What's the risk? It's a lost season.
I'd rather try and miss than not try at all.
This can be done all the way up to the last drive of the last game I mean there's no need to force it I get what you mean we all wanna see it but it needs to be organically fit in or you wait till the last game when all said and done and everything's mathematically eliminated and you're doing this like you would play your seniors on senior day in college or in high school on homecoming weekend then you get t....ve him his flowers and let him try it...
I don't necessarily need to see 72 yards but I don't want to see him break the record I mean that one was called back I think it was in preseason or did he hit it in preseason either way what is the record again like 66? So let's not be greedy let him break the record with a 67 yarder and then we can graduate from there I mean setting a record would be nice for the guy right... Helen if it was the last game that'd be Washington but I prefer it to be against the eagles be like a game winner longest field goal ever made that would be a nice story for a year that's all but lost...
it was 68 yarder made wasn't it but had penalty call it back or something but that PS.