Attorneys for Tiger Woods announce his divorce is final

I do think the amount is overly excessive (750M), but if what others are saying is true (she can't talk about it), she could also have easily made a lot of money by being his ex and telling all. It seems he is also getting a deal out of it and that is that her inability to disclose more information about him won't continue to damage him. Still, the amount is quite excessive.
I really doubt she would have made hundreds of millions talking about his cheating.

If she and the kids need 10 million a month to live on then that is obscene. Even 1 million a month would be nuts.

It is totally wrong that she should get anywhere near half of what he has made.
I have no opinion on how much she got. They agreed to it. I won't see a penny of it, so why should I care about the amount? The only thing I care about is that once again vows of marriage were treated as if they are disposable and their marriage merely piles onto the statistics.

My brother once bragged to me that he had slept with 38 different women. I think he thought that would impress me. It doesn't. Anyone can be a slut and find sluts of the opposite sex.

I have a friend here in Tucson whose wife died almost 4 years ago. They had been married for 68 years. That impresses me because very few men or women can do that. If cancer had not taken her they would be on 72 years together as of April.

No matter what she got it isn't as valuable as what she gave up. Same for him. Regardless of whose fault it is, they jointly decided this course. It's a shame.
Elin is better off without him. He never seemed like a nice guy anyway.

As for your brother 38 isn't a lot when you figure most people have average 3 sex partners a year before marriage. He is probably above average but nowhere near Wilt/Magic or Gene Simmons colossal numbers. Hos you are probably in the 20s yourself.

Re your friend, were they happy those 68 years or were they just resigned to their fate. Maybe they stepped out. No one knows what goes on in another's house.

Woody, your comment re her just being a nanny actually reinforces her claim as she needs money either to train for a career or to ensure she maintains the lifestyle to which she is accustomed.
Up her Eldrick's philandering would not effect the division of assets but in some US stated adultery can still get you more cash. I don't know if Florida is such a state though.
I find it interesting those on here who apparently regard the occupation of a "nanny" seemingly on-par with a common ditch-digger or convenience store cashier.

Does it hurt y'all's eyes, looking down the end of your noses like that?
DallasCowpoke;3512586 said:
I find it interesting those on here who apparently regard the occupation of a "nanny" seemingly on-par with a common ditch-digger or convenience store cashier.

Does it hurt y'all's eyes, looking down the end of your noses like that?

In all fairness, Woody claimed she was a nanny in response to my saying she was a model.

Being a nanny is basically unskilled low paid work. Most nannies in North America (not the professional ones in England) are fillapinas who have no skills other than taking care of children.

Irony of course Poke is that you are basically looking down at a ditch digger or 7-11 cashier in your post. Are your eyes sore?
DallasCowpoke;3512586 said:
I find it interesting those on here who apparently regard the occupation of a "nanny" seemingly on-par with a common ditch-digger or convenience store cashier.

Does it hurt y'all's eyes, looking down the end of your noses like that?
Big assumption there.

I was clarifying her previous occupation which is not was not as well-paying as what a model would make.

I'd never look down on someone doing honest work for a living.

Personally, I think she was given the model label to make the general public accept her.
WoodysGirl;3512711 said:
Big assumption there.

I was clarifying her previous occupation which is not was not as well-paying as what a model would make.

I'd never look down on someone doing honest work for a living.

Personally, I think she was given the model label to make the general public accept her.

Or so that some rich guy could swoop down and marry her. That gold digging slut.
WoodysGirl;3512711 said:
Big assumption there.

I was clarifying her previous occupation which is not was not as well-paying as what a model would make.

I'd never look down on someone doing honest work for a living.

Personally, I think she was given the model label to make the general public accept her.

Nah, she's hot so the public would accept her anyway. It was more so Eldrick would fit the mould of a superstar athlete and married to a model.

I certainly am not upset that he has fallen from grace, I always suspected he was a fraud.
I personally am very glad that she is no longer with Tiger. People do change, and if he is no longer the person she loves because he decided to not honor their vows, then why shouldn't she leave him? I would tell a woman who's husband is no longer treating her like his queen to leave him. Every woman (and man) deserves to have someone who is committed to him/her. It is a shame when two individuals who become strangers to each other stay together for something or another (kids, comfort, image, etc).

