are the ones that never wanted him in the first place. Its called self fulfilling - if they keep tearing him down then they never have to admit they were wrong in the first place.
Interesting theory. But when hes shown he is good enough, why not embrace him, as hes a part of YOUR team. How bad can a good running back be on your team. I don't get this, the Carter thing sure, but JJ, whats next Witten?


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Ashwynn said:
Just wondering why so many non cowboys fans post here?

Oh so only Homers can be cowboys fans? I HAVE to say "JuJo is great" to be a cowboys fan?

Here's a question for you:

Why do so many homers post here?

the OL was run blocking crappy the early part of the yr Rack



That's what it was. I must have been dreaming when I saw JuJo time and time again not attempt to cut back into a hole (that WAS there) or not explode through a whole when he did cut back into one.

It's the OL. Of course! They just started to magically block better when JuJo got hurt.


ITs not so much non-cowboy fans as those that have their bias's against certain players

Stupidest post ever.

I'm a Notre Dame fan so I've been a JuJo fan LONGER then you, Genius.

But I'm not gonna stick my nose under his nutsack just cuz he's a Cowboy.

IF you look at those that constantly criticise JJ they are the ones that never wanted him in the first place

Wrong again, Genius. I was and still am happy we drafted JuJo. But that doesn't mean he wasn't running good early in the season.

If you look at those that defend players no matter what, it's usually those homers that show a little too much man-love from time to time.

if they keep tearing him down then they never have to admit they were wrong in the first place.

Strange, I don't remember EVER "tearing down" JuJo.

So if I point out a bad stretch of games that Emmitt had during his career I'd be "tearing him down"?

Oh ok. :rolleyes:

Interesting theory. But when hes shown he is good enough, why not embrace him, as hes a part of YOUR team. How bad can a good running back be on your team. I don't get this, the Carter thing sure, but JJ, whats next Witten?

Some of you people get your feelings hurt a little too easy. You should seek counseling.

Why is it off limits to point out when certain players have a bad game, or bad stretch of games? Please explain that to me.

Why is it that the JuJo lover boys get so upset the start labeling people "Non cowboys fans" when a COWBOYS fan points something out? Please explain that to me.

"What you said is blasphemy so you aren't a real cowboys fan"


Seriously, People, grow the **** up. If you can't debate without acting like babies then get off your daddy's computer.


Arch Defender
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>>>That's what it was. I must have been dreaming when I saw JuJo time and time again not attempt to cut back into a hole (that WAS there) or not explode through a whole when he did cut back into one.

It's the OL. Of course! They just started to magically block better when JuJo got hurt.<<<

actually we ran the ball fine vs Philly the forst half of that game, and Jones was part of that wasnt he?

the Jones bashing is pretty stupid...the guy showed last yr he has really good skills...if you saw tons of holes for him to run through early in the yr, you need your eyes checked bad...he missed a few opportunities, but there werent many opportunities there at all...and several of his best runs were wiped out by penalties

finally, I wouldnt say the run blocking has been great at any point this yr...we ran ok vs Arizona and decent vs Seattle...but Barber had 46 yds on his first 2 carries vs Arizona, 81 on the last 25 (thats barely 3.0 yds per carry)...was that great running by Barber? or according to you, I guess Jones might have only gained 50 yds on those same 25 carries right?




Federal Agent
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actually we ran the ball fine vs Philly the forst half of that game, and Jones was part of that wasnt he?

HOw did his stats look w/o that 25 yard run on 4th and 1?

Just wondering.

the Jones bashing is pretty stupid

Show me ONE post where I "Bashed" Jones. Have fun with that.

the guy showed last yr he has really good skills

I've never said a thing about last year. I'm talking about THIS year.

you saw tons of holes for him to run through early in the yr, you need your eyes checked bad

First of all, I don't remember ever saying "Tons of holes".

