AsthmaField here, I survived Katrina...

Dave_in-NC said:
Where on TOB man? Im near Emeriald Isle.(Cedar Point)

You are in thick of it. I am in Manteo. Not much happening here right now. But I will be busy tomorrow. I maintain a computer network for the county that includes several sites on Hatteras Island.
AsthmaField said:

I finally got to a place with electricity today. I had to get a dial-up account, but I'm back and ready for some Cowboy news!!!

It's amazing how much I missed this place and the information provided here.

Anyways, I'm really grateful to be alive and able to finally come here! It was a harrowing experience these last two weeks or so on the Mississippi coast.

Any catch-up info will be greatly appreciated. Good to be back... even with dial-up :eek::

:welcome: Back! Glad that you're okay as you can be with all things considered. You guys are in our prayers.:thumbup:
cowboyfan4life_mark said:
Good to see you back **. I hope that you and all of your family are safe. Are you still at home or have you moved?

My home is quite damaged, so no, I'm not at home. My family is staying at my mother's home where she got power as of today (A/C is the greatest invention known to man!).

My home isn't destroyed, but it'll be a while before we'll be able to go back. Several homes in my neighborhood are pretty much gone, so I feel lucky. We're still having to boil the water, but now we can buy bottled water almost anytime we want, which is great! We can buy ice too and getting gas doesn't take from 5:00 in the morning 'till 1:00 in the afternoon anymore. There are some doctor's starting to open now too, which is good because my daughter has been sick.

It took us a few days to cut our way out of the neighborhood but we were able to use chain saws and trucks to move the trees. In the 5/10ths of a mile from my driveway to the exit from the neighborhood, there were almost 200 large trees (mostly pines) across the road. You could literally walk tree to tree the whole way. Good thing we had chainsaws too, because if we were waiting on official help, we'd still be trapped.

We had a couple of people who passed away in the neighborhood so we were antsy to get the road cleared so they could be removed. They finally got taken away a few days ago.

My wife doesn't really want to go back. She kind of wants to move to a place where hurricanes cant reach. I understand too. You don't want to ever put yourself in a position to go through that again.

During the storm, trees started hitting the house. It sounded like... I don't know what... but it was very loud and you could feel the house coming apart around you.

My sister lives across the street and they didn't have nearly the amount of trees that we did... so we decided to try to make it over there. I had to take my kids, one at a time, and run through the hurricane to my sisters. They were terrified and you could hear the trees snapping and the metal tearing as we ran the hundred yards or so to her house. I got both kids over there and then got my wife and dog and headed out. We made it fine, but one tree came down fairly close as I was bringing my wife across the street. Not real close... but 50 feet or so seems close when it's a whole tree, you know.

I had the dubious privilege of watching trees pummel my house during the storm. Some hit my sisters too... only not as many. It was violence like I've never seen. Violence everywhere.

The sound was... bad. Rending, tearing, snapping. I still hear it.

I tore my back up moving pine trees off of the road, but there weren't any doctors you could go to. the hospital was running off of generators and they weren't taking anything except dire emergencies after the storm... so lot's of tylenol was the way until I ran out... then it was au natural, lol.

Anyway... now all is good. We've got A/C, dial-up, water and all our loved one's. I feel blessed. Especially when I see what happened in New Orleans and what happened to those within 5 miles of the gulf in Mississippi. We're so lucky to have what we have.

To everyone who've expressed concern... thank you so much. The one thing we've all had down here is the love and caring of our fellow man... and there has been a lot of that. I never knew people were so caring and giving.

I don't need anything. There are people who do and I love to see them getting help. I've given what I can to help them and most of America has too. I just hope and pray the people of New Orleans can recover and live normal lives again.

Again, thank you all so much for your concern... all I need now is some good old fashioned football talk to take my mind off of the catastrophy that hit everything I know.

I just want the Cowboys to take care of Washington this coming Monday!!!
AsthmaField said:
My home is quite damaged.........
Holy crap dude that is a pretty serious story. Glad to see everybody made it through. Sounds like a tough time similiar to what our team had on Sunday. Get near a TV so you can watch us Monday night. That will be a great game!
God bless you and the family Asthma. Hope things back to normal as soon as possible.
big dog cowboy said:
We were all worried about you pops! :lmao:

Thank you........Those last two minutes were a coronary nightmare. :D
Cbz40 said:
Thank you........Those last two minutes were a coronary nightmare. :D
Hello 9-1-1 emergency dispatch what is your emergency?

I'm watching the last 2 minutes of the game can somebody grap me another Dr. Pepper quick???

Henry did better then good he was great didnt he have like 13 tackles 5 pass deflections and 1 pick?
Welcome back, **!! Glad to hear you are ok!
Duane said:
God bless you and the family Asthma. Hope things back to normal as soon as possible.

Thanks Duane. It's amazing. Things are far, far, far from normal... and yet you'd be amazed at how normal they feel compared to how things felt two weeks ago.

Having a shower and electricity, not to mention a dial-up account, makes things 1000% better. Seriously. I can't tell you how much of a difference those things make. A/C and a television (DVD's) makes everything seem normal instead of like a third world country.

When it's 100 degrees and you literally can't go anywhere to get out of the heat... it becomes a panicky feeling. My mother is 72 and I was honestly starting to become very worried, instead of just concerned. My kids and wife... heck my dog... were all so miserable and I was helpless to do anything about it.

Small things like mosqitoes, become big problems. Sanitation goes from a given that you don't even think about... to something that must be on the foremost of your mind and is a concern for your family. Disease and pestilence go from something you read about to something you fight to keep away from your loved ones.

Things that are a given like getting a coke, eating at a resturaunt, driving a car, taking a sick child to a doctor are suddenly and shockingly impossible.

Things you don't think about like having cigarettes or milk or asprin become important things that you have to plan out to get... if it's possible at all.

The freedom of movement that we all take for granted is suddenly yanked away to be replaced with a confinement that truly shakes your being to the core.

Everything I thought I knew was gone and as grateful as I was to have our lives... that's about all we had... and we were powerless to do anything to improve our situation. In fact, we were powerless to keep it from deteriorating.

Now though, we have power, food, water, medical care... and although were a long way from normal... we sure feel that way.
Welcome back man. Glad to hear things are looking up for you and the family.
glad to hear things are getting somewhat back to normal.I've been through hurricanes before,but nothing compared to what you've described.thanks for sharing your experience,it must be difficult.
** SO very glad you and yours made it out and I grieve for those that did not...I sadly had the unfortunate experience of a hurricane (Agnus 1972 east coast) and though it was no where near the magnitude of Kat it still was a eye opener also had experiences with Tornados (nasty things) so I can sympathise somewhat plus as most of us who have served in the military can attest it is no picnic doing with out the basics... keep the faith and remain strong for your wife and kids... they are probably leaning on you more now than ever... if you need something don't be afraid to ask...PM me or email me at Cowboys @ Zaxor .de just remove the spaces and if I can it is yours my friend..
Glad you're still with us, **.

You need to move further inland. But avoid California and tornado alley.
AsthmaField said:

I finally got to a place with electricity today. I had to get a dial-up account, but I'm back and ready for some Cowboy news!!!

It's amazing how much I missed this place and the information provided here.

Anyways, I'm really grateful to be alive and able to finally come here! It was a harrowing experience these last two weeks or so on the Mississippi coast.


What happened to Burnett? How long will he be out?

We got Peerless Price? Wow.

Who impressed in the game the most? Clearly Bledsoe did well, but who else made plays of note?

Any catch-up info will be greatly appreciated. Good to be back... even with dial-up :eek::

Welcome back........glad you are doing great!

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