As always, I will still travel to opening day!

Sorry for your loss. Have fun and be safe, though I won't be traveling to anymore games in person until they start winning a few playoff games.
As has been the case for basically the last 17 years, my wife and at least 1 of my daughters will make the trip for opening day in Arlington. I dont care about all this crying, or what they do or dont do. Football and this team is in my blood. Memories are made on these trips. How much it costs? who cares. We are fortunate that a couple grand isnt putting us on the streets.

Life is short, do what you do for fun and enjoy it while you can. Soon enough, Ill be an old guy like couch coach and wont be going anywhere. Then I will sit at home on my computer and whine 24/7 like 85% of you.

By the way, drink of the night is a bee sting. Gin, honey liquor, lemon juice and chile liquor.

My cousin, a military vet and war vet died last night at age 35. Try to live your life being a little more happy. It is way to short to spend it bi..... everyday.
traditions are important and my condolences to you and family for your loss.
As has been the case for basically the last 17 years, my wife and at least 1 of my daughters will make the trip for opening day in Arlington. I dont care about all this crying, or what they do or dont do. Football and this team is in my blood. Memories are made on these trips. How much it costs? who cares. We are fortunate that a couple grand isnt putting us on the streets.

Life is short, do what you do for fun and enjoy it while you can. Soon enough, Ill be an old guy like couch coach and wont be going anywhere. Then I will sit at home on my computer and whine 24/7 like 85% of you.

By the way, drink of the night is a bee sting. Gin, honey liquor, lemon juice and chile liquor.

My cousin, a military vet and war vet died last night at age 35. Try to live your life being a little more happy. It is way to short to spend it bi..... everyday.
Sorry for your loss.

Jerry will be happy to have your money for the yacht fuel fund.
As has been the case for basically the last 17 years, my wife and at least 1 of my daughters will make the trip for opening day in Arlington. I dont care about all this crying, or what they do or dont do. Football and this team is in my blood. Memories are made on these trips. How much it costs? who cares. We are fortunate that a couple grand isnt putting us on the streets.

Life is short, do what you do for fun and enjoy it while you can. Soon enough, Ill be an old guy like couch coach and wont be going anywhere. Then I will sit at home on my computer and whine 24/7 like 85% of you.

By the way, drink of the night is a bee sting. Gin, honey liquor, lemon juice and chile liquor.

My cousin, a military vet and war vet died last night at age 35. Try to live your life being a little more happy. It is way to short to spend it bi..... everyday.
Haha. You go. Enjoy yourself and be happy!

A death that touches you brings things into perspective. My condolences to you and the family.
As has been the case for basically the last 17 years, my wife and at least 1 of my daughters will make the trip for opening day in Arlington. I dont care about all this crying, or what they do or dont do. Football and this team is in my blood. Memories are made on these trips. How much it costs? who cares. We are fortunate that a couple grand isnt putting us on the streets.

Life is short, do what you do for fun and enjoy it while you can. Soon enough, Ill be an old guy like couch coach and wont be going anywhere. Then I will sit at home on my computer and whine 24/7 like 85% of you.

By the way, drink of the night is a bee sting. Gin, honey liquor, lemon juice and chile liquor.

My cousin, a military vet and war vet died last night at age 35. Try to live your life being a little more happy. It is way to short to spend it bi..... everyday.
Talking about the Cowboys or yesterday's Rangers game lol that's what we call opening day but in football it's just game one in my opinion..

Don't let the haters let you down man this is a sport some of us grew up on and we're die hard fans and we're not gonna let the ownership or the front office or anybody deter our fandom I don't put conditions on my fandom either every year is a one off I watch it game to game and when the new year starts and the new offseason starts it's a new year it's a reset I don't hang back on the last five years 10 years especially 30 years... People are gonna try to tell you you're crazy for spending money you're part of the problem you're Jerry Jones favorite fan blah blah blah...

I don't want to hear it again most real fans are allowed to criticize the team as long as it's within reason and not crazy some people around here criticize everything and we're not the worst franchise in sports history or the NFL even over the last 10 years or five we are winning and going to the playoffs and on prime time and that star is the only thing I care about on the side of the helmet....

So, I'm glad there's fans like you still around.

Condolences on your loss...
As has been the case for basically the last 17 years, my wife and at least 1 of my daughters will make the trip for opening day in Arlington. I dont care about all this crying, or what they do or dont do. Football and this team is in my blood. Memories are made on these trips. How much it costs? who cares. We are fortunate that a couple grand isnt putting us on the streets.

Life is short, do what you do for fun and enjoy it while you can. Soon enough, Ill be an old guy like couch coach and wont be going anywhere. Then I will sit at home on my computer and whine 24/7 like 85% of you.

By the way, drink of the night is a bee sting. Gin, honey liquor, lemon juice and chile liquor.

My cousin, a military vet and war vet died last night at age 35. Try to live your life being a little more happy. It is way to short to spend it bi..... everyday.
One of these days you have to share a beer or something with some of y'all I know you're from out of town but I know there's has to be a few of you all that live near Arlington are in Arlington and then on game day you're going to be in town and we should have a small gathering and share a toast... I live just 8 miles South of the stadium so I usually Uber up there if I do go to a game...
Sorry for your loss.

