Astros punished for sign stealing

He was a player at the time, so no punishment.
Why wouldn't they fine or suspend any players that cheated? I haven't seen/heard any reports that they have or will. Do they just get a pass, because team management was in support of the cheating?
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per reports Mets are leaning toward firing Beltran or Beltran resigning. Geez, I hate this team....
MLB certainly should do a league-wide investigation, but they won't. They know that if they do, they would find that a lot of teams engage in cheating in some form/fashion, and they don't want to tarnish the integrity of the entire league. I read an article this morning (can't remember where, so I can't post the link) where a former player said that he had first hand, personal knowledge of five teams, including Yanks and Dodgers, that use technology to cheat. If one former player has first hand knowledge of five teams cheating, one would have to think that a thorough league-wide investigation would reveal a really ugly picture. Manfred wants no part of that, so a league-wide investigation is out of the picture.

Try to find that article. I would definitely like to read it. Thank you in advance.
Cool! Thank you for doing that LF.
NP, bud. FYI, I got this article (and most all of my other Astros news) from, if you're interested. It's a cool site in that you can get tons of articles for any team in any of the major sports.
That is on hitting coach and manager. His swing is so long and slow now but he does not use a shorter bat or choke up on the bat he uses.
Yeah, I think the pitcher could throw it three times before his swing crosses the plate.
NP, bud. FYI, I got this article (and most all of my other Astros news) from, if you're interested. It's a cool site in that you can get tons of articles for any team in any of the major sports.

Cool! I'll check it out. Thank you Brother!
Cool! I'll check it out. Thank you Brother!
One other thing about Sporgwire...when you go to the site, first click on the "more" button beside the professional league you want (NFL, MLB, etc) and all of the teams for that sport will show up in alpha order. Go down to the team you want to read up on and then select "view" over on the right side (if you click on "follow", you'll get lots of email notifications, which you might or might not want). All of the articles for that team will show up in one page. Just pin that to your taskbar for quick future reference and you'll be set.
One other thing about Sporgwire...when you go to the site, first click on the "more" button beside the professional league you want (NFL, MLB, etc) and all of the teams for that sport will show up in alpha order. Go down to the team you want to read up on and then select "view" over on the right side (if you click on "follow", you'll get lots of email notifications, which you might or might not want). All of the articles for that team will show up in one page. Just pin that to your taskbar for quick future reference and you'll be set.

Good to know!
Welp, Carlos Beltran steps down. The Wilpons are seriously discussing to name Jessica Mendoza the new manager. Yep, you can’t make this stuff up :banghead: :lmao:
i wish teh Mets would have flipped off the media and told them Beltran was staying. This whole thing is beyond the pale. They better suspend the damn players that were involved in it then. But it is the Mets. They are so worried about public perception they can't function right. They are a complete disgrace as a franchise.

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