As a Cowboy fan, Romo is a choke, Garrett is not a good OC, period....


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Aven8;2488207 said:
Romo is the answer! Unfortunately we have too many chiefs! Once TO is gone next year....this team and Romo will look a whole lot different.

We have our new #1...RW....and I think Miles is going to be a fine #2.

It's the that time of the have to BELIEVE.

Thats right, the team will look totally different. Roy Williams is not the playmaker Owens is, romo wont know what to do when he doesnt have Owens wide open to throw the ball to, or drawing coverage away from other receivers. With Owens gone, romo wont put up his fancy statistics that every romo fanboy uses to justify their belief that he is a half way decent qb. When Owens is no longer on the team and romo shows why he is an undrafted free agent from division 2, what will everybody's excuse be for his lack of performance.

Being a fan isnt an excuse to be ingorant or automatically thinking because they are a Cowboy you have to think they are the best. Its hypocritical to bash somone for *****ing about TO with the logic people use for saying someone who bashes romo isnt a fan.

The Cowboys will never win a SuperBowl with wade phillips and romo. Thats what real fans want is a superbowl victory, all you who defend romo are more concerned with trying to prove that your right about him and would rather him look good and make excuses for him then have a championship. So it sounds like alot of you are more like TO then you want to admit

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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RedRaiderCowboysFan;2488778 said:
Thats right, the team will look totally different. Roy Williams is not the playmaker Owens is, romo wont know what to do when he doesnt have Owens wide open to throw the ball to, or drawing coverage away from other receivers. With Owens gone, romo wont put up his fancy statistics that every romo fanboy uses to justify their belief that he is a half way decent qb. When Owens is no longer on the team and romo shows why he is an undrafted free agent from division 2, what will everybody's excuse be for his lack of performance.

Being a fan isnt an excuse to be ingorant or automatically thinking because they are a Cowboy you have to think they are the best. Its hypocritical to bash somone for *****ing about TO with the logic people use for saying someone who bashes romo isnt a fan.

The Cowboys will never win a SuperBowl with wade phillips and romo. Thats what real fans want is a superbowl victory, all you who defend romo are more concerned with trying to prove that your right about him and would rather him look good and make excuses for him then have a championship. So it sounds like alot of you are more like TO then you want to admit

I certainly hope that your line of thought isn't true... But let me tell ya... Those thoughts sit squarely in the back of my head. 5-11 sucks and with TO here we have yet to see one of those seasons. He does so much for the offense just being out there and, IMO, would be sorely missed. I'm hopeful we will win a Lombardi with him before we have to face the possibility of another 5-11 type season.


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RedRaiderCowboysFan;2488778 said:
Thats right, the team will look totally different. Roy Williams is not the playmaker Owens is, romo wont know what to do when he doesnt have Owens wide open to throw the ball to, or drawing coverage away from other receivers. With Owens gone, romo wont put up his fancy statistics that every romo fanboy uses to justify their belief that he is a half way decent qb. When Owens is no longer on the team and romo shows why he is an undrafted free agent from division 2, what will everybody's excuse be for his lack of performance.

Being a fan isnt an excuse to be ingorant or automatically thinking because they are a Cowboy you have to think they are the best. Its hypocritical to bash somone for *****ing about TO with the logic people use for saying someone who bashes romo isnt a fan.

The Cowboys will never win a SuperBowl with wade phillips and romo. Thats what real fans want is a superbowl victory, all you who defend romo are more concerned with trying to prove that your right about him and would rather him look good and make excuses for him then have a championship. So it sounds like alot of you are more like TO then you want to admit

All that typing and the problem is owens doesn't think Romo throws the ball to him any way. So if he doesn't that's like playing with one less WR.
So what's the difference?


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Dave_in-NC;2488818 said:
All that typing and the problem is owens doesn't think Romo throws the ball to him any way. So if he doesn't that's like playing with one less WR.
So what's the difference?

Newman doesn't think so, as well as many people on defense. TO isn't the only one that has an issue, remember that...


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khiladi;2488750 said:
Romo did force the ball into Witten, in triple-coverage I might add, on the last INT of the game, which sealed the deal. It wasn't fourth down and Dallas had plenty of time to score.

He was throwing the ball to Glenn, not Witten


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khiladi;2488824 said:
Newman doesn't think so, as well as many people on defense. TO isn't the only one that has an issue, remember that...

Owens, targeted on 88 throws

Witten, targeted on 80 throws


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dbair1967;2488830 said:
Owens, targeted on 88 throws

Witten, targeted on 80 throws

Qualify 'target'?