Props to you, I live outside Fort Worth and barely go anymore. I’m definitely not spending thousands when I can go to an all inclusive in Cancun or something and enjoy a week rather than ***** about the cowboys and Jerry world for a few hours lol. But to each their own, stay safe and have fun!!
Dont sweat it, we do go to Cancun for a week every other
As has been the case for basically the last 17 years, my wife and at least 1 of my daughters will make the trip for opening day in Arlington. I dont care about all this crying, or what they do or dont do. Football and this team is in my blood. Memories are made on these trips. How much it costs? who cares. We are fortunate that a couple grand isnt putting us on the streets.

Life is short, do what you do for fun and enjoy it while you can. Soon enough, Ill be an old guy like couch coach and wont be going anywhere. Then I will sit at home on my computer and whine 24/7 like 85% of you.

By the way, drink of the night is a bee sting. Gin, honey liquor, lemon juice and chile liquor.

My cousin, a military vet and war vet died last night at age 35. Try to live your life being a little more happy. It is way to short to spend it bi..... everyday.

Prayers for you
I think its a good choice to live a life.

Dont have any kind of principles. Those will only hurt the entertainment desire. And that is all someone should listen too.
And after looking in the mirror and you feel somekind o strange regardless there is always the alcohol to help you out.

I also think those are good values you hand over to your kids.

So cheers to you.

Heres is another one for your pocket.
No kind of principles? bahahhahahahahahah
I have been married one time in my life and we will celebrate 37 years this Sept. I served this country during a foreign war. I have 4 daughters that are all extremely productive members of society. So please, talk to me more about "Values."
As has been the case for basically the last 17 years, my wife and at least 1 of my daughters will make the trip for opening day in Arlington. I dont care about all this crying, or what they do or dont do. Football and this team is in my blood. Memories are made on these trips. How much it costs? who cares. We are fortunate that a couple grand isnt putting us on the streets.

Life is short, do what you do for fun and enjoy it while you can. Soon enough, Ill be an old guy like couch coach and wont be going anywhere. Then I will sit at home on my computer and whine 24/7 like 85% of you.

By the way, drink of the night is a bee sting. Gin, honey liquor, lemon juice and chile liquor.

My cousin, a military vet and war vet died last night at age 35. Try to live your life being a little more happy. It is way to short to spend it bi..... everyday.
Sounds like a great family tradition. Where do u travel from?
We all have the choices to make. If he wants to line the pockets of an old miser who doesn't give a damn about winning and doesn't give a damn about the fans, then so be it.

Me, I live 20 minutes from Jerry world and there is no way in hell I will give Jerry a single penny. Screw Jerry...

To each his own, as some would say.
Poor Jerry, he won't be able to sleep tonight....but, thanks for your tax dollars thay helped build time, don't forget the curtains. Lol
I think its a good choice to live a life.

Dont have any kind of principles. Those will only hurt the entertainment desire. And that is all someone should listen too.
And after looking in the mirror and you feel somekind o strange regardless there is always the alcohol to help you out.

I also think those are good values you hand over to your kids.

So cheers to you.

Heres is another one for your pocket.
How long have you been in his pocket? You're still here, being a hypocrite. Are you passing that down?
How long have you been in his pocket? You're still here, being a hypocrite. Are you passing that down?
That ironic all the people that continue to talk about the Cowboys but say they don't care they spend extra time in their daily lives to make sure they get their opinion in on every Facebook group page with the Cowboys name on it all the Twitter pages and here and yet they say they don't care but isn't that furthering the cowboys brand?

You literally do not need to spend money directly like buy jerseys or go to the games because other people are doing that I'm pretty sure that the small percentage of these types of guys you're talking to on here that claim they don't care that are not going anymore it's not a very big group not compared to somehow the stadium is full, it's one of the largest stadiums in the NFL by the way and as bad as people wanna make the Cowboys last 30 years somebody's buying tickets somebody's buying gear because the Dallas Cowboys are typically top ten in jersey sales which also means they must be putting some good players on the team that people wanna wear their jerseys and also we must have good enough players that fans can debate whether you should pay them market money or not 'cause there's plenty of those on the team Jerry's not paying them fast enough but where is this coming from were they gifted to Jerry or does he not know what he's doing and is this all about money but yet he's spending the money on his product it's just not good enough for most of the fans they think Super Bowls grow on trees and you should have a regular easy into the championship games and the Super bowls which isn't the case for most teams...

I mean I do get the criticism I do I mean some of what Jerry does or doesn't do should be criticized but to go to this extent calling him the worst owner in GM in the history of sports is just stupid he's not even the worst GM or owner in the NFL if you don't wanna put him in the top ten that's fine but he's right around the next guess somehow he found a way to win a lot of regular season games to keep getting on prime time probably have a record amount of these content creator groups with the Cowboys name on it they have nothing to do with but they should talk a lot of Cowboys.... I mean the Cowboys are relative enough that the league keeps putting him up there people keep watching ratings are still up so yes I get the frustration that it's overdue time for us to win again big but the whole fallacy that Jerry's the worst he doesn't know what he's doing he doesn't have a clue he's had a football guy well he has a lot of football people around him so I'm pretty sure a lot of the mistakes he's making other teams have made as well regular GM's have problems regular owners have problems and yes he has a big mouth he talks too much I don't like that part of Jerry but this gets out of control with the I don't care but they sure spend a lot of their daily lives talking Cowboys..​
so jerry says thank you for furthering his​