Arlen Specter - You da man. (Cheatriots)

Alexander;1937653 said:

Now we have got ourselves a conspiracy theory!

Not a conspiracy when it happens all of the time. Lobbyists paying off politicians to get their way is nothing new.

Im watching Mike and Mike in the Morning and they're reporting Specter wants to speak to Goodell by Tuesday if not sooner as well as Matt Walsh.
Boysboy;1938239 said:
We have a multi-billion dollar Iraq war with no end in sight

We have a sinking economy

We have a $135 trillion deficit

We have some much needed programs being slashed left and right

Seriously-Congress HAS bigger fish to fry than to investigate some NFL team.

Congress is as busy as it wants to be. They have plenty of time to go over this if they *want* to. If they don't care about it, then they'll claim they are too busy.

Well, if he's lying then that would make him look even worse if he said he only destroyed six tapes, and it's later revealed that he destroyed dozens of tapes.

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt until it's determined - if ever - that he's lying.

Like I posted in my blog, he's either lying or he's just plain stupid. Even if Jay Glazer got his hand on 1 of the tapes, it makes no sense to destroy all of the evidence. Not to mention that the "investigation" seems to have consisted of the NFL asking for the Patriots to come forward and give evidence about themselves. Imagine a corporation being tried for fraud and the prosecutor is relying on the corporation to turn evidence of their own wrongdoing.


Anyway, either Goodell is lying and trying to cover this up or he's just plain stupid. Unless we're missing something here, the NFL can't afford to keep him as commissioner if this is true.

If the Pats weren't benefiting by cheating, there would have been no reason for them to continue to do same on a continuous basis. I mean, why waste time and effort doing something illegal (and submit yourself to possible repercussions) if there is no benefit from it - this is common sense here.

Now, there may be a question as to HOW MUCH benefit they received from it, but again, common sense tells me at least, they would not have continued in this unless they benefited from it.

Good for Specter.

Carry on....
Sarge;1938373 said:
If the Pats weren't benefiting by cheating, there would have been no reason for them to continue to do same on a continuous basis.

That's the bottom line of the whole thing. If there was nothing being gained, why bother?
I think the Rams revelations, if true, are going to be a huge problemo for the Pats.
CigarCutter;1938378 said:
I think the Rams revelations, if true, are going to be a huge problemo for the Pats.
I think you are right. Because no one knows how far the Pats actually went.
Guys- who does the Commish work for? Who pays his salary? Who hires and fires commissioners? THE OWNERS. Do you really think he did all this without their OK?
burmafrd;1938380 said:
Guys- who does the Commish work for? Who pays his salary? Who hires and fires commissioners? THE OWNERS. Do you really think he did all this without their OK?

Are you suggesting the OWNERS gave the OK to destroy those tapes?
OK sarge- even then they all realized how big this was - how big the fallout COULD be. Do you REALLY think he did all that without talking it over with at least SOME of the owners?
burmafrd;1938386 said:
OK sarge- even then they all realized how big this was - how big the fallout COULD be. Do you REALLY think he did all that without talking it over with at least SOME of the owners?

There is no evidence that there was any discussion with the owners (least not that I know of), and if there WAS discussion with SOME of the owners and not others, this poses an even bigger problem. HUGE can of worms by discussing with some and not others.

Either he discussed it with ALL of the owners (and there is no proof that any discussions took place whatsoever), or he discussed it with none.

I simply cannot fathom discussing with a "select few owners" and leaving the rest out. There would be fallout all over the place.

I simply don't think that is what happened here.
burmafrd;1938386 said:
OK sarge- even then they all realized how big this was - how big the fallout COULD be. Do you REALLY think he did all that without talking it over with at least SOME of the owners?

I do. He could say that this is a matter between the league office and the Patriots and that talking it over with other owners would be a conflict in interest.

Just because the owners employ him doesn't mean that he has to go through them on everything because he surely hasn't done that.

Yakuza Rich;1938394 said:
I do. He could say that this is a matter between the league office and the Patriots and that talking it over with other owners would be a conflict in interest.

Just because the owners employ him doesn't mean that he has to go through them on everything because he surely hasn't done that.


yakuza, really think about this. The commissioner only has the power the owners give him. His job solely rests on THEIR approval. Do you REALLY think he did all that without ANY input at all from the owners - ALL ON HIS OWN.
I really doubt it. ESPECIALLY for a Commish who had been on the job FOR SUCH A SHORT TIME. Tag had a lot of cred stored up and years on the job- GOODELL has none of that.
burmafrd;1938398 said:
yakuza, really think about this. The commissioner only has the power the owners give him. His job solely rests on THEIR approval. Do you REALLY think he did all that without ANY input at all from the owners - ALL ON HIS OWN.
I really doubt it. ESPECIALLY for a Commish who had been on the job FOR SUCH A SHORT TIME. Tag had a lot of cred stored up and years on the job- GOODELL has none of that.

Yes, I do believe this.

He doesn't consult with owners on many things, like what type of punishment he doles out for certain players who break the conduct policy. Why? Because there's a possible conflict of interest (for example, the JAX owner may want Pacman Jones suspended forever so he doesn't have to face him).

Until there's a report otherwise, I believe Goodell acted on his own. I don't have a problem with him acting on his own. I have a problem with his decisions. Regardless if he acted alone or with the advisement of the owners, the decisions he made were horrible.

Yakuza- how do you know Goodell DID NOT TALK TO ANY OWNERS?
Do you have his office phone bugged? Do you have surveillance posted at all the owners?
You CLAIM there was no talking- how do you know?

I think everyone got an idea pretty early on how explosive this could be. I really cannot see Goodell not at least reaching out to a couple of owners for advice. Or maybe he called Tag and asked him to sound out a couple of owners. Making all these decisions on his own, after such a short time on the job- I just do not believe it.
How do we know he is not in constant contact with owners during any of these events? Or at least the bigger ones? Hard to prove a negative.
burmafrd;1938401 said:
Yakuza- how do you know Goodell DID NOT TALK TO ANY OWNERS?
Do you have his office phone bugged? Do you have surveillance posted at all the owners?
You CLAIM there was no talking- how do you know?

Ya know - this gun can be aimed right back at you... How do you know there WAS discussion with the owners or how do know there WAS discussion with a select few??

This train of thought goes both ways. Bottom line is, we don't know one way or the other. The discussion is whether we THINK there was and why/why not.

I definitely don't think he rang up Tags on the phone about all of this................ holy $h!*.
burmafrd;1938401 said:
I think everyone got an idea pretty early on how explosive this could be.

I actually don't think so. I don't think he imagined Congress getting involved and possibly tampering with the anti-trust exemption which would really hurt the league.

I think he thought that it may tick off some fans and that if he can just sweep this under the rug then everybody would forget about it.

By the time of the suspension/fines it should have been pretty clear that this was rather a big happening.
True we do not know for sure what happened; but in all my years of watching power structures and how they work I just do not see such an inexperienced and junior Commissioner NOT reaching out for advice.

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