Asteroid to pass dangerously close to earth Sunday; What is your last football meal on Sunday?

Well normally, if the asteroid is hurling my way, I'd opt for a bottle of JD and my girl. HOWEVER, she is not speaking to me; she's a big Raider fan and I declined her invitation to a Silver an Black brunch for their game (no way I'd get home for the game, nor are any self respecting Raider fans (now there's a contradiction) gonna watch SF play).

Looks like a cold, lonely season. Dallas owes me!!!!
Liquid Dinner... you never mess up premium liquor with food.... farewell all.... one large block of ice please (why can't anyone ever get this right?)
Asteroid better not mess up TV reception.

Aside from that, my abode will be redolent with the aroma of mein game day feast:

Brisket (take-out) with lots of fat as I willl request and wrapped by white bread (what the hey, the asteroid/49 apocaipse and all)
German potato salad
German chocolate cake
Fresh onions, jalapenos and assorted veggies and kettle-type potato chips
Beer and wine and more beer
(pls no one come to mein door because we only half enough for me, Ms. Busty and the neighbors and the cousin who could reveal . . . sensitive detials.)

Gift gimme your game-day meal plans!!! Don't wait until Sunday, with the asteroid hurtling our way and such!!!

There's a good chance it isnt an asteroid.

They may be coming back for you
Asteroid better not mess up TV reception.

Aside from that, my abode will be redolent with the aroma of mein game day feast:

Brisket (take-out) with lots of fat as I willl request and wrapped by white bread (what the hey, the asteroid/49 apocaipse and all)
German potato salad
German chocolate cake
Fresh onions, jalapenos and assorted veggies and kettle-type potato chips
Beer and wine and more beer
(pls no one come to mein door because we only half enough for me, Ms. Busty and the neighbors and the cousin who could reveal . . . sensitive detials.)

Gift gimme your game-day meal plans!!! Don't wait until Sunday, with the asteroid hurtling our way and such!!!

Mine will be a communion wafer...I'll be doing lots of praying this year.
Wings and Shiner. Sports bar essentials.


I also bookmarked this thread, just too much goodness here
This thread reminds me of the one where everyone listed their last meal prior to execution.

Any correlation between that and Dallas' opening day?

Pan frying my last package of crappie with some fried okra and a cucumber tomato salad from my garden.

Forum members, good americans, wards of the court, ever one if you can send Jimmy some foods i would appreciate it. He contributes much to this forum and i wold hate to see him undernutrionized. His meal seems . . . i dunno . . . bereft of good ol' fat, american meat, potatoes and bread. something about that lineup of food that seem lacking in traditional good eating like Arthur Godfrey and 50 cent would enjoy.
Send him food.
This thread reminds me of the one where everyone listed their last meal prior to execution.

Any correlation between that and Dallas' opening day?


Dear sir, you imply acocilpse but we do not infer that. Do not stir agitation. instead stir up some good food and drink, the kind your enibriated uncle would want after 10 hours at the bar. The kind that you, as a deranged teenager after a kegger would like. THAT IS GOOD FOOD.
Jalapeno jerk chicken wings/drums for appetizers
chips and queso and various salsas

Bone-in Rib Eye off the grill
assorted veggie off the grill

Lots of cold beverages

Can't wait!

Simplicity, diliciousness and tangy. Love it! Send me a plate. i am a sucker for beef meat, salsa and cold beverdges.

I have never liked the term dangerously close when it comes to asteroids. It is either dangerous or it is not. Being close doesn't matter. Getting hit matters.

Yes but a rogue chunk can fly off and hit, say, maybe, Algeria or Chad or Maine. Then the world would lose most of its technology goods and fine music.

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