Wow. I just read where he threw the entire team under the bus for not "practicing" like an 0-16 team.
The 27 year old needs an attitude adjustment. Williams needs to be surrounded by unselfish players like Jason Witten and Felx Jones and Miles Austin and Marion Barber. Then, he will fall in line or be shipped to Buffalo.
The Cowboys should fine him some money, and he should have to apologize to his team and the coaches for embarrassing the organization.
Plus, when you attempt to get control of a revolting classroom, you go after the primary problem or the guy the other "malcontents" follow. Sometimes, you have to remove the lead instigator from the classroom in order to get control of the class. I'll let you guess who that is.
Some of the players on this team act like they are in the 7th grade. Three of them play WR. If you want to get control of a seventh grader, remove the lead instigator.