TO was targetted on Romo's first INT against Pittsburgh, and Aikman pretty much stated that Romo no way in hell should have thrown that ball. In fact, Aikman, after analyzing the film, stated that TO pointed out Polamalu to TR when they lined up, clearly saying he was in that vicinity, which pretty much indicates that TO didn't think Romo was going to throw it in that direction. Funny how TO is blamed for all those 'targetted' passes... Why would TO not get upset when it is stats like the above that are presented which are always in the context of implicating him for his lack of production?

Like I said, TO has had 7 drops on the season. If he is being targetted in a strategic manner, then why so many misses?

And Aikman isn't too shy about criticizing TO....


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dbair1967;2488829 said:
He was throwing the ball to Glenn, not Witten

Doesn't matter... It was a crappy throw that is reminiscent of TR forcing the ball in places he shouldn't... It is clearly a problem with TR he needs to rectify... It is similar to his INT against the Steelers, where he threw it to Owens with 3 people around him...

Which brings me to Garrett... He obviously isn't game-planning very well.... Romo is looking downfield because Garrett is drawing up plays like that, excluding Romo's abilityt to attack the short field, with his ridiculous release and accuracy, when he gets in a rhythm. Garrett seems to blind to it, with his only short route, the check-down to Marion Barber over the middle when nobody is open downfield.

The Patriots took advantage of the help over the top for Randy Moss, with Wes Walker on quick, short passes. The linebacker mis-matches were exploited.

I sure as hell am going to blame Garrett, more than anybody else...


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khiladi;2488838 said:
Qualify 'target'?

TO was targetted on Romo's first INT against Pittsburgh, and Aikman pretty much stated that Romo no way in hell should have thrown that ball. In fact, that Aikman stated that TO pointed out Polamalu to TR when they lined up, clearly saying he was in that vicinity, which pretty much indicates that TO didn't think Romo was going to throw it.

And Aikman isn't too shy about criticizing TO....

The ball was thrown towards him but shouldnt have, it doesnt discount the fact that Romo did try to get the ball to him. Just like on the 2nd pick, he did try to get the ball to him (and shouldnt have)...just like the pick in the Seattle game, he tried to get it to him (and again, shouldnt have)...both picks in the Washington game were on balls targeted for Owens

He had what, 18 or 19 passes thrown at him in the first Washington game?

He's getting passes thrown his way, and has more thrown at him than the guy he is (supposedly) complaining about.

Romo needs to do a better job of seeing the field, and if Owens is still complaining about the number of times he is getting throw to, he needs to quit.


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khiladi;2488824 said:
Newman doesn't think so, as well as many people on defense. TO isn't the only one that has an issue, remember that...

So owens drew that famous line in the sand.

Let me ask you a question John Riggens asked on his radio show.

Who on this team has the nutsack to but heads with owens? Player or coaches.

Now remember, I'm just putting out there, what I really didn't think about before I heard it asked.

I found some of the answers humorous as Riggens did.
Yes owens has his defenders (players)
He also has his detractors.


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dbair1967;2488855 said:
The ball was thrown towards him but shouldnt have, it doesnt discount the fact that Romo did try to get the ball to him. Just like on the 2nd pick, he did try to get the ball to him (and shouldnt have)...just like the pick in the Seattle game, he tried to get it to him (and again, shouldnt have)...both picks in the Washington game were on balls targeted for Owens

He had what, 18 or 19 passes thrown at him in the first Washington game?

He's getting passes thrown his way, and has more thrown at him than the guy he is (supposedly) complaining about.

Romo needs to do a better job of seeing the field, and if Owens is still complaining about the number of times he is getting throw to, he needs to quit.

The first pick he threw towards owens IMOP was owens looking at and knowing Troy Palamalaultosax was looking to light his butt up.
He pulled up on that rout.


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dbair1967;2488855 said:
The ball was thrown towards him but shouldnt have, it doesnt discount the fact that Romo did try to get the ball to him. Just like on the 2nd pick, he did try to get the ball to him (and shouldnt have)...just like the pick in the Seattle game, he tried to get it to him (and again, shouldnt have)...both picks in the Washington game were on balls targeted for Owens

He had what, 18 or 19 passes thrown at him in the first Washington game?

He's getting passes thrown his way, and has more thrown at him than the guy he is (supposedly) complaining about.

Romo needs to do a better job of seeing the field, and if Owens is still complaining about the number of times he is getting throw to, he needs to quit.

It doesn't matter... It was a crap throw, with no way for TO to catch it... While it may satisfy some statisical jollies people have, throwing a ball to a player that should have never been throw doesn't qualify as being targetted...

