ARTICLE: Game over for Strahans

They both deserved each other from the sound of it. Two materialistic people living in the moment; it's little wonder they were a couple to begin with.
I agree but anyone who signs a pre-nup is an idiot anyway. Why get married if you don't plan on it being for life? BTW, I've been married for 26 years so I know it can be done.

So you are dead now?
WoodysGirl said:
The willowy blond, who wore a chocolate-brown Gucci outfit, added that she is hoping her kids will never suffer any ill effects from the bitter split.

"I hope that there will be enough love that we will overcome it," she said.
If she keeps hurling childish insults at their father, you can bet that the kids will suffer ill effects.
CrazyCowboy said:
Not a bad 5 year investment.

My thoughts exactly. Does anybody think a woman who looks like that would take a second look at a guy that looks like Strahan unless he was rich, famous, or both. It's amazing how many ugly football players you see with hot wives. I would be wondering, if I were them. Their best bet is to go to the middle East, where none of the babes know who they are. That way, if they nab a hotty, they know it won't be for the cha-ching.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Sounds that way, but if he did indeed cheat on her he brought it on himself.
Exactly !

Not in all cases I'm sure, but in most cases I think if the husband would treat his wife the way God intended him to, the woman would respond and be a great wife forever.

Therefore in my opinion, poor husbanding is the cause for most divorces.

Sounds like it here as well.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Sounds that way, but if he did indeed cheat on her he brought it on himself.

It's the chicken or the egg argument... did he cheat on her cuz she's such a b**** or did she become a b**** cuz he cheated on her?

We don't know the answer. But Strahan is originally from Texas so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
It did seem awfully strange last season how how he dropped 30+ lbs. of playing weight at the age of 35. He looked like a totally different person last year.
InmanRoshi said:
It did seem awfully strange last season how how he dropped 30+ lbs. of playing weight at the age of 35. He looked like a totally different person last year.

That's probably when he started cheating on his wife... you know, finally started gettin' some so the extra "exercise" caused him to lose the weight.

Cogan said:
My thoughts exactly. Does anybody think a woman who looks like that would take a second look at a guy that looks like Strahan unless he was rich, famous, or both. It's amazing how many ugly football players you see with hot wives. I would be wondering, if I were them. Their best bet is to go to the middle East, where none of the babes know who they are. That way, if they nab a hotty, they know it won't be for the cha-ching.
I don't think she's all that hot. She looks older than 41.

I hope she looked much hotter 5 years ago

shame on you Strahan
summerisfunner said:

I hope she looked much hotter 5 years ago

shame on you Strahan

Oh please. :rolleyes:

Like you wouldn't hit that. She's 41 years old, not many 41 year olds look that good.

I'd hit that with a condominium.
Rack said:
Oh please. :rolleyes:

Like you wouldn't hit that. She's 41 years old, not many 41 year olds look that good.

I'd hit that with a condominium.

I wouldn't, but with a face that ugly, I'd definitely get some dome though
WV Cowboy said:
Not in all cases I'm sure, but in most cases I think if the husband would treat his wife the way God intended him to, the woman would respond and be a great wife forever.

you've ever heard of a golddigger? groupy?
summerisfunner said:
I wouldn't, but with a face that ugly, I'd definitely get some dome though

:rolleyes: X2.

On your best day you couldn't get a girl that good.

Typical internet "I only hook up with supermodels" attitude. Gimme a break.
Rack said:
:rolleyes: X2.

On your best day you couldn't get a girl that good.

Typical internet "I only hook up with supermodels" attitude. Gimme a break.

I'm looking at it if I'm Strahan, and I was rich and famous, I'd be trying to get with Kris Benson's wife, a playmate, something, he could have done better is all I'm saying

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