As an owner, this is how I would approach Tank

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I sell my coltan cheaper to the USA than I could to other countries or Sony, Nokia or samsung. Call it a hometown discount. Patriotism.


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Listen, we’re going to sign you. Either at what you want or what we want or somewhere in between. You’ve been a leader for this team and have shown that you can make a difference. We want you and we want you bad. BUT, we also have to look at the contracts coming up for Zeke, Cooper, Jaylon, Dak, Jones and some others. We have a fricken outstanding core talent of players. We can’t give you the highest contract ever played for a LE DE and also be able to keep this team together. Do you want to be the highest paid player of all time at your position or do you want to win Championships? Remember, I’m Jerry Jones and I’m in business with Emmitt Smith as well as other former Cowboys players. We’re making money together. Help this team out and I will help you out long term.

We aint the Patriots bro, we cant sell a player on the idea of "take less money and win a ring".

Dallas aint winning the SuperBowl anytime soon and Tank and his agent both know it.

Tank wants $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


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Tom Brady, Jason Witten, Sean Lee, Tim Duncan ring a bell?

Tanks response to you...…………….after he stops laughing...…………..Is

Brady...………..well the Pats win championships, the Cowboys win Wildcard games every now and then...………….PAY ME

Witten...……….he is old and slow and took a year off and has no bearing on our discussion...…………………………PAY ME

Lee...………… mean the dude that spends half or each season in the training room while I play hurt...………….PAY ME

Duncan...……this aint basketball bro, this is football and you are starting to piss me off...………………………....…...PAY ME


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Lawrence: When was the last time the Cowboys were even in an NFC Championship game, let alone a SB, let alone winning a SB? You're trying to sell me by dangling championships. How is that credible? It's a business. Show me the money. My time to make millions is *now*, with this contract, not after I've retired from the game.
This. These pro DEs have a very short shelf life unlike 99% of us and now is the time to make his fortune. There are no guarantees and every player, agent and GM get that. If DL wanted a SB he would ask to go to NE.


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This. These pro DEs have a very short shelf life unlike 99% of us and now is the time to make his fortune. There are no guarantees and every player, agent and GM get that. If DL wanted a SB he would ask to go to NE.

Yeah, trying to sell the idea to Tank that he needs to take less money so the team can win the SB is just laughable with their playoff record under Garrett.

We aint the Pats.


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Listen, we’re going to sign you. Either at what you want or what we want or somewhere in between. You’ve been a leader for this team and have shown that you can make a difference. We want you and we want you bad. BUT, we also have to look at the contracts coming up for Zeke, Cooper, Jaylon, Dak, Jones and some others. We have a fricken outstanding core talent of players. We can’t give you the highest contract ever played for a LE DE and also be able to keep this team together. Do you want to be the highest paid player of all time at your position or do you want to win Championships? Remember, I’m Jerry Jones and I’m in business with Emmitt Smith as well as other former Cowboys players. We’re making money together. Help this team out and I will help you out long term.
You dont think the team has said this to him and his agent? They aint hearing that. Lawrence needs to go but not just for the sale of getting rid of him. If youre not getting atleast a top 10 1. Then it makes no sense in trading him.


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DLaw is not being unfair by wanting more either. Business on both sides.

Unreasonable to expect guys to take a haircut for the team. Especially guys on their first big contract.

The *only* way I see taking a haircut for the team is if *all* of the guys coming up for big contracts take a haircut together. Then at least their haircut brings an appreciable improvement to the team. But I've never heard of players even contemplating that.

He can ask for what ever. At a contract of 20 mill he will be the highest paid DE in the NFL so as far as I am concerned Dallas is setting the market value since no one else at that position makes more. I do find it disturbing that his agent went from 20 to 22.5 mill. Frankly I would tell his agent the 20 is sitting on the table take it or leave it.


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Listen, we’re going to sign you. Either at what you want or what we want or somewhere in between. You’ve been a leader for this team and have shown that you can make a difference. We want you and we want you bad. BUT, we also have to look at the contracts coming up for Zeke, Cooper, Jaylon, Dak, Jones and some others. We have a fricken outstanding core talent of players. We can’t give you the highest contract ever played for a LE DE and also be able to keep this team together. Do you want to be the highest paid player of all time at your position or do you want to win Championships? Remember, I’m Jerry Jones and I’m in business with Emmitt Smith as well as other former Cowboys players. We’re making money together. Help this team out and I will help you out long term.
as tank, this is my response.

then pay me, show me you need me...I don't care about zeke, cooper, or Jaylon, that's your problem to solve. I am not taking a discount for those guys, because if I get injured, you will dump my arse like a sack of cement in the Hudson. show me the money or I will go somewhere else and get my championship....


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Yeah, there is some "status" going on. The best is usually calculated by the biggest contract.

I agree about both doing what is best for themselves. They should be working to get the best trade they can. Win-win.

Your right and he may very well find out that others may not value him as much as the Cowboys. Fact is you have a player with an existing injury that has affected his play the past 2 season and has yet to do anything about it. As you said if he is unwilling to accept the offer then maybe the next best thing would be to trade. My gut feeling however is this deal will get worked out.


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I do find it disturbing that his agent went from 20 to 22.5 mill. Frankly I would tell his agent the 20 is sitting on the table take it or leave it.

I also find it disturbing, but I'd change my offer to $20.1 milllion, let him know I was just about at my limit, and that there's not nearly another $2.5 mil that I'm willing to give.

Considering his really only one really good sack stat year, having back problems previously, his as-yet to be done surgery and the time frame for the surgery, asking for $22.5 is ludicrous...


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You could also tell him that okay, we'll pay your asking price, but that means we can't sign others we need, especially on defense, so you can be Mr. Highest Paid DE in the NFL, then when the defense can't hold leads or otherwise shine, you will get blamed by every fan and every media pundit for that, and play out your career with no SB or even much playoff success.

Then 10 years from now nobody will remember you were once the highest paid DE, only that you were on a mediocre at best team. And when your peers are showing off their SB ring(s), what will you show them? What's really important to you, SBs or money?

Because if it's money, tell me now, and I'll cut your rear end today and you can take the chance of winding up on the Jets or the Bengals or the Lions, and play out your career in one of the black holes of the NFL...


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Listen, we’re going to sign you. Either at what you want or what we want or somewhere in between. You’ve been a leader for this team and have shown that you can make a difference. We want you and we want you bad. BUT, we also have to look at the contracts coming up for Zeke, Cooper, Jaylon, Dak, Jones and some others. We have a fricken outstanding core talent of players. We can’t give you the highest contract ever played for a LE DE and also be able to keep this team together. Do you want to be the highest paid player of all time at your position or do you want to win Championships? Remember, I’m Jerry Jones and I’m in business with Emmitt Smith as well as other former Cowboys players. We’re making money together. Help this team out and I will help you out long term.
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