Back from Atlanta


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A day later, but it was a great time.

The city was real nice, we got down there a little early and walked around downtown, through all the Olympic stuff, the park, etc. People were out there tailgating all day long, and had a lot to yell to the pale white guy in the Roy jersey. First great discovery of the day - southern people BBQing. They're awesome at it. All hail BBQ chicken sandwiches with the works.

The stadium was awesome. Not that there was anything special about it - but the atmosphere was great. The service people were really nice, even though they wouldn't let you go down near the field to take pictures ebefore the game. I've heard about the domes being loud, but it was unreal loud, and they kept it up all night. There was probably about 10-15% Cowboys fans there, maybe a little more, but there was a ton surrounding me. We had a good time giving it to a Falcons fan behind us who had these 4 rehearsed lines that he was using the entire night.

1. Get him a body bag!!!!!
2. Sit back and watch the Michael Vick show!
3. Oh no, not again! (mockingly)
4. Say it ain't so!

And he just repeated these same 4 things over and over again. There was a REAL loud female Cowboys fan down two seats from me, and she was letting everyone hear about it all night long. She was cracking everyone up.

You all saw the game, but I'll make my observations. I don't know what that defense is that we run, but seeing it from above is awful. It's like we're running a cover three or deep quarters, and Ware blitzes but noone watches the area he vacates. If they had just run the rollout to Griffith they could have scored 40 on us. Fortunately, the defense woke up out of whatever funk they were in after the first drive of the second half. Hopefully that will be a turning point for them.

Barber is just a better back. Jones has holes available to him. When they would drive to my end, I could really see them WIDE open. But he doesn't wait, and he goes at them too close to the edge of the hole. Then, he gets taken down too easily. Twice, holes were open for HUGE gainers, and he was taken down by an outstretched arm. What we're doing is working, but I'm starting to think Jones won't have a place here next year, or his place will be different.

After the game was the best. Cowboys fans everywhere hollering to one another. All through that stadium. It was fantastic. Here's some pics, ones that turned out nice. (Sorry about the fuzziness on the players, like I said, they wouldn't let you down close.)






Then I'll put two in the next post, of outside.


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Here's a picture of a group of Cowboys fans right outside the entrance. It was a mob, with some guys waving the Boys flag around. Don't know what Strahan was doing there, though. Maybe he was after More Meat.


Then I went down to meet the players. Not all came out, but of the ones that did, Henry, Ferguson, James, Burnett, Witten, and Crayton all were real great to everyone, talking, and signing things. I was standing next to where Ferguson was the whole time, so he signed my Roy jersey. Some others were out there, like Terry, Hurd, Julius, Barber, Watkins, Ware, and afew others, but they were preoccupied. In the pic below of Feguson, that's his mother next to him, so I got to meet her, too, and actually walked back up from under the building with the rest of his family. They were real nice, and Ferguson and his mother were hilarious. There's a great story there about when TO came out by the bus with those two. Cracked me up.



The Duke
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I want to hear the great story about TO.

Thanks. Nice stuff.


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Good story about TO ? Did he spit on you too ? Call the NFL and complain.


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When TO came out by the bus, of course everyone starts losing their mind. Everyone is yelling for him to come out to where everyone is, so that he can sign stuff or talk or whatever. He was on the phone, and he just stood at the entrance for a second, then walked to the bus. That's cool - whatever, ya know? (At this point noone who was actually there could know about the spitting. We didn't hear about that until we got in our cars.) So, Jason's mom goes, and I'm gonna try to do this verbatum, because the southern dialect made it for me.

"Who is that? That TO? Goooooood lord. No wonder he act a fool, going crazy all the time, people acting like that around him."

That's pretty much all I can remember of what she said, but she did alot of head shaking and eye-rolling with it, which made Jason laugh, too. It was funny. She started crying when Jason had to leave, too, which kind of makes you realize how rarely these guys see their family.

Also, I don't know if it's like this in Dallas, but TO warming up is like the game for everyone in the stadium. It's ridiculous. If he drops a ball, the boos come out, everyone gets on him, if he catches one , everyone goes crazy. (I'm officially on the "Cut him loose" bandwagon. I've had all I can take.


