ARTICLE: Feds order cable provider to restore NFL Network

nyc said:
I'm in my second year of the Triple Play. They raised the rates back to regular price. (about $34.95 per service) I fought with them for about 2 days and finally they brought it back to where it was plus $5. $104 a month. They said there were not allowed to allow customer to retain the Triple Play pricing. I was moving to a new place, so I told them Nope, cancel it. Then started a new account and got the $99 a month for a year again under my wifes name. :laugh2:

Nice work!

I fought for about a month with them after they jerked me around at the end of the first year. I didn't get a damn thing out of em. Plus, I'm ineligible for the 25 off optimum rewards program since I'm still listed under a promotion (even though the prices were raised.) I have HBO so I'm payin about 150 a month.:banghead:

The Dolenz's are the scum of the earth