Owens is complainign about getting the ball thrown to him when he is open... Not when he is triple-teamed and has no chance of catching the ball...

TO has also made it a point to say,

"Let us look at the game film to see all those passes I have allegedly been targetted..."

Throwing to him in triple-coverage and so forth is like throwing him a bone and expecting him to be happy...

If I was a WR, I surely wouldn't be happy with that crap...


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Dave_in-NC;2488870 said:
The first pick he threw towards owens IMOP was owens looking at and knowing Troy Palamalaultosax was looking to light his butt up.
He pulled up on that rout.

I love the justifications... Even Aikman, who loves TR, said it was TRs fault... Your agenda is obvious...

Even if, for the sake of argument, that is the case, it clearly also points out to the fact that TP knew the play was coming, and that TR should have never made the pass... TO even pointed it out to TR...

There is a trend for Romo to throw these type of passes and no amount of putting on TO can change it.. That is just the fact of the matter...


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khiladi;2488888 said:
I love the justifications... Even Aikman, who loves TR, said it was TRs fault... Your agenda is obvious...

Even if, for the sake of argument, that is the case, it clearly also points out to the fact that TP knew the play was coming, and that TR should have never made the pass... TO even pointed it out to TR...

owens does allot of pointing, that we can agree on.;)

Hmmm so every DB who has a bead on a WR knows the play is coming?
Or are they just good DBs as is Troy P.


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Dave_in-NC;2488898 said:
owens does allot of pointing, that we can agree on.;)

Hmmm so every DB who has a bead on a WR knows the play is coming?
Or are they just good DBs as is Troy P.

How about this?

Not only did Aikman point that fact out, he also pointed out that there were two other CBs in the vicinity, which should have prevented TR from throwing it. It wasn't just Polamalu.

On all 3 INTs by Romo, after analyzing the tape, Troy Aikman said the onus was on Tony Romo, nobody else. Even the 2nd INT of which TO was targetted, Aikman said TR threw it in a bad position. It was as if thed CB knew it was coming and baited him. All TR had to do with throw it a little in front of TO, who had clearly beaten Ike...

And I'll take Aikman's analysis after actually watching the game-tape and giving his reasoning of why, over yours any day of the week.

BTW, Aikman said TO was clearly indicating to TR that Polamalu had the read on that play...


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khiladi;2488838 said:
Like I said, TO has had 7 drops on the season. If he is being targetted in a strategic manner, then why so many misses?

whats 62/88 genius?


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dbair1967;2488915 said:
whats 62/88 genius?

So TO has had only 11 uncatcheable balls thrown to him all year long, genius? You mean Romo has only forced 11 balls to TO during the year? And he was targetted 18 to 20 times against the Commanders alone according to you, with how many catches? Your stats, 'genius', are obviously not only ridiculous, but illogical..

One of the most deceiving stats when Owens is criticized for saying he needs to be a bigger part of the offense is that Romo has thrown to Owens more times than Witten or any receiver on the team. The problem is many of Romo's passes that are supposedly directed towards Owens are uncatchable or have been picked off as was the case time after time in Pittsburgh. Simply because Romo throws the ball in Owens' vicinity more than any other receiver doesn't mean he's giving him more chances if he can't catch it. That's partly why Witten leads the Cowboys with 64 receptions while Owens is second with 55 catches. Now Owens isn't completely innocent, he has dropped seven passes, but Owens is fourth in the NFL with 58 "passes not caught," which are throws in which Owens was the intended receiver but did not catch the pass, whether due to a drop, pass deflection, interception, whatever. Well, seven were drops, the other 51 are the reason why Owens is frustrated.

Now that is more logical, 'genius'. Save the sarcasm for somoebody else, especially when your going to post such absurd numbers. It makes you look clueless...


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khiladi;2488910 said:
How about this?

Not only did Aikman point that fact out, he also pointed out that there were two other CBs in the vicinity, which should have prevented TR from throwing it. It wasn't just Polamalu.

On all 3 INTs by Romo, after analyzing the tape, Troy Aikman said the onus was on Tony Romo, nobody else. Even the 2nd INT of which TO was targetted, Aikman said TR threw it in a bad position. It was as if thed CB knew it was coming and baited him. All TR had to do with throw it a little in front of TO, who had clearly beaten Ike...

And I'll take Aikman's analysis after actually watching the game-tape and giving his reasoning of why, over yours any day of the week.

BTW, Aikman said TO was clearly indicating to TR that Polamalu had the read on that play...

Doesn't owens always contend he's open, thus acting like the cry baby he is?
Either he is always open or he isn't. Which is it eldorado?

He's freaking Bipolar is what he is.