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Great pictures and story. Come to Arlington in September 2009. Our new house will make that place look like a rest stop on I-30. :)


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Good stuff! I've been to 5 away games and have only seen them win one of them -- and that was back in '94 @ N.O. on MNF. I've seen losses in Washington, Baltimore, N.O., and Houston (the 19-10 game).


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Also, while walking up the ramp pregame, we were beside a young boy and his mom - the mom in Cowboys shirt and the boy in a Vick jersey. The boy asked me who was gonna win, and then he looked at me and said "I might be wearing a Falcons jersey because it's the only one I have. MIGHT." ;) That cracked me up. He was undercover, I guess.


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I have only been too one game. It was the season opener in 98 (Gailey's first game) vs Arizona. When Deion came out of the tunnel it sounded like a bomb had went off inside TS. It was pretty cool.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Those are some good stories SP...and being from the south, I know exactly how Fergie's mom said it and the exact manner her head was shaking and whatnot. Really funny stuff. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Every game I go to, I've never seen any of the players after the game, but it sounds like you had a good time.


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Thanks for sharing you story........great job pulling for our boys in the visitors city.......go Cowboys


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WoodysGirl;1242645 said:
Those are some good stories SP...and being from the south, I know exactly how Fergie's mom said it and the exact manner her head was shaking and whatnot. Really funny stuff. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

I love southern people, and their food. We went to a "bar" afterwards, and I could listen to the "waitresses" talk for hours - among other things.

Every game I go to, I've never seen any of the players after the game, but it sounds like you had a good time.

I just asked the service people where they came out, and they were super-nice. (again, I think it's a southern thing. It was unreal how nice these people were.)


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superpunk;1242611 said:
I'm officially on the "Cut him loose" bandwagon. I've had all I can take.

Yeah let's forget this guy's eleven touchdowns and how he changes the way the other team plays defense and cut him loose. I'm sure Sam Hurd will step up.

On another note, sounds like you had a great time. Cool to hear about Fergy and his mom.


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ravidubey;1242784 said:
Yeah let's forget this guy's eleven touchdowns and how he changes the way the other team plays defense and cut him loose. I'm sure Sam Hurd will step up.

Hey, I didn't complain about that, did I? Yay TDs. I'm tired of him, not his production. I'm tired of him coming onto the field separate from everyone else. I'm tired of the Cowboys being the TO show, I'm tired of the critical drops that go along with unnecessary three-TD games against the bad teams. I appreciate his production, and realize that it will be hard to replace. I'm tired of HIM. He's a trainwreck in every sense of the word, and has some serious head problems. That's all.


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Very nice report! Really liked hearing the personal stuff and post game bits. You did a good job with the story....I could definitely hear it. Living in the South most of my life probably helped some. I've enjoyed my visits to Atlanta as well. Been to the stadium there, and it is loud, even when there isn't any football.

Glad it was a fun trip and you got to enjoy a good Cowboys' victory!


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percyhoward;1242837 said:
Great read, sp.


arglebargle;1242838 said:
Very nice report! Really liked hearing the personal stuff and post game bits. You did a good job with the story....I could definitely hear it. Living in the South most of my life probably helped some. I've enjoyed my visits to Atlanta as well. Been to the stadium there, and it is loud, even when there isn't any football.

Glad it was a fun trip and you got to enjoy a good Cowboys' victory!
NP. It was fun to share with everyone. I always enjoy reading people's stuff when they get back and seeing the pics.


The Grand Poobah
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Thanks for sharing your geat evening w/us. Very interesting stuff.

I tell ya man, theres Nothing better than Southern Hospitality......:)

Bob Sacamano

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superpunk;1242790 said:
Hey, I didn't complain about that, did I? Yay TDs. I'm tired of him, not his production. I'm tired of him coming onto the field separate from everyone else. I'm tired of the Cowboys being the TO show, I'm tired of the critical drops that go along with unnecessary three-TD games against the bad teams. I appreciate his production, and realize that it will be hard to replace. I'm tired of HIM. He's a trainwreck in every sense of the word, and has some serious head problems. That's all.