Sure, a lot of people enter matrimony lightly, and that is a problem, but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't divorce/annul, or that it is a bad thing.
Why don't a few of you try climbing in bed with someone that has slept with the filthy looking monsters that Tiger was pulling. She's probably got more than the money from the whole deal. Couple of diseases wouldn't shock me.
and canadian claims to be happily married while saying no one else is? Interesting.
If Tiger is a scum bag for what he did does that make Michael Irvin a scum bag beyond forgiveness as well?
Doomsday101;3513170 said:
If Tiger is a scum bag for what he did does that make Michael Irvin a scum bag beyond forgiveness as well?

I goof on a lot of things, but I do hold the vows of marriage in the highest regard. On a personal level, I put both Tiger and Irvin in a category of failing to live up to the commitments they gave to the ones they supposedly held most most dear in their life. It certainly speaks to their character, but they are no different than the countless others that break their marrital vows.
Seven;3511869 said:
Nope. My daughter is taught and practices fairness. She is taught to not thrive off the hard work of others, not take what is not hers and more importantly; material possessions are just that. Nothing more. She will be raised to not have to rely on a man in order for her to function in life. I want my children to be able to stand alone. Strong and more importantly, proud.

If children are involved then financial restitution should be that of as if the divorce never happened. From a financial aspect life goes on as normal. Simple as that.

I'm not taking a stance here nor am I thumping my chest. I abhorr thieves and the notion that taking from a person for personal gratification as a method of payback is beneath us as human beings.
Bologna. So if your daughter was married to someone who likely made a billion dollars during the marriage, and who was out screwing everything that moved, while she stayed at home taking care of the kids, you would expect her to walk away with nothing? Sorry... no one could ever convince me that would be their position regarding their daughter in such a situation.

And you're especially not gonna convince me of that when you haven't gone through it.

It's easy to think that would be the case until you're confronted with it. of course, odds are most people have never seen that kind of money or dealt with that degree of infidelity.
Joe Rod;3513195 said:
I goof on a lot of things, but I do hold the vows of marriage in the highest regard. On a personal level, I put both Tiger and Irvin in a category of failing to live up to the commitments they gave to the ones they supposedly held most most dear in their life. It certainly speaks to their character, but they are no different than the countless others that break their marrital vows.

I agree both men did wrong by their wives I don't condone the behavior I also do not wipe away the good things both men have done in giving of their time and money to help others. I don't think Tiger is a bad person I think Tiger is a person who did wrong and part of making amends is taking responsibility of the wrong you have done.
I always have believed, and the wife feels the same way, that if you are not happy enough in your marriage that you feel the need to cheat. Just be an adult about it and ask for a divorce before going out with someone else. Just save all the drama, be done with the marriage and move on your seperate way.

I don't get the it was an accident type of excuse but at the same time it is a whole different league of things when you are doing in multiple times as opposed to one mess up.

And chances are, just like many guys or gals, Tiger would still be doing the same thing if he did not get caught.

So he gets what he deserves IMO.

As far as the money amount of what is owed or fair...that is for the two people involved in the divorce and the lawyers. What ever she gets, no matter how high or outrageous the amount some might complain about...we must also remember that it was agreed upon by both parties and you know that they have an agreement where he basically paid her to keep her mouth shut about the details.
burmafrd;3512121 said:
I really doubt she would have made hundreds of millions talking about his cheating.

If she and the kids need 10 million a month to live on then that is obscene. Even 1 million a month would be nuts.

It is totally wrong that she should get anywhere near half of what he has made.

Does Tiger need $10 million a month to live on?

Apparently she can talk about some stuff, which will be in a People magazine article soon:,,20415315,00.html
joseephuss;3513444 said:
Does Tiger need $10 million a month to live on?
Umm, Tiger earned that money, she didn't. So, your point in moot.

Don't take that as I believe Tiger doesn't owe her anything, but to say millions a month is stupid. Nobody needs that much money.
nyc;3513542 said:
Umm, Tiger earned that money, she didn't. So, your point in moot.

Don't take that as I believe Tiger doesn't owe her anything, but to say millions a month is stupid. Nobody needs that much money.

I didn't make a point. I just asked a question. Tiger is not going to be hurting even after he pays her. That is not a point, either. Just a statement.

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