Second of all, my eyes are just fine. Maybe you should just learn the game a little better. Try to pay attention to detail. I'm not the only one that noticed it. I guess there's several members here that need their eyes checked?

and several of his best runs were wiped out by penalties


Define "Several". I didn't see "Several" of his "best" runs wiped out by penalty.

finally, I wouldnt say the run blocking has been great at any point this yr

I agree with that. Our OL blocking has been average all year, and below average at times this year. But it hasn't been horrible.

but Barber had 46 yds on his first 2 carries vs Arizona, 81 on the last 25 (thats barely 3.0 yds per carry)

Funny you subtract the good runs when referring to Barber but not JuJo.

This Barber bashing is stupid. :rolleyes:

)...was that great running by Barber?

JuJo had 72 yards on 16 carries vs the Eagles. 25 of those on one run.

He had 15 carries for 57 yards not counting that 25 yard run (less then 4 yards per carry). Is that great running by JuJo?

Two can play that game. Fact is JuJo DID have that 25 yard run and Barber DID have his 28 yard run. Can't take either away.

One other thing you so conveniently leave out is Barber's average went down at the end of the game when we were running the clock out (Cards obviously playing run). Were the Eagles trying to stop the run at the end of the FIRST HALF when we played them?

This Barber bashing is stupid.

or according to you, I guess Jones might have only gained 50 yds on those same 25 carries right?

Don't bother debating with me if you're just gonna try putting words in my mouth. Mmmkay?

You can do better then that, David. And please, don't accuse me of "Bashing" someone I haven't "Bashed".


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he's just so darned SUDDEN, you know? you see defenders grasping at air because he was in THAT spot just a fraction of a second ago, but he's already gone. add the crazy moves and you've got a heck of a runner.

...let's just hope he stays healthy and puts together a full season next year.


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JPostSam said:
he's just so darned SUDDEN, you know? you see defenders grasping at air because he was in THAT spot just a fraction of a second ago, but he's already gone. add the crazy moves and you've got a heck of a runner.

...let's just hope he stays healthy and puts together a full season next year.

Let's hope he plays the second half of this season like he did the second half of last season.


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Rack- I have beenb an Irish fan just as long as a Cowboys fan. I doubt you have.
My first game I really remembered, interestingly enough, it the game we tied USC when they had OJ. SO how long have you been a fan? (snort).


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Rack- you jump on any player you don't like- and it is clear you don't l;ike JJ. You can deny it all you want, but your own posts convict you. So give it up. The O line SUCKED at run blocking up till the Philly game- that is something we ALL know except you. Barber also sucked pretty good when that O line was not blocking- interesting how you don't mention that. BUt I really don't want to waste any more time responding to your more moronic posts.
I have said that I thought JJ bulked up too much- the trainer screwed up on that since the players entire lifting routine must be approved. Then BP's bs about negative runs apparently sunk in too deep in JJ and he took it too seriously. AND YES I BLAME BP for that- he is the coach and he knows how JJ takes his every word- so yes BP SCREWED UP THERE. Now, hopefully, JJ has gotten some perspective and needs to realize sometimes you have to take what BP says with somewhat less then a grain of salt. RUN FOR DAYLIGHT. NO matter if where you run is NOT THE DESIGNATED HOLE.


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Rack- you jump on any player you don't like

Really? What makes YOU think I don't "Like" Julius Jones?

Quit making s*** up and debate like a man. No matter how many times you accuse me of being something I'm not, it will not make it true.

If you can find ONE post where I've "Bashed" Julius Jones I'll give you a dollar.

And it's funny you claim JuJo has been running fine, then Blame BP for the fact that JuJo HASN'T been running fine.

WHich is, bum? Was he running fine or did BP mess him up? It can't be both.

And the mere fact taht you think the OL "Sucked" in run blocking till the Philly game proves just how little you know about the game. They haven't been great, but they sure as hell haven't "Sucked". Not overall anyway. All OL's "Suck" a play here and a play there, but the OL, overall, has played ok all year. Would I like them to do better? Obviously. But they could be a lot worse.

Maybe you'd be able watch the game a little better if JuJo's butt cheeks weren't blocking your view.