Arlen Specter - You da man. (Cheatriots)

Sarge;1938373 said:
If the Pats weren't benefiting by cheating, there would have been no reason for them to continue to do same on a continuous basis. I mean, why waste time and effort doing something illegal (and submit yourself to possible repercussions) if there is no benefit from it - this is common sense here.

Now, there may be a question as to HOW MUCH benefit they received from it, but again, common sense tells me at least, they would not have continued in this unless they benefited from it.

Good for Specter.

Carry on....
To continue to do it over the years shows anyone with common sense that there was at least some benefit to doing it. I guess you could argue that it was a negligible benefit, but there's a benefit.

But when you're specifically warned NOT to do it before the regular season, and you get caught in the VERY FIRST GAME of the year, IMO common sense tells you that at least the Patriots believed the benefit was substantial.
burmafrd;1938414 said:
True we do not know for sure what happened; but in all my years of watching power structures and how they work I just do not see such an inexperienced and junior Commissioner NOT reaching out for advice.
He may have reached out for advice. But it didn't have to be to owners. Tags would be the most likely guy for him to call IMO.

But in the end, I think Goodell is too arrogant to call anyone. Remember he was going to be the new sheriff in the NFL. He can clean up the league all on his own. oooops.

Plus, don't you think all the owners would have wanted to see the tapes if their teams were the ones being taped? Why would they say, "naw, just destroy em."?
Yakuza Rich;1938410 said:
I actually don't think so. I don't think he imagined Congress getting involved and possibly tampering with the anti-trust exemption which would really hurt the league.

I think he thought that it may tick off some fans and that if he can just sweep this under the rug then everybody would forget about it.


I agree.

I don't think the Jets game was that big a deal. If they bought their guy a ticket, and had him take notes (instead of video), it would be fair game and no one could/would have said anything. I think the only issue Goodell thought he was dealing with was, HOW the Pats did it, not WHAT they did.
This 2002 SB situation is much different, and much more severe. Now the Pats have potentially received information illegally. Now, you can question the HOW (they did it) and WHAT (they got out of it).
If anything, I think this shows the Commish didn't investigate the original situation that well, and for that he should be censured.
You can say what you want about this debacle, but what the Pats did was not against the law, and I still say, Congress should have better things to do than govern sports.

That being said, I wonder if A.Specter would be so gung ho if the iggles were in the place of the Pats.

I really doubt